Heart problem, workouts?

Hi folks,

I have had a PAC (premature atrial contraction) issue with my heart for years. A couple weeks ago, I started noticing during my cardio workouts that my thumbs and hands were swelling badly and I could feel really strong palpatations and irregularities in my heart beat. The swelling went down after my heart rate subsided and I put my hands above my heart, but it was definitely worrysome. I saw my cardiologist today and had another EKG done. Apparently, my PAC has caused an atrial flutter in my heart. Essentially, I'm likely going to have to go on anti-coagulants to prevent clots.

This condition is not life-threatening nor will it increase any cardiovascular disease risks, but it does put me in danger of developing clots in my heart and makes cardio workouts where my heart rate is above 160 really uncomfortable. My cardiologist told me that doing any more cardio where my heart rate gets above 130 should be avoided until we get the meds under control.

So, my questions for you MFP folks:

I have a heart rate monitor now, but it just reads a basic calories burned and average heart rate on the screen. I need to get some recommendations on an accurate HRM that will give me an instant reading on my heart rate and some suggestions for some lower-intensity cardio workouts that I can do. Currently, my cardio is 30 mins on elliptical at 150 RPM or on the treadmill at 3.5 mph at 15% incline for 40 minutes. Both of these raise my heart rate into the 160s, well above what the doc is recommending.

The second question is have any of you had problem with PAC's. If so, how do you deal with it?

I have to say I am pretty bummed, but it is what it is, so I'll just have to adjust... :)


  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    The most popular HRM I see on here are the Polar FT4 and Polar FT7.. If you dont mind doing home workout dvds, Leslie Sansone has some pretty good low impact exercises. Hope they figure something out for you and you're able to get back to your normal routine soon. :)
  • cpauscher
    cpauscher Posts: 41
    My husband has congestive heart failure which causes him to not be able to have very difficult cardio. He walks at least 30 minutes a day. He used to do a lot more, but is just not able to anymore. My big suggestion to you is to lessen the intensity of your workout to keep it below the target your cardiologist gave you. It's still going to keep your heart working when you exercise, just not as fast.

    I'm sorry this is happening to you and truly hope and pray that you'll do well with it. If you would like my support you may add me as a friend. Take care and good luck with your journey.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thanks so much guys! I am just really bummed out. I just now really got into my workout stride.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My husband has congestive heart failure which causes him to not be able to have very difficult cardio. He walks at least 30 minutes a day. He used to do a lot more, but is just not able to anymore. My big suggestion to you is to lessen the intensity of your workout to keep it below the target your cardiologist gave you. It's still going to keep your heart working when you exercise, just not as fast.

    I'm sorry this is happening to you and truly hope and pray that you'll do well with it. If you would like my support you may add me as a friend. Take care and good luck with your journey.

    I am really sorry about your husband's CHF. My grandfather has that also, and it's really tough to deal with. I hope he can find some relief. Thank you for your kind words.

    I think I'm just going to have to go longer at a lower intensity level. It'll be quite the adjustment at first, I think.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    The most popular HRM I see on here are the Polar FT4 and Polar FT7.. If you dont mind doing home workout dvds, Leslie Sansone has some pretty good low impact exercises. Hope they figure something out for you and you're able to get back to your normal routine soon. :)

    I don't know how I missed your post earlier but I did! Sorry!

    I'll check those out. The HRM I have now is pretty basic and cheap.

    Thanks for the well wishes!