

  • WOW!!!! Sounds like he is wanting to control you. Perhaps he is insecure in himself and is afraid of losing you when you get all hot and sexy :smile: I think you need to sit down with him and talk this out. Show him what you are doing, the foods you are eating and how you are trying to be healthy so you can have a long…
  • I have found that when I first started doing Zumba I couldn't keep up. I was winded after the 2nd song and had to take frequent breaks. Keep at it. I can now get through a full hour workout and feel like I could do a little bit more. Work at your own pace and don't try to keep up with everyone else that may have been doing…
  • I can definately relate. I'm just coming off of a foot injury and surgery. I couldn't exercise like I wanted for about 3 months. It sucked so bad. I gained back 10 pounds and did a lot of pity eating. (If I'd have stayed on my food plan I wouldn't have gained that much back ) What I was able to do with my trainer was the…
  • Walking is always good. You can walk around the block or around your yard. Also anything you can do at work helps. Instead of taking an elevator, walk the stairs. Part farther away when you shop. Get some hand weights and you can do some strength training with that. Get your family to exercise with you. It's more fun when…
    in Exercise? Comment by cpauscher July 2011
  • Welcome. I'm glad you're here. It's eye-opening for sure when we really start looking at our food habits. It takes time and determination with lots of support to truly change how you eat. Don't get discouraged. Anything that is this important takes time to make it stick. If you would like to add me as a friend, I'd love to…
    in Hello Comment by cpauscher July 2011
  • Hi, I'm 53 and know how hard it is to lose the weight and get back into shape. I'd love to be your friend. Just add me.:smile:
    in new today Comment by cpauscher July 2011
  • If you radically change your eating and activity habits it can cause headaches. Giving up sugar, caffiene, carbs, etc., can cause headaches. Also, exercise can cause them. Make sure you're healthy and don't have high blood pressure. Good luck with your health goals. You're going to do great.
    in headaches Comment by cpauscher July 2011
  • I agree with all of the other messages. One thing I would add--when was your last medical check up. Maybe there is something medically going on.
  • I'm sorry you're struggling right now. I would eat a lot of fruits and veggies to help fill you up. Don't pay so much attention to using up all of your calories, eat healthy and until you're full with good foods. If you feel full and satisfied and haven't used your calories, it's ok. If you would like to add me as a…
  • Congratulations for taking this first step. I'm happy for you. There is so much support on this website. Everyone is so helpful. I have noticed that when you are muscular you do weigh more, since muscle weighs more than fat. It always helps to have a healthy diet as well as the workouts. If you would like to add me as a…
  • Great job. I've noticed that since I started working out my weight loss is not as fast. My trainer told me it's because muscle is heavier than fat. If that's the case, I'll take the; muscle any day. I've had to wear a belt lately or my pants slip down. I can pull them down without unbuttoning them. I'm losing inches and…
  • I agree with the others that have answered. I could not give up my Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, but I don't have them every day and I buy the fun size instead of fullsize. You can eat what you want as long and you don't go nuts with it. Just load up with lots of fruit and veggies everyday. Good luck.
  • Welcome. This is a great site and has a lot of support. Just make friends on here and you can support each other. Good luck on the 100#. You can do it. If you want to add me as a friend, that would be great.
    in New Comment by cpauscher June 2011
  • Great article. It's made me stop and think about my attitude towards a healthier lifestyle.
  • MMMMMMMCoffee, Coffee, Coffee I love it :love:
  • I'm so sorry you're going through so much right now. When our health is affected, especially when we get scary test results, it's so hard to concentrate on anything else. My daughter went through the abnormal pap and she felt the same way you do. She got depressed, started eating a lot and withdrew from everyone. I kept…
  • Way to go!!!!! You are looking great. Keep up the good work. :flowerforyou:
  • This is a comfortable place to talk about your feelings and struggles. It's a great resource for us. I also struggle with emotional eating. I tend to want to eat many times after work. I teach 3rd graders and usually when the last one is out of the door, I want to go for the chocolate. I have found the best thing to help…
  • First thing I thought of was go bowling or another activity you like to do. Also, you can go to a movie, volunteer at a boys and girls club or nursing home. Maybe a weekend away with your husband. Buy something for you or your home you've always wanted that would be fun for your family.
  • Congratulations on the new baby. I'm so excited for you. A new life is always so special and so is his/her daddy for want to change his life. I'm excited for you also as you begin this journey. There's nothing like it. I've lost weight and feel so much better about myself. It will be fun to see where your journey leads.…
  • Good advice. Thanks for sharing.
  • I hope you feel better soon. I used to be a dental assistant and I know how painful dental surgery can be. I like the suggestions of everyone else. You could also have some soft scrambled eggs. V-8 juice. Good luck.
  • I'm glad you're back. You can do this. If you would like to add me as a friend, I'd like that. I'm here everyday and love to learn from others
  • My husband has congestive heart failure which causes him to not be able to have very difficult cardio. He walks at least 30 minutes a day. He used to do a lot more, but is just not able to anymore. My big suggestion to you is to lessen the intensity of your workout to keep it below the target your cardiologist gave you.…
  • Wow!!!! Great job. Keep up the hard work. You are looking great. :happy:
  • The cardio will burn fat and help you lose weight. To tone your muscles you need to do strength training. I go to the Y and use their equipment, but you can do it in other ways. ...... sit ups, push ups, etc. Just be consistent.
  • Thank you so much for the information. I really do love potatoes and have not eaten very many of them since I started tracking my food. At least I'm on the right track with the extra fruits, veggies, and yogurt. :wink:
  • Hi. I'm glad you're here. This is a great site. It's kept me on track and the people that I'm friends with are so supportive. We are all in this together to get fit and healthy. If you would like to include me as your friend, I would love it. Keep up the good work.
  • Sounds like a fun party. I love pizza too. It's hard for me to not eat it until I'm stuffed. Saying to have self-control is like telling me to fly. It's hard. I just try to remind myself of the end result. You can splurge every now and then, but get right back on your plan. Also, eat until you're full, not suffed. That's…
  • Wow!! Aruba sounds like so much fun. I applaud your dedication to maintaing the program that you have been working on. I find that when I'm on vacation I tend to stay pretty active sightseeing, ect. If your hotel has a gym, use it. Also just try to find places that offer more natural and fresh foods. Just enjoy your…