where am i going wrong?


NRG fuel girl power meal replacement Shake & Piece of fruit

Hard Boiled egg

Chicken Salad

Handful of nuts

Salmon with veggies

2 rye crisp bread with 2tbsp low fat soft cheese

Green tea 3-4
Water/ Lemon water

Tuesday :
Porridge oats with mashed banana


Tuna sandwich on wholemeal bread.

Boiled egg

1 150g grilled fillet steak + wedges, baked. Add Salad.

Bowl of fruit with 2 tbsp of fat free yoghurt

Green tea 3-4
Water/ Lemon water

Brankflakes with Strawberries

Handful of nuts
Greek salad pita
1 pitta + 50g low-fat feta, ½ red pepper, 1 sml red onion + cucumber.


Grilled chicken with veggies

Low fat Yogurt

Green tea 3-4
Water/ Lemon water

NRG fuel girl power meal replacement Shake & Piece of fruit

Hard boiled egg

Jacket potato with Tuna

Fruit Salad

Homemade chicken curry

2 rye crisp bread with 2tbsp low fat soft cheese

Green tea 3-4
Water/ Lemon water

Porridge oats with mashed banana

Piece of fruit

Chicken salad

Handful of nuts

Chicken stir-fry


Green tea 3-4
Water/ Lemon water

Saturday :
Scrambled egg on whole meal toast

2 rye crisp bread with 2tbsp low fat soft cheese

Chicken salad pita


Homemade beef burgers

Homemade Cheesecake tartlet 90 calories
Water/ Lemon water
Diet soda


Grilled bacon & mushrooms


Sunday lunch



2 rye crisp bread with 2tbsp low fat soft cheese
Water/ Lemon water
Diet soda


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    well if htat is what you have eaten in the last week...without seeing the calories, weights ect we can't say.

    Perhaps open your diary.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Just tell people how many calories a day you need to maintain, and how man you ate.

    What you eat doesnt quite matter.
  • norcalskater
    norcalskater Posts: 194 Member
    Where are you going wrong with what?
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    What is your goal? How tall are you, what do you weigh, and do you know your BF%? Do you know your TDEE? How many calories are you netting per day? What are your workouts and how many calories do you burn? Do you have any known medical issues?
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Need more info...

    What is your current height/weight/age and how many pounds per week did you set up MFP as your goal to lose?
    What is your MFP recommended calorie goal per day?
    How many calories are you eating, and for the food list you entered: how do you log portions? Estimating, weighing, something else?

    How long have you been at it?
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    What is your goal? How tall are you, what do you weigh, and do you know your BF%? Do you know your TDEE? How many calories are you netting per day? What are your workouts and how many calories do you burn? Do you have any known medical issues?

    ^^^ This - How much of that food listed are you eating, I mean what are your portion sizes?

    You didn't tell us what your problem is.
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    What is your goal? Lose Weight- Body Fat
    How tall are you: 5 ft 6
    what do you weigh- 175lbs (12stone 5 )
    BF%? 33.6%
    Do you know your TDEE? BMR is:1587Calories/Day TDEE is:2182Calories/Day << dont really know much about this only found out about it yesterday
    How many calories are you netting per day? 1400
    What are your workouts and how many calories do you burn? 3 times a week - circuit training- intense
    Do you have any known medical issues? no medical issues
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member

    Homemade Cheesecake tartlet 90 calories
    That must be the smallest cheesecake in the world if it's 90 calories!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    What portion sizes??????????

    I like all you choices, but it's all about calories in and out.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    What is your goal? Lose Weight- Body Fat
    How tall are you: 5 ft 6
    what do you weigh- 175lbs (12stone 5 )
    BF%? 33.6%
    Do you know your TDEE? BMR is:1587Calories/Day TDEE is:2182Calories/Day << dont really know much about this only found out about it yesterday
    How many calories are you netting per day? 1400
    What are your workouts and how many calories do you burn? 3 times a week - circuit training- intense
    Do you have any known medical issues? no medical issues

    You still didn't say what the problem is, and we still don't know what your portion sizes are. Open your diary because a week of vague information in your OP just won't cut it.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    What is your goal? Lose Weight- Body Fat
    How tall are you: 5 ft 6
    what do you weigh- 175lbs (12stone 5 )
    BF%? 33.6%
    Do you know your TDEE? BMR is:1587Calories/Day TDEE is:2182Calories/Day << dont really know much about this only found out about it yesterday
    How many calories are you netting per day? 1400
    What are your workouts and how many calories do you burn? 3 times a week - circuit training- intense
    Do you have any known medical issues? no medical issues

    ok.....now what is it you are having problems with? How long have you been working at your diet/fitness? What do you do for exercise (how many days/how long)?
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member

    Homemade Cheesecake tartlet 90 calories
    That must be the smallest cheesecake in the world if it's 90 calories!

    http://www.cleaneatingmag.com/recipes/vegetarian/cheesecake-tartlets/ <<< recipe!!
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    Sorry think ive confused you all by my header...

    looking on advice on my choice of food.. just starting out ... i have been on juice plus didnt work out for me.

    once i do that what ive planned i will open my dairy.

    Sorry for confusing :flowerforyou:
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    How much you eat is more important than what you eat.

    You need to figure out your BMR and TDEE and then take off 10% (for 1 pound per week) for calorie deficit. Can't figure out your TDEE if we don't know how much you exercise.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Sorry think ive confused you all by my header...

    looking on advice on my choice of food.. just starting out ... i have been on juice plus didnt work out for me.

    once i do that what ive planned i will open my dairy.

    Sorry for confusing :flowerforyou:

    Choices of foo don't really matter, as long as you get your minimum protein, minimum fat intake and eat at a deficit. That said, do you weigh all of your solid foods and measure the liquids? If not you are probably eating 10-50% more than you think you are.

    You may be burning less cals than you think too, most calculators tend to over estimate caloric burn.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    How much you eat is more important than what you eat.

    You need to figure out your BMR and TDEE and then take off 10% (for 1 pound per week) for calorie deficit. Can't figure out your TDEE if we don't know how much you exercise.

    10% off of her TDEE would be slightly less than 0.5 lbs/week (210 cals/day), typically 20% off of TDEE is 1lb/week but will vary depending on your TDEE
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Sorry think ive confused you all by my header...

    looking on advice on my choice of food.. just starting out ... i have been on juice plus didnt work out for me.

    once i do that what ive planned i will open my dairy.

    Sorry for confusing :flowerforyou:

    Is your goal to lose weight?????? Still haven't answered that question. If it is--

    Eat a reasonable calorie deficit.

    Eat significant protein and lift for muscle retention.

    That's it. Don't worry about the actual foods you eat.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Your food choices look decent, but it's hard to tell without seeing your diary and knowing quantities. The amounts you're eating matter - for example, you have a lot of foods that contain protein listed, but if you're only eating 3oz of chicken and not hitting your protein goal, that's not good. How you get to your calorie, protein, fat, carb, and micronutrient goals is a lot less important than meeting those goals.

    You said you eat 1400 calories a day when your TDEE is nearly 2200. You should be eating closer to 1750 with a high level of protein to prevent muscle loss. You said you're doing circuit training - I assume it's a resistance circuit, which is also important for muscle retention.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    How much you eat is more important than what you eat.

    You need to figure out your BMR and TDEE and then take off 10% (for 1 pound per week) for calorie deficit. Can't figure out your TDEE if we don't know how much you exercise.

    10% off of her TDEE would be slightly less than 0.5 lbs/week (210 cals/day), typically 20% off of TDEE is 1lb/week but will vary depending on your TDEE

    Thank you - I got it confused in my head... LOL
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member

    Homemade Cheesecake tartlet 90 calories
    That must be the smallest cheesecake in the world if it's 90 calories!

    http://www.cleaneatingmag.com/recipes/vegetarian/cheesecake-tartlets/ <<< recipe!!
    As I said the smallest cheesecake in the world.