Anyone else training for a half marathon?

Looking for friends with similar goals I ran my first 5k a couple weeks ago and am now craving more. Signed up for a half marathon on June 5th. So anyone training for a run feel free to add me as a friend


  • DisneyAddict23
    I am training for one on May 7th. :) Ran a 5 mile race on Thanksgiving, and started training for this one February 22nd. Nervous and excited!
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    Congrats on the 5k! I'm running my first one is 3 weeks and I'm nervous as hell!! Glad to hear u liked it so much u're taking on a half!!! Great job!!!
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    My half is April 30th. This is my second time running this race.
  • jensocalgirl
    Good luck everyone! I've done 3 half marathons and now doing a full - it's 80% mental! The first 6 miles will be motivating and fun, miles 8-11ish are going to be the hardest but after ile 10 you only have a 5K left. You'll be so motivated to finish that you'll plow through. :)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am aiming to do one in September or October. I am doing a 10k in June and another in September to practice. I am already scared!