JulieHearts Member


  • Feel free to add... I'm in the same boat. Always been heavier and up/down over the years. Have had good success with MFP in the past, it works and the people are great :)
  • Feel free to add... have always done well when I stick to MFP. It's easy to use :) and the people are great!
  • Have been up and down in lbs many times but always have had success with MFP and having MFP friends. Getting started again (yes its the New Year!) and happy to have new people to journey with.
  • Happy to help and feel the same way. Even a quick 'like' makes a big difference to me. Will send the request along :)
  • Spin spin spin! For me, the time spent spinning it is the most efficient calorie burning workout I have ever done. l find it hard to workout alone and stay motivated so the class setting and excellent instructors, music and varied terrain (flat endurance, heart rate pushing climbs) makes for a great workout. On the flip…
  • Hi there! I'm a nurse who has worked in cardiology for the past 10 years, currently in cardiac rehabilitation where I help patients after hearts attacks, bypass surgery etc. get their risk factors under control and reduce their risks of a second cardiac event. Foods that are in general high in 'bad' fats (saturated, trans…
  • Agree with the magnesium... it will also help you sleep. Try to get Magnesium Citrate (pill form) its absorbed better than other types of magnesium.
  • I agree... having much more success on MFP with my friends support and motivation, and its free!
  • No weight gain for me on Mirena... love it. Have had it one year, no more period. A bit of PMS symptoms each month when my period would come but very mild. One appointment with gyne to have it in... no worries for 5 years, then get it replaced.
  • Just love him :smile: That's what he really needs and you and your fiance can give him that. He needs stability and consistency. I have 3 teenage stepkids whom I care for very deeply. Their father and I try to show them what a healthy loving adult relationship is supposed to be like (they are not really getting that from…
  • They make a super pesto too... Dump it all in a food processor. I use roasted walnuts or almonds instead of the pine nuts and low fat parmesan. Measure in the olive oil til its the consistency you want. Super on pasta! I'm in a CSA in London Ontario and I love it. Can't wait for Veggie Thursday!
  • Here a few thoughts (now I have never smoked but I'm a cardiac care nurse who works with patients every day on smoking cessation). 1) It is not all about will power... nicotine is an addictive chemical and your brain requires it to subside physical cravings. The cold turkey method works for some but for the majority this…
  • Love the support on MFP... helps me stay on track. Will send an invite. Good luck!
  • I don't count vegetables as calories eaten (except for veggies like squash, potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes)... I basically consider them free eats (and I eat lot of them for lunch and dinner to feel fuller). That might free up some calories for you, just an idea :smile:
  • I'm from London and the support on MFP is great! Helps me stay on track. Feel free to add me!
  • From London Ontario... just finished day 5! Feel free to add me. Already finding the 1 friend I have very supportive!
  • Just started this week... starting is the first step. Feel free to add me :)
  • My muffin top says hello to yours and they will say goodbye to each other if we can stick with it! I saw your post title and I LOL'd... it was just what I needed. I'm in the same boat!!! I have used MFP before but I always seem to fall off the wagon... after a few weeks and other times after a few months I say 'I won't…