Hello MFP, goodbye muffin top?

I'm new to MFP, it was recommended to me by my sister, and so far I love it! It's nice having access to the calorie counts for almost every food imaginable and being able to track everything so effortlessly.

With starting a very sedentary job last November, moving in with my BF and the cozy sweaters of winter, 15lbs climbed onto my body and I didn't even realize it until I pulled out my summer clothes last week. Capri's don't look so cute when your belly is hanging over the waistline and the zipper has stress lines :)

Just looking for people to offer tips back and forth in regards to diet and excersize that I will not have to rearrange my entire life for.


  • JulieHearts
    JulieHearts Posts: 31 Member
    My muffin top says hello to yours and they will say goodbye to each other if we can stick with it! I saw your post title and I LOL'd... it was just what I needed. I'm in the same boat!!! I have used MFP before but I always seem to fall off the wagon... after a few weeks and other times after a few months I say 'I won't track just for today...'. Then today becomes a few days, a few weeks and then I am back where I started. Bought a house with the boyfriend 8 months ago... happy :), cooking, decorating, loving it all. Got a bit bored at the gym, wasn't going as often.

    Nonetheless, here we are today and doing what we need to do. My ticker is at 0 lbs and I plan to see it move!!!
    Starting is the first step! Glad you are here! Keep in touch with the community and add me as a friend if you like!
  • angelakj23
    angelakj23 Posts: 51
    I also love the title of your post and your profile pic, cute! I just bought 2 pairs of skinny jeans and they were a little to small, I had the muffin top and they were super tight. I am not going to exchange them though, I am going to use them as motivation. I am right there with you, you can add me if you want. :)
  • Stephie_lee
    Stephie_lee Posts: 22
    I blame living with the boyfriend for at least 50% of the weight gain, it's not his fault though, it's actually mine. My dad's side of the family is from Germany where they say 'the way to the heart is the stomach', so now I'm cooking a lot more meals and it's so good that I eat more than I normally would. When I lived alone I ate a lot more salads, smoothies and lean cuisines. Also spent a lot more time at the gym instead of at home trying to make my 1060's house look better (another aggravation).

    As for the skinny jeans that I have... I'm wondering if I could hang them up on the fridge as a reminder to keep my grubby paws out of there? Out of sight out of mind.

    Good luck ladies, we got this!