

  • Good luck everyone! I've done 3 half marathons and now doing a full - it's 80% mental! The first 6 miles will be motivating and fun, miles 8-11ish are going to be the hardest but after ile 10 you only have a 5K left. You'll be so motivated to finish that you'll plow through. :)
  • Running is seriously 80% mental and 20% physical. I believe that anyone can run but if there is that mental block it won't happen. Try telling yourself how much fun you're going to have listening to your music, people watching or watching TV... this could be good motivation. I also agree with intervals, knowing you only…
  • Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, Off-Spring, Kid Rock, Fall out Boy, Lady GaGa, Shakira, Ludacris, The Killers, AFI, Timberland, Whitesnake, Pink, Foo Fighters, Weezer, 50 Cent, Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Paramore, Pennywise, Bad Religion, Metallica... Hopefully this helps!
  • I think the hardest thing about working out is getting there. Once you're there, you feel sooooo much better. Try to start off slow - wake up two days out of the week early. The next week try 3 - if you find yourself dragging or being too tired think back to the days you actually got up and worked out. You feel so much…
  • Find something you like... there is an activity for everyone. I started training for marathons and before I knew it I was running 10 miles like it was nothing. Maybe yoga or something could get you motiviated. Once you start doing exercises that require a lot of energy you'll see and feel the difference it you're eating…
  • Drink a glass or two of water after your wine. You're only getting the headache because you're dehydrated or it might be the type of wine you're drinking. White wine tends to have a lot of sugar which could do it to you also. Or, if you don't mind taking some Tylenol, pop two with a glass of water before bed and you'll be…
  • Isn't it the dreaded week three on that show where people don't lose as much as the trainer's expect? Maybe its your body adjusting to eveything.
  • I might be too! The girls are doing wine and dessert at a great restaurant tonight. I'm just going to run 4 miles before I meet up and forgo a big dinner... I know, really bad but that wine will make me feel a lot happier with less in my stomach which means I'll drink less. :) Oh the justification for a little indulgence.
  • I personally don't think they give you enough protein on this site. I go over everyday. If you're working out you need the protein because its gonig to help build your muscle. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn.
  • I understand on not being hungry all the time but it is probably stemming from not eating enough. Give it two days of adding in some stuff that everyone mentioned above and you'll find yourself hungry at your normal snack time. As long as those foods are healthy you'll be fine. Plus the more you increase your workouts the…
  • Check out Ebay... I bet you could find a good one for cheap.
  • I tend not to log daily activity. I'm a waitress but usually don't count that. Yes, I'm moving and lifting but my body is so adjusted to it and mentally it might keep me from hitting the gym after if I count that as exercise.
  • Once spicy tuna roll is 270 calories without the soy sauce. Order some edamame before hand unsalted to fill up. Watch out for that miso soup though - low in calories but could contain half of your sodium intake for the day. Combine that with soy sauce and you'll feel extra bloated tomorrow.
    in Sushi Comment by jensocalgirl July 2009
  • Go to They have GREAT easy, low calorie and "cold" meal ideas.
  • Yikes! Its probably from wearing heals. I think you should go to your doctor. They should be able to treat it or maybe give you ideas for cheaper options.
  • Hummus is mashed up garbonzo beans. Be careful though because if you order it at non-authentic Greek restaurants it can be loaded with sodium. I loved mayo so much and was highly disappointed I had to give it up until I started putting hummus on my sandos! SOOOOOO good.
  • Hey there. When I increase my workouts (especially when I start training for a marathon again) I incorporate soooo much more strength training for my muscles. The first month I always "gain" 3 pounds but my inches on my body always decrease. Around month 2 I notice the weight drop. Stick with it... your body is adjusting…
  • Hello and welcome! If you're looking for some support and a buddy when it comes to working out I recommend a kick boxing class, yoga class or anything where you'll see the same people a few times a week. Before you know it you're going out with them and supporting each other when it comes to healthy fun! Good luck and you…
  • Jenni-O Turkey's Web site has a bunch of good recipes... check it out.
  • I schedule my workouts and put it on my outlook calendar. It's like I have an important meeting to go to that I would never miss if it was work related. Plus the hardest part is getting there, but once you're there and finish and exercise you feel 10x better. Also, the more you exercise the more energy you have to continue…
  • I wouldn't. I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to work but I keep it at my same level. As a rule of thumb I never count my work as my workout - even if I climb up and down the stairs to my office 5 times. I think it all balances out because there are the days I don't leave my chair.
  • Yes it matters. Although if you're working out a ton the carbs can be a good thing. I recently decreased my carbs and increased my lean protein intake. It's great because I reduced a bunch of calories, take in less carbs and the protein makes you feel fuller longer. Plus the protein is great for your muscles.
  • When I first started running I found that my breathing was making it more difficult. I started doing yoag and swimming. These two exercises are great techniques for breathing. Plus during the video, I would suggest focusing on consistently breathing throughout. This will keep oxygen flowing to your muscles which will help…