where am i going wrong?



  • electricmeow
    electricmeow Posts: 68 Member
    Eat less protein! 10% max
  • Mbierschbach
    Mbierschbach Posts: 94 Member
    Eat less protein! 10% max

    Based on WHAT?!?!?!

    That's ridiculous. My diet is 40% protein 40% carbs 20% fat based on my heavy weightlifting regiment, interest in retaining muscle, and general personal preference. Some may say I only need 1g per lb of lean body mass which should put me in the 28-30% protein range - but at least that's based on something. Don't tell someone to eat 10% of their calories in protein with no basis whatsoever.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member

    NRG fuel girl power meal replacement Shake & Piece of fruit

    Hard Boiled egg

    Chicken Salad

    Handful of nuts

    Salmon with veggies

    2 rye crisp bread with 2tbsp low fat soft cheese

    Green tea 3-4
    Water/ Lemon water

    Tuesday :
    Porridge oats with mashed banana


    Tuna sandwich on wholemeal bread.

    Boiled egg

    1 150g grilled fillet steak + wedges, baked. Add Salad.

    Bowl of fruit with 2 tbsp of fat free yoghurt

    Green tea 3-4
    Water/ Lemon water

    Brankflakes with Strawberries

    Handful of nuts
    Greek salad pita
    1 pitta + 50g low-fat feta, ½ red pepper, 1 sml red onion + cucumber.


    Grilled chicken with veggies

    Low fat Yogurt

    Green tea 3-4
    Water/ Lemon water

    NRG fuel girl power meal replacement Shake & Piece of fruit

    Hard boiled egg

    Jacket potato with Tuna

    Fruit Salad

    Homemade chicken curry

    2 rye crisp bread with 2tbsp low fat soft cheese

    Green tea 3-4
    Water/ Lemon water

    Porridge oats with mashed banana

    Piece of fruit

    Chicken salad

    Handful of nuts

    Chicken stir-fry


    Green tea 3-4
    Water/ Lemon water

    Saturday :
    Scrambled egg on whole meal toast

    2 rye crisp bread with 2tbsp low fat soft cheese

    Chicken salad pita


    Homemade beef burgers

    Homemade Cheesecake tartlet 90 calories
    Water/ Lemon water
    Diet soda


    Grilled bacon & mushrooms


    Sunday lunch



    2 rye crisp bread with 2tbsp low fat soft cheese
    Water/ Lemon water
    Diet soda

    Sounds like ok food choices but without seeing the calories and what your goal is it doesn't provide much value.

    Remember, you can eat the best quality diet food that exists, but if you are eating more calories than you are burning then you will gain weight. You can literally lose weight from just eating twinkies if you eat at a deficit (ignoring the obvious lack of vital nutrients)
  • csy108
    csy108 Posts: 58 Member
    Eat less protein! 10% max

    So 90% fat and carbs put together? It'd be pretty hard to eat a sufficient amount of calories while severely limiting protein rich foods in favor of those with a lot of both carbs and fat. So I shouldn't eat 600 calories of skinless chicken breast and cottage cheese, but I could eat 600 calories of toast with butter? What's supposedly healthier about that?
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    Right sorry let's clear a few things up here...

    I have just came off juice plus programme , which was rubbish I only lost 6lbs then following weeks gained.
    I am currently 175pounds (12stone 5) I'm am overweight for my height 5ft 6 19years
    My goal is to loose 28lbs so I'll be 10stone 5
    I'm am just about to start that plan I made, so I don't know for sure how many calories I will be netting yet .
    But for me personally I need something to follow or I will just pick something up unhealthy and probably lots of calories!

    I will be weighing my food..
    I am struggle on doing my macros and understanding what my TDEE is .

    I am going to circuit training classes, 3 times a week 60mins each time ( just started this last week) I am planning on doing some swimming also, find things hard to juggle as I work 9-5 at a desk all day which is draining.

    I have tried all sorts of fad diets , weight watchers Ect.

    I really need some help to start getting me loosing weight and becoming healthier . I would say my main problem is I find it harder to stick to things on weekends
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    The main point of losing weight is how much you eat, in calories. It doesn't need to be a fad, as you figured out - those don't work. The food ideas you listed sound fine. As does any other food choice. The important detail is to eat enough to fuel your body, but be at a deficit.

    TDEE is a bit confusing for me to. You can use MFP guidelines - it goes by your height, weight, goal and gives a recommended calorie amount to consume. For your height/weight perhaps 1 pound per week is appropriate. Then eat back some of your exercise calories, as you feel is appropriate.

    As to weekends - don't worry so much about what you eat, but perhaps be more cautious of the portions. Eat less. That's the key.
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    MFP was limiting me to 1200 calories , I was told this was too few x
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    MFP was limiting me to 1200 calories , I was told this was too few x

    MFP told you to eat 1200, plus every thing you burn from exercise, so if you burned 600 cals one day MFP would tell you to eat 1800.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    MFP was limiting me to 1200 calories , I was told this was too few x

    And I am guessing that you told MFP that you wanted to lose 2 pounds per week. Change this to 1 pound - this is a reasonable goal.

    Get your new calorie goal. Stick to this and then you need to eat your exercise calories back. If you burn 500 calories from your 60-minute crossfit session then eat back 250 more calories for the day. Most calorie burn trackers are off a bit so you don't want to eat all the calories burned back.
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    So if my BMR is 1587 calories and my TDEE is 2182 calories ... Calculated from http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/

    Which ones do I follow the BMR or the TDEE ?
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hi Amb, your food choices look great. What you need to do next is allocate portion sizes so that you come in just below your calorie goal. I don't worry too much about my macros at this stage. For example, a month in and I'm starting to think about upping my protein.

    You also need to think about how you will measure the calories earned from exercise (I did as I was told and bought a Heart Rate Monitor, about £50 from Halfords) and then how you will eat most of those calories back. Perhaps you can plan some post-workout snacks?
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Here's where you're going wrong: you're focusing on the quality of your food and ignoring the quantity.

    If your goal is to be healthy, you need to do both.

    Your food choices look great to me, way more nutritious than my diet! Now that you've got that down, it's time to focus on the quantity of food you eat.

    Here are some places to start:
    1. Weigh, measure and log everything that passes your lips, and do it accurately.
    2. Choose a method, TDEE or MFP or a hybrid, and stick to it.
    -MFP works better for people whose activity level varies on a daily/weekly basis and know how many calories they burn from exercise.
    -TDEE works better for people whose activity level is consistent or don't have an accurate way of logging exercise calories, it's also simpler to follow once you figure it out.
    -The hybrid is taking your TDEE as sedentary, and using MFP to log and eat back your exercise calories. This one is good for people who don't have as much weight to loose or who would have calorie goals under 1400 by the MFP method. MFP doesn't allow for much flexibility, deficit-wise.
    3. Have patience! It takes weeks to see results.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Open your diary if you want useful help.
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    Right I'll open my diary you'll find I havnt logged properly lately & if I have it's been rubbish.. I need to restart everything...

    I've set MFP to lose 1lb a week which has gave me goal calories of 1470calories ... So do I eat my 1470calories then if I burn 600 calories I eat some back?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Right I'll open my diary you'll find I havnt logged properly lately & if I have it's been rubbish.. I need to restart everything...

    I've set MFP to lose 1lb a week which has gave me goal calories of 1470calories ... So do I eat my 1470calories then if I burn 600 calories I eat some back?

    Oh. Well, that's where you're going on.

    Consistency and compliance are king.
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    See diary from 28th & 29th April that's when I was doing my juice plus .. I was not eating back any of my exercise calories ..
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    See diary from 28th & 29th April that's when I was doing my juice plus .. I was not eating back any of my exercise calories ..

    One or two days of eating well isn't going to do much. I'm not sure what you were expecing.

    This takes a long time. Hit your calorie goal every day, not a few days a month
  • Princess_Lee2013
    Princess_Lee2013 Posts: 48 Member
    HI! I was pretty much exactly where you are in terms of height and weight about a year and a half ago - started at 178 in Sept. 2012 and was down to 120-125 by May. I followed a plan sort of similar to what I"m seeing your types of food choices and was frustrated with seeing slow results. My advice, for the next short while, eat low carb breakfast / dinner and minmize sugar and fruit. I have put lots of family members on my plan and they have all seen great results! Also, as many others have said, watch your portions and be honest about them to yourself, I took a set of measuring spoons/cups to work, and used the other and a food scale at home.

    Here is an example of a recommended day.

    Breakfast: 1 cup of egg whites with a wedge of laughing cow cheese and green onions (or green onions and .75 oz feta)
    cherry tomatos or grilled sliced tomatoes. Coffee or tea.

    Morning snack : tea misto - with nonfat milk and splenda if you need it.
    Apple if you need it.

    Lunch: lean turkey meat or 1/2 a can of tuna with light mayo on a sprouted grain bread LITTLE BIG BREAD or WEIGHT WATCHERS BREAD. 2 slices of these breads = 1 of a regular whole grain bread!

    afternoon snack if you need it - celery and a low fat / low carb dip.

    Dinner: 100 g (not 150) of white fish or chicken with veggies grilled or sauteed in PAM spray. Veggies should be water based like asparagus, spinach, brussel sprouts, cabbage, or some carrots etc. . . I tried to avoid salad at night because i found it added excess calories cuz i can't do without dressing.

    Dessert - jello cup with 95% fat free cool whip or a 100 calorie oreo stick (my guilty pleasure! i had almost every night ! eek!)
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    It's not just 1 or 2 days of eating well I have been doing it for a while just not logging it .. Probably why I'm not loosing anything because I've probably had more calories...

    I am so determined to loose weight I really need to start loosing some I have an operation in August want to be fitter for then , and obviously carry it on after my op
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    HI! I was pretty much exactly where you are in terms of height and weight about a year and a half ago - started at 178 in Sept. 2012 and was down to 120-125 by May. I followed a plan sort of similar to what I"m seeing your types of food choices and was frustrated with seeing slow results. My advice, for the next short while, eat low carb breakfast / dinner and minmize sugar and fruit. I have put lots of family members on my plan and they have all seen great results! Also, as many others have said, watch your portions and be honest about them to yourself, I took a set of measuring spoons/cups to work, and used the other and a food scale at home.

    Here is an example of a recommended day.

    Breakfast: 1 cup of egg whites with a wedge of laughing cow cheese and green onions (or green onions and .75 oz feta)
    cherry tomatos or grilled sliced tomatoes. Coffee or tea.

    Morning snack : tea misto - with nonfat milk and splenda if you need it.
    Apple if you need it.

    Lunch: lean turkey meat or 1/2 a can of tuna with light mayo on a sprouted grain bread LITTLE BIG BREAD or WEIGHT WATCHERS BREAD. 2 slices of these breads = 1 of a regular whole grain bread!

    afternoon snack if you need it - celery and a low fat / low carb dip.

    Dinner: 100 g (not 150) of white fish or chicken with veggies grilled or sauteed in PAM spray. Veggies should be water based like asparagus, spinach, brussel sprouts, cabbage, or some carrots etc. . . I tried to avoid salad at night because i found it added excess calories cuz i can't do without dressing.

    Dessert - jello cup with 95% fat free cool whip or a 100 calorie oreo stick (my guilty pleasure! i had almost every night ! eek!)

    Thanks this helps alot . Can I ad you and check out your diary for more ideas? X