Need help!

Ive been on this site for only two days now. Ive been walking uphill 3.5mph & I try for half an hour. Sometimes its hard though. I just wanna know what I can do to target the stomach area, legs & thighs, and butt. If you have any suggestions please dont hesitate and let me know. Also let me know how much & how long should I do them for. Thanks!


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight and drop body fat, just do what you are doing. You can't target or spot reduce.

    Any kind of cardio will burn fat, so pick what you like and have at it! I also recommend some weight training to strengthen and tighten up your muscles all over, that way when your body fat gets low you can see some nice shapely muscles poking through!
  • cpauscher
    cpauscher Posts: 41
    The cardio will burn fat and help you lose weight. To tone your muscles you need to do strength training. I go to the Y and use their equipment, but you can do it in other ways. ...... sit ups, push ups, etc. Just be consistent.