Princess_Lee2013 Member


  • I like eating it cold as a salad with greek tzatziki and cucumber/ onion. Another great recipe would be to make stir fry with a light soy sauce, you can eat this plain or as the filling for lettuce wraps Another way I like it -stuffed, so 95% fat free cream cheese and spinach and then cut it into slices and eat that way.
  • yup feel free! You'll see the most useful stuff between January - June last year..happy to provide more ideas and input!
  • HI! I was pretty much exactly where you are in terms of height and weight about a year and a half ago - started at 178 in Sept. 2012 and was down to 120-125 by May. I followed a plan sort of similar to what I"m seeing your types of food choices and was frustrated with seeing slow results. My advice, for the next short…
  • I know what you mean as it's the same in my newlywed household: here are some ways which I manage staying on track with a junk food loving husband: Designate "junk food nights" like maybe one night once a week or every two weeks that you are able to have a calorie splurge on the better part of a pizza, or chicken wings…
  • Hey girl! Good for you for recognizing that it "might" be a problem. Like you, I am part of a social circle of friends that get together and drink numerous times a week. As many indicate here, you may be not be losing weight in part due to your alcohol comsumption, but in my experience there is always a lot of factors at…
  • I agree you can get some great at home workouts in that short period of time - focus on intense quick bursts! Maybe invest in getting some weights for home and pair short cardio drills with strength moves. Example: 1 minute jumping jacks, 1 minute reverse lunges holding weights, 1 minute jumping jacks, 1 minute bicep…
  • Hey girl! regarding your egg issue : I too detest "eggs" .. . but I don't think that's a bad thing because eggs as a whole are not necessarily the best for you as they are high in cholesteral. HOWEVER - i LOVE egg whites. I don't know where you live but if you are near a costco - they have 4 cartons of egg whites for about…
  • October 08, 2013 11:32 amHello everyone! I'm new to MFP, and just wanted some feedback from other women. I've decided I want to start to work out - I have signed up for a new year-long membership at a gym that offers classes, as well as free weights and machines, etc. I'm thinking of doing two hours a night - 15 minutes of…
  • Hello! Here are my two cents on where you're at and just to give you a bit of context I have TOTALLY been where you're at - I tried to get off my excess 50-60 lbs for a few years trying so many tricks for jump starts that included home HCG injections, medically administered injections through a weight loss program, abusing…
  • I would more pay attention to the actual number per day - if you try and stick around 100 carbs you shuld be all good!
  • In response to your questions: 1) You may not burn the same amount of calories during a weight lifting session as you would during a cardio session - but it can have the same or greater benefits to overall weightloss. First of all; your body will continue to metabolize and burn calories after a weight lifting session and…
  • Hey! So I have some comments based on what you wrote here: 1) It's great that you are not going over your daily calories limit, but are you watching the contents as well? I cant' see your diary but if you want to open/add me I'm happy to give comments on the types of calories( foods) you are eating. I know a lot of my…
  • Here are some tricks that I used - I went from close to 180 to about 120 this year and as the weight came off and I started to feel confident and looking dece around 140 it was hard tos tay super focussed to keep going; but I knew that I had to keep pushing and also had a bit of that fear of falling back into old habits.…
  • Hello! good for you for making steps to have a healthier routine and lifestyle! Sounds like you are onto a great thing with the walking and I envy you that you don't have a soda addiction like me!!! With respect to your questions about protein drinks/shakes: The purpose of these shakes/drinks, in my opinon, are to provide…
  • Help :\ I feel helpless like I'll never GET it. I get impatient, start to doubt myself, lose motivation and that's when I fail. Hi! Based on what you have said here; I have some suggestions for you: I definitely know how you are feeling - a year ago at this time I was 178 lbs, feeling extremely helpless and hopless! Don't…
  • Hi! I second the comments about exercise - is this new since you started your program? I completely understand about eating between 12-8 I find that if I start eating earlier than that I am hungry throughout the day; however, I know it is also generally beneficial to get some protein into your body within the first little…
  • I am in an around my goal waist measurement - it used to be 24 and when I started my weight loss last year it was 30 inches around! Now it is 25 so I should be satisfied with that !
  • I agree with this - the protein is too low and you should not worry at all about going over on it. If you don't like seeing the red mark you could also log some physical activiity each day, even just walking or whichever and it lets you consume more protein that way. I would aim for a minimum of 65-70 g of protein. Hope…
  • From family members: "You know your diet will change again after the wedding" Aunt: "you're going to be just like your mum, losing it and gaining it losing it and gaining it!" Then financee now husband reacting to me in a xs pink cami, about 10 lbs out from goal " you're just not there yet" Husband: "if you go out and…
  • I could not agree more with the comments that are offered on here, especially since it has having a clear, positive impact on your health. Especially since there are children involved: taking care of yourself and being healthy is the best thing you can do for your children. My sense is insecurity plays a role, as well as…
  • Regular consumption of alcohol!
  • 1 - don't keep chocolate in the house 2 - my sense is that you likely are hankering for "something sweet" after dinner - something like chocolate - that gives you the sense of "can't have just one" is not ideal. Like for me if I were to have one hershey kiss for example - that is NOT going to cut it and I'll end up eating…
  • Very similar to the person that started this thread .. Female 27 yrs old Highest weight: 178 lbs Lowest weight 112 lbs Current weight: 143 lbs Goal weight (by July 2013) 110-120
  • Low carb worth it for you : I would say "NO" Reduced carb worth it for you "DEFINITELY YES" According to the marksdailyapple website - consumption of 200 carbs per day is in the "steady insiduous weight loss" range. If you were to reduce to about 100-150, which I think you could still easily do as a vegetarion, you'd be in…
  • sounds yum !
  • Some low carb favourites : 100 g of raw shrimp (don't know where you live), 1/2 cup cucumber, onion and 1/2 tbsp low fat mayo, option of dill and lemon. One of my favourites. Weekly nighttime staple - 3/4 cup egg whites, 1/2 cup spinach and 1 oz feta. about 2 carbs for the meal deli meat rollups - ask for turkey deli meat…
  • Hi! I have a few suggestions for you - while it looks like you are doing GREAT and I would definitely keep up the consistency and heathy mind frame you're going about your weight loss in for a long term win - here are some quick things that I do when I want to up it to a 2 lb per week loss - Watch carbs in addition to, or…
  • Lunchtime - I love sandwiches too! I don't know where you are located but Silver Hills Little Big Bread has made me so much happier in my weight loss journey! It's essentially one piece of sprouted grain bread cut in half so you can put your fillings in between and it's like having a whole sandwich with the bread of half!
  • Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays at night at the gym on a pretty high tech digital scale! At night because that's when I am there and when I weighed myself to count my "starting weight". This shows me my progress throughout the week. But then once a week on Saturday I peel myself out of bed and go weigh myself on the same…