Jaulen Member


  • I started IP on August 15, as of today down 16 pounds. Have another 30 pounds I would like to lose And I have not stuck to plan perfectly (I eat cooked onions! and don't really pay attention to measing the limited veg or the oil). I've also had a couple of cheats....like 1 small milk chocolate ball a couple of times, and…
  • When I was a teenager, I'd eat an entire box of Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls. Then get sugar sick.....I leared if I FROZE them, I could eat TWO boxes before I'd start feeling ill. And wash them down with a diet coke of course!
  • Finished my third playthrough of DA:I, needed a break...so I decided to boot up Mass Effect, but since I got a new laptop (specifically for the DAI release) I've had to go back and redownload and install some mods. ME with the HR texture pack.....it's like a different game! And Shep actually looks good in game!
  • Since I played through both games MANY MANY times, I don't bother with 'watch the movie' aspect of the Keep. But I've used it to set up each worldstate I want to import into a new DA:I playthrough. Love that it makes it so easy to do those choices that I would never take in game.
  • Geologist.....and hopefully by the end of the year a licensed Engineer. And a Pirate wannabe.
  • I'd parrot what others have said. Just make a plan, do stuff with friends (like on a new machine) until you feel comfy with it, ask for help from a trainer getting set up....and then just pop on the music and ignore everyone. I can say from all the gyms I ever went to the only people I ever stared at was: 1) the gym…
  • Yeah, sorry. The only way you'd ever get me to run is if a grizzly was chasing me....and maybe not even then. I'd probably lay on the ground after about 5 steps and say "Just eat me and get it over with" I hate hate hate running, especially if it's just from point A to point B with no reason behind it. Now running when…
  • You can pickle without sugar.....like kosher and dill pickles. (bread and butter pickles are a type of pickles that have sugar) You cannot pickle without salt. (I make my own pickles and 'kraut in crocks/buckets then can in quart jars) You could make a 'mock' pickle.....soaking in vinegar (made with kholorabi or jicima is…
  • Bumping this 'cause it sounds yummy. I love large meals like this where it can be for dinners and or lunches. (I do the eating well vegetable soup pretty often) How do you think it would freeze?
  • I don't by any seafood product that says it's from Asia anymore. They ALL seem to have that weird taste, shrimp from there is really bad/funky tasting too.
  • Tilapia is a good versitile cheap fish. But i found the stuff you can get at Walmart/sam's Club kind of tastes like pond water. Not suprising since it's a farmed fish from Asia (horrid fish farming practices there, and surface water quality). We almost gave up eating tilapia, but I found another brand that was slightly…
  • The BMF Calorie Limit is baed on your target daily calorie burn (total daily energy expenditure), minus what you set your weight loss to be. MFP Calorie Limit is based on your base calorie burn (bmr) based on what activity level you put in. Then they minus calories from that...that's your calorie goal.....so then if you…
  • I have one too...and this is what I started to do this week: 1) record my activity here at MFP so I can see what 'bonus' calories I might earn (since MFP setting are you eat your exersice calories back) 2) then when I do after i upload my BMF data, I change the calories burned for my recorded activities to 1 calorie.…
  • Week #1-Lazy me Week #2-Goal: 300 total/140 left Mon: 40 min Tues: 40 min Wed: 50 min Thurs: 30 min (so far) Fri: Sat: Sun:
  • I was mesmerized by those dancing bananas.....I'm in....late. Week #1-Lazy me Week #2-Goal: 300 total/190 left Mon: 40 min Tues: 40 min Wed: 30 min (so far) Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun:
  • Holy MoG, the reviews are PRICELESS! Must order some and give to my ex-boss.
  • I'm going to say instead of feeling guilty over what I did eat, I'm guilty over what I didn't eat......I had a decent lunch planned out, but then got too busy to go eat it....so...snacks from the mini-fridge at work.
  • Question for you with the whole 'I'm losing at 1000 calories'...well of course you are.....but...to maintain that weight loss, do you want to stay at eating 1000 calories for the rest of your life? No? Didnt think so. Follow what Geekyjock76 said. And at 1000 calories, you aren't building muscles.....the weight you've…
  • *laughs*
  • Beets (they taste like dirt...personally I think my 5 yr old who loves beets is nuts) and okra (Yuck to deep fried, and any other way it's like snot)
  • This is the main cookbook I use for bread machine breads. http://www.amazon.com/Bread-Lovers-Machine-Cookbook-Perfect-Every-Time/dp/155832156X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1384888274&sr=8-1&keywords=bread+machine+cookbook
  • I have a bread machine....and will use that to fully cook the bread, or just use it to mix and rise the bread, then bake it in the oven (bought a pullman loaf pan earlier this year....love it for perfectly square sandwhich style loaves). Just started making my own sourdough breads. I have the La Brea bakery cookbook, and…
  • pop... Soda is an adjective...soda water...soda pop...soda fountain.... :wink: I do remember being in the south and having them reply, when I said I wanted a Coke, ask "what kind?" Me...thinking different flavors of Coke? Asked "What do you have?" to get the response "Pepsi, diet pepsi, root beer, 7-up, orange...."
  • Oh, I am going to have to try these. Sweet potatoes, parm cheese, chickpeas? Some of my favorite things to eat! never would have thought of turning them into a croquette.
  • Why? If my husband didn't help with laundry he'd be going around nekkid.
  • Need the butter to coat the flour for a roux. (Added: Just looked at your ratios....and usually when I make a roux it's 2x the flour for the fat.) Add slightly more flour, go with 2% milk (or half and half), 2% parmesean cheese (but the good stuff really makes the flavor), let cook down a little longer. And if still not…
  • i must be the only person who thinks something like a banana with chocolate powder mix for milk (it's not chocolate flavored powdered milk....it's just chocolate powder with sugar and other stuff) sounds disgusting. but now a frozen banana dipped in dark chocolate and rolled in nuts? Yum! I will have to try the banana…
  • I usually make a pork kale and white bean soup. but we also sautee it, or wilt it like we would spinach. i'll have to try that pilaf recipe up thread.