Is low carb worth it? BTW I am a vegetarian

I haven't lost much weight since the start of the year, perhaps 5 lbs or so, which is starting to get discouraging. I admit that I am not 100% consistent, but I am slowly changing things. I was wondering if It's worth it give a low carb a try. I average 200 carbs per day now, which has been working in the past, but not so much anymore.

Oatmeal for breakfast, black bean soup for lunch, apple for snack and ~2 oz pasta. I know in some magazines they recommend 75 carbs, is it worth it to try? Also I am a vegetarian so, I know that low carb can be harder.

Has anyone tried this or have advice. I also will say that I exercise only 3 hrs of intentional exercise per week, so maybe I don't need all of that energy.



  • aemerso1
    aemerso1 Posts: 6
    I know low carb works for some people, but for me personally, I know it is not something that I would (or could for that matter) do for the rest of my life, mainly because I like carbs too much. And since this is a lifestyle change, I don't want to establish unrealistic goals. However, you could balance out your carbs by incorporating more protein and fats into your diet. I am also a vegetarian, but I eat a lot of tofu, soy, beans and eggs for protein. For fats I eat avocado and nuts (especially almonds). A;though I do not limit my carbs, I make sure that the majority of them come from fruits and veggies. It is also good to make sure that you are eating whole grains and limiting the refined carbs/sugars.

    Hope this helps some!

    Different things work for different people, though!
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    low carb makes me a fussy baby
  • darla499
    darla499 Posts: 402 Member
    I did the low carb thing for awhile, and granted, I did lose weight quickly. I am also a vegetarian.

    However, the low carb diet is not a realistic, long term goal for me. It's can't be incorporated into my life for the long haul.

    And after losing all that weight, I've plateued. I was on about a 4 month plateau. I think my body had to play "catch up."

    I'm eating normally again and I've started losing weight again. Slower, for sure, but I'm satisfied with my meals and I can see myself maintaining it as part of a lifestyle change.

    Good luck, whatever you decide to do.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think if you enjoy nuts and seeds, it's possible to stay lower on your carbs if you are vegetarian. Nuts and seeds are pretty much proteins/fats, and it's easy to reach your calorie goal with them to make up for the missing carbs. Personally, I would never even try low carb. I don't think it would be worth it for me.
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for the comments. I agree it is about a lifestyle change and not just the weight. I have tried low carb before and I was not only fussy but a total *kitten* to everyone around me. Slow and steady is best. I am going to try to add more healthy fats and proteins and try to make tweaks until I get to that level where I am consistently losing
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    Good to read your post. I'm a new vegan and my carb count jumped with my diet change. I have done low carb law fat (South Beach Phase 1) and lost a lot of weight very quickly. Just not a life choice, definitely a quick fix. I am struggling to get my carbs down to a manageable level. I have been eating only whole grains, fruits and vegetables for a long time now. Best of luck to you.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You would have to be in a calorie deficit to get thatt few of carbs and remain vegetarian I would imagine...take a look at your workouts...maybe you need to change those up.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    People LOVE their carbs, but honestly do not need as many as they think they do, or choose to eat.

    Ive been plateaued for a year, started following a lowER carb/green veggie and protein rich diet and finally started seeing movement again. I will emphasize that I have a history of yo-yoing on atkins, but what I am doing today is a whole different universe away from that!

    Total carbs (including my veggies- complex carbs) my day end up around 120 grams.
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    When I was a vegetarian I tried going low carb two days a week. I was grumpy and didn't lose any weight. It made me fall off the wagon completely. Most veggies, beans, grains have carbs. Carbohydrates come from plant foods, and you are left with cauliflower, cheese, berries and eggs. Try cutting back just a little, maybe 150g/day?

    In my nutrition class we learned that the body burns carbs for energy first, then fat, and then protein. Carbs not only prevent protein from being burned for fuel, they also help your body burn fat more efficiently. The RDA for carbs is 130g, which means that your body needs that at minimum to function normally. Carbs aren't the devil, they are just a scape goat :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't want to hijack the thread, so if you prefer to answer me in a PM that's cool. I am just trying to wrap my brain around HOW a vegetarian would be low carb when the bulk of your food is purely carb sources (fruits/veggies)? I am nowhere near vegetarian and don't plan to ever be, but just curious how this works...unless your definition of "low carb" is not as "low carb" as I imagine it to be.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    1) it does not result in any better fat loss
    2) its really hard as a vegetarian to go really low carb.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    In all honesty, I don't know how you could survive as a vegetarian doing low carb. During that time period the sun rose and set on Bacon.

    Just watch your calories and you should have success
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    I don't want to hijack the thread, so if you prefer to answer me in a PM that's cool. I am just trying to wrap my brain around HOW a vegetarian would be low carb when the bulk of your food is purely carb sources (fruits/veggies)? I am nowhere near vegetarian and don't plan to ever be, but just curious how this works...unless your definition of "low carb" is not as "low carb" as I imagine it to be.

    If you ate dairy products, eggs, and maybe fish it could be doable... But it is awful and I don't recommend it!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I admit that I am not 100% consistent, but I am slowly changing things.

    Go for consistent caloric deficit first and foremost, before you start eliminating things you like to eat (the more we restrict, the harder it is to stick with a plan, right?).

    However, SOME people (myself included) do find that by cutting some carbs, which tend to be higher in calories and less nutritious, they just naturally consume fewer calories in a day, and have more room in their caloric "budget" for more lean proteins and veggies.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    i stopped losing weight after hitting 55 lbs and changed my diet to low carb.Since then, i have lost 30 lbs in 8 weeks upto now so obviously i love it and i'm even considering making it into a lifestyle.And yea i am a vegetarian mostly, though i eat meat like once a month
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    I don't low carb and I'm not vegetarian but I've considered both. I eat low carb meals sometimes. I couldn't do a true low carb diet as they can be higher in fat and salt than I am comfortable with. However, I don't believe that you can eat anything as long as you stay within your calorie goals. I've found I gain everytime I eat white bread and pasta so you could try just cutting out those to see if it helps? I'm fine with potatos. Haven't eaten rice in a while but I'm looking for alternatives now I want to try quinoa but I can't find it here. I still eat wholegrains in the form of cereal. I think you will be fine. If you were to low carb properly you'd have to cut nuts and beans which would be difficult.
  • sarahlyardley
    Hi all, I recently started a low-carb diet and I am a semi-vegetarian (I eat seafood about 2x/month, chicken about 1x/month, and the occasional turkey bacon).

    For me, it's important to have a variety of things to snack on, like different types of cheese, vegetables, nuts, hummus, peanut butter, etc. Plain greek yogurt with splenda makes a nice sweet snack. I found some great meal recipes on The recipe glossary has a key that labels low carb, vegetarian, gluten free, etc. Last night I made the Portobello Mushroom Pizzas - you turn large portobello mushroom caps upside down, put some tomato sauce on them, add cheese and toppings, and cook in the oven. They were really good!

    I wish you all the best!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I haven't lost much weight since the start of the year, perhaps 5 lbs or so, which is starting to get discouraging. I admit that I am not 100% consistent, but I am slowly changing things. I was wondering if It's worth it give a low carb a try. I average 200 carbs per day now, which has been working in the past, but not so much anymore.

    Oatmeal for breakfast, black bean soup for lunch, apple for snack and ~2 oz pasta. I know in some magazines they recommend 75 carbs, is it worth it to try? Also I am a vegetarian so, I know that low carb can be harder.

    Has anyone tried this or have advice. I also will say that I exercise only 3 hrs of intentional exercise per week, so maybe I don't need all of that energy.


    How many calories are you eating a day? If that's all you eat sounds like well under 1200, which might be why your weight isn't moving. You might need to eat more.

    I eat low carb (Primal, which is meats, veggies, occasional fruit, seeds and nuts, fermented dairy and I add in beans.) I've had good success losing fat at around 100g carbs per day. And I am 6'3 and weight 295 (down from 320 or so)

    I also strive to avoid sugar and artifical sweeteners and my fat loss went into overdrive when I put that final change in.

    And I'll second Sarah and say that portobello mushrooms rule. Marinate the in oil and balsamic with some garlic and grill them like a hamburger for a real treat.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    No. Prepare to be cranky with permanent headaches and dizziness. Not worth it IMO.
  • Princess_Lee2013
    Princess_Lee2013 Posts: 48 Member
    Low carb worth it for you : I would say "NO"

    Reduced carb worth it for you "DEFINITELY YES"

    According to the marksdailyapple website - consumption of 200 carbs per day is in the "steady insiduous weight loss" range.

    If you were to reduce to about 100-150, which I think you could still easily do as a vegetarion, you'd be in the sweet spot for effortless weight loss (according to the site), 60-100 would accelerate and minus 50 would put you into "ketosis and accelerated fat burning" but you'd be limited as a vegetarian for sure!

    My recommendation - don't know what you're eating exactly - but still cut down on breads and pastas - PORTION CONTROL Whatever bread/pasta/cracker/rice/carb substitue you're eating.

    Also, watch for the carbs in sugary veggies like carrots, dense squash, eggplant, avocado.

    Think lunch of like three cups of spinach with bell peppers, walnuts, sprinkle of fruit or some feta and a homemade dressing.

    I know that lots of people say that low carb gives you headaches and dizziness but honestly, in my experience this has just been the very initial stage of withdrawal and after that you experience nothing of the sort - in fact have tons more energy due to the heavy carbs not weighing you down - and are excited and motivated by the accelerated weight loss, which - also in my experience - has NOT been water weight ...and I have been able to maintain advances from low carb periods even when upping the count during a weekend or special occasion.

    Good luck! And feel free to add me or I can look at your diary and see if I have any suggestions?!