I guess it's a NSV?

swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
So I was a little discuraged at the lack of movement on the scale, until I had 2 ladies at work ask me what I was doing to lose weight, and telling me it was working. Then I was wearing my favorite pair of shorts yesterday around the house, and without warning, they dropped to my ankles. Call me crazy, but I was pretty proud of that feat.

Anyone else have a moment when their pants fell off their waist and thought it was one of the greatest things EVER?


  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member
    Hahah that's AMAZING!!!! Great work!
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    Hahah that's AMAZING!!!! Great work!

    :] thanks!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Good for you! :smile: Love those NSVs!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    My shorts fell down as I ran across a busy intersection. Thank God I had on panties!
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Oh my god that is awsome.
    Lol but yea I had something similar. Im a nurse and my uniforms have been steadily getting bigger as Ive lost weight anyway my boss had evidently got sick of me pulling them right upaticularly the trousers that she sent me for some new ones. I got them today only to discover that both the both the tunic and trousers of my new uniforms are FIVE SIZES smaller than my old ones no wonder I felt like I was drowning in my old ones. So yay you xx
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Thats is definitely a victory!
    If i my trousers fell down id be like guess i need a belt ^-^
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    I have a 10-week old at home, who was starting to get a bit fussy. I picked him up and began to do the daddy-bounce to try to calm him down a bit. The problem was that I didn't have a free hand to grab my pants, which hit the floor.

    Since it happened in front of my (open) picture window, I don't think I can say it was one of the greatest things ever, (though I do hope my neighbors enjoyed the show.) :blushing:
  • duke520
    duke520 Posts: 30
    Ha! Yeah. Had the same thing happen to me. Got em fresh outta the dryer and thought I didn't need a belt. Later on in the day, the fabric expanded as they cooled and I looked like a thug having to hold my pants up with my hands. Embarassing, but definite self high-five.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I had a cute pair of pants that rolled up to capri's. I wore them once, and they ehh "fit", but weren't big by any means. I took them on a trip with me 3 weeks later, and I went to put them on THANKFULLY before we left to go out, they feel down as soon as I buttoned them. Needless to say, they will be going to the good will!
  • cpauscher
    cpauscher Posts: 41
    Great job. I've noticed that since I started working out my weight loss is not as fast. My trainer told me it's because muscle is heavier than fat. If that's the case, I'll take the; muscle any day. I've had to wear a belt lately or my pants slip down. I can pull them down without unbuttoning them. I'm losing inches and that's awesome to me.

    Keep up the good work.
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    hahah all great stories! keep 'em coming!
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    My shorts fell down as I ran across a busy intersection. Thank God I had on panties!
    this one made me bust out laughing at work, that had to be embarassing!
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    well done, and yes I've done it, whilst carrying my sleeping dd2 (age 2.5) in from the car - I couldn't stop them falling down
    without risking dropping her, fortunatly I manged to get inside the front door and our overgrown hedge hid the rest!
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    Oh my god that is awsome.
    Lol but yea I had something similar. Im a nurse and my uniforms have been steadily getting bigger as Ive lost weight anyway my boss had evidently got sick of me pulling them right upaticularly the trousers that she sent me for some new ones. I got them today only to discover that both the both the tunic and trousers of my new uniforms are FIVE SIZES smaller than my old ones no wonder I felt like I was drowning in my old ones. So yay you xx
    5 sizes?! that's awesome!
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    I have a 10-week old at home, who was starting to get a bit fussy. I picked him up and began to do the daddy-bounce to try to calm him down a bit. The problem was that I didn't have a free hand to grab my pants, which hit the floor.

    Since it happened in front of my (open) picture window, I don't think I can say it was one of the greatest things ever, (though I do hope my neighbors enjoyed the show.) :blushing:
    as long as the police didn't show up, I'd say it was the greatest thing ever! :]
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    Ha! Yeah. Had the same thing happen to me. Got em fresh outta the dryer and thought I didn't need a belt. Later on in the day, the fabric expanded as they cooled and I looked like a thug having to hold my pants up with my hands. Embarassing, but definite self high-five.
    haha, makes me wonder why these "thugs" like that, just seems tedious and annoying.
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    about a month ago i was packing the day before a holiday and found that none of my shorts fitted properly and had no time or money to buy more. i had to turn the waistband over on them all for the whole holiday just to make them hold up.
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    about a month ago i was packing the day before a holiday and found that none of my shorts fitted properly and had no time or money to buy more. i had to turn the waistband over on them all for the whole holiday just to make them hold up.
    new fashion statement? haha, isn't it a wonderful problem to have though!
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    LOL...unfortunately yes! I was walking up the stairs at work on my way to a meeting so my hands were completely full with my notepad, pen, and of course coffee and water. As I got near the top my pants fell down to my knees. Everybody got a good laugh and I still have not lived that down. I went out and bought new pants that night, but now the same thing is starting to happen, I guess I should go shopping before I have a repeat incident!
  • swiss31
    swiss31 Posts: 197 Member
    LOL...unfortunately yes! I was walking up the stairs at work on my way to a meeting so my hands were completely full with my notepad, pen, and of course coffee and water. As I got near the top my pants fell down to my knees. Everybody got a good laugh and I still have not lived that down. I went out and bought new pants that night, but now the same thing is starting to happen, I guess I should go shopping before I have a repeat incident!
    haha! yes you should!
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