


  • nmiller0903
    Most people feel that way, when first going to a new place (new job, new gym, new school). it's a little tougher when you're doing something you perceive as putting you in the spotlight. You really just have to get out there and do it. After the first few times, you'll find you feel much more comfortable and don't even notice the other people. Put on your headphones and get your music going, walk to your machine and get going. Don't even think about the other people. you'll get right into the groove soon enough.

    I see what you mean. I guess its just because its a change. With every change it takes time to adjust. I'm making it a point to go myself tonight- Crowded or not!! my first mini goal :) Thank you!!
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member
    I always go to the gym on my own, none of my friends are remotely interested in keeping fit. Plus it is a very small gym and due to my working hours, start work too early to go before hand (they are closed) and finish work late so it is alway busy when I get there. So basically I stick my head phones in, do my thing (I have 3 different plans written ahead of time that I rotate), crack on and leave. I don't actively ignore people there, but keep myself to myself and everyone else pretty much is too involved in their own exercise to pay me much attention.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I'd parrot what others have said.

    Just make a plan, do stuff with friends (like on a new machine) until you feel comfy with it, ask for help from a trainer getting set up....and then just pop on the music and ignore everyone.

    I can say from all the gyms I ever went to the only people I ever stared at was:
    1) the gym bunnies who come in and are all made up and never actually get on a machine to do anything, they are just there to troll for guys. SMH.

    2) the meatheads who are at the free weights power lifting making loud grunting noises and lifting until the point they are puking.

    3) The people who use really bad form at the weights on on the machines. To the girl on the stairmill who's leaning her whole upper body on the machine.....why bother? To the guy on the weights with bad form trying to look all cool lifting'll get better results at lighter weights and proper won't injure yourself....and you'll actually be working out the muscles you are aiming for.

    People I glance at:
    1) Old people...I think, if they are here moving, there is no ecuse for me not to be either. There was this old guy who would come and just walk the track....pulling his little oxygen I'd feel bad missing a day when I saw him.
  • nmiller0903
    how come no ones looking at me in the gym? you must be hogging all the attention

    LOL honestly- I highly doubt any single person is looking at me. Its just a weird feeling I get.

    PS. Sorry for hogging all the attention LOL
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I agree with Jo, walk in with a plan of action and get 'er done. I'm so focused that apparently my fiance's cousin has seen me at the gym repeatedly and I have yet to notice. I'm on a mission, I don't have time to fart around. And don't forget your headphones!

    Well even if you do have time I wish you wouldn't fart around the gym that's just not right! May I suggest to fart around in a clothing store(kids section is always fun) and walk away silently like a stealthy ninja then wait for it. Generally you will hear some thing funny even if your half way across the store as the kids are very vocal and entertaining. Grocery stores can be fun too but please not at the gym.. :smile:

    AWESOME! haha

    If you want to be taken seriously and are offended when some posters accuse you of being a troll, you could at least take the time to respond to those people who took the time to give you a serious response to your original question.

    i find that that is usually the case- poster asks for advice, only responds to the sarcastic/negative comments. it's why so many people have gotten disillusioned with the forums.
  • RunBakeLove
    RunBakeLove Posts: 101 Member
    I think this has less to do with the gym and more to do with yourself. I belong to a Planet Fitness as well and have heard nothing but terrible things about how judgy they are there but have never experienced it. Maybe I am lucky or maybe it is because I just don't pay attention. It is that simple. Don't go at night, don't go when it isn't crowded. Just go and keep going and eventually you will tackle this fear and forget that it ever worried you.

    Everyone in the gym is there for the same reason, to work out. I have felt that way before, like everyone is watching, but I don't think as many people are paying attention as you think. And those that are, are just trying to tear other people down to make themselves feel better. You got this!

    "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    When I'm in this type of mindset (whether going to the gym, or anywhere there's a lot of people, I remind myself of one truth:

    Nobody gives two craps about what I'm doing. You are completely meaningless to them all. They're more worried about what everyone else is thinking of *them* to give a crap about what *you* are doing or what *you* look like.

    I don't know what the culture of PF is, but I work out at 24 Hour fitness and all of the gym goers there are "mind their own business" types and it makes it easier to just think of myself as invisible.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I'd parrot what others have said.

    Just make a plan, do stuff with friends (like on a new machine) until you feel comfy with it, ask for help from a trainer getting set up....and then just pop on the music and ignore everyone.

    I can say from all the gyms I ever went to the only people I ever stared at was:
    1) the gym bunnies who come in and are all made up and never actually get on a machine to do anything, they are just there to troll for guys. SMH.

    2) the meatheads who are at the free weights power lifting making loud grunting noises and lifting until the point they are puking.

    3) The people who use really bad form at the weights on on the machines. To the girl on the stairmill who's leaning her whole upper body on the machine.....why bother? To the guy on the weights with bad form trying to look all cool lifting'll get better results at lighter weights and proper won't injure yourself....and you'll actually be working out the muscles you are aiming for.

    People I glance at:
    1) Old people...I think, if they are here moving, there is no ecuse for me not to be either. There was this old guy who would come and just walk the track....pulling his little oxygen I'd feel bad missing a day when I saw him.

    look at this... someone judging others at the gym. gym bunnies? meatheads? people exercising and you're there looking at them and going "why bother?"

    you know, i'll admit that i used to think a lot like you. and sometimes i'll find myself relapsing into old thought behavior.

    i used to walk past the people on the elliptical and i'd scoff and think "the mice are on their wheels." but then i sprained my ankle, and couldn't run for 8 weeks, and when i was finally cleared to start working out, all i could do was the elliptical. so i felt a little humbled there on the machines.
  • nmiller0903
    I like the idea of writing down my game plan for the night. I really thank each and every one of you who commented. You all gave me really great tips. We are all there for the same thing. I am just gonna go in and zone out in my music. No one said this was going to be an easy journey but it will get easier day by day. It's kind of childish for me to not go because I am worried about what people will think. I am only hurting myself by not going.
  • Watermelon398
    Watermelon398 Posts: 37 Member
    I know the feeling. I was very scared to even sign up for a gym at first. And then I was scared to go in the free weight area. And most recently I was scared to swim in the pool. Last Sunday, I was also anxious and red faced because there was a tri-athalon club practicing in the pool (like over 50 people standing around/swimming) while I was there. I'm a very big person and being around the skinny-minnies (who all work very hard, props to them) can feel intimidating.

    Every time I get anxious or scared I just remind myself that nothing bad is going to happen to me, and that I am doing this for my health. I also remind myself that getting on the treadmill/into the weight room/in the pool is the very best healthiest thing I could be doing for myself and that if somebody has a problem with the way I look doing it then that is entirely THEIR problem because I'm focused on my fitness goal.

    Also note that it gets easier. The second, third, or fourth time you go alone will be easier than the first.
  • nmiller0903
    An to be 100% honest, the older generation at the gym gives me motivation. If they can do it, why cant I?
  • Luciewithienoty
    Luciewithienoty Posts: 15 Member
    The biggest thing I have come to realise - the only person most people look at in the gym is themselves!
    I don't think I've seen anyone kiss their biceps yet, but lots of them want to, you can just tell by the adoring way they're looking at them when they think no one is watching;)

    I guess this is my flippant way of telling you, they're minding their own business - and if they are looking at you, maybe it's because they like your shoes :)
  • Watermelon398
    Watermelon398 Posts: 37 Member
    I am almost ALWAYS the fattest girl in the gym, in the weight room, and in the pool. And if I can do it being as big as I am, I'm sure you can (you look so cute in your blue dress) :)

    Just force yourself there once, and then the second time it'll be easier because hey! you already did it!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    i used to walk past the people on the elliptical

    I would just steer clear from lilRicki if I were you. smiley-fart006.gif
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    If I have learned anything from reading these forums, it's that people are incredibly self conscious when it comes to going to gyms or working out. Post after post has people worried about others looking at them when they workout or run. A concept completely foreign to me and something I never realized was so prevalent.
    I wish there was a simple answer to give peopel to over come that fear. I think a lot more people would exercise consistently if this was the case.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I feel the same way. But I guess we have to remind ourselves why we are there. For US? or for THEM? US!!!
    I'm a great day!
  • nitah1013
    nitah1013 Posts: 12 Member
    I feel the same exact way when I go into the Gm to do weight training......if its just cardio I am fine....but messing with the weights I get discouraged and just end up doing cardio.
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    I've been using the Pop Sugar Fitness app on my phone/tablet to help with a "plan" (I need structure!)

    That's helped when I get to a busy cardio room and the stationary bikes are all by their lonesome. It's free to use, and there are tons of different plans/videos/guides on there!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    You could try canceling your membership and using those slim wraps around your waist instead.

    Or try wearing sunglasses and neon clothing with tight fitting yoga pants to work out in.

    Looking like everyone else will help you blend in.

    Also making eye contact with the mirror and staring at yourself or one other person in particular will help keep you from looking around.

    The good news is I think that gym serves pizza and bagels so you can eat that with the other members and maybe bring some soda and ice cream in, as a treat.

    If that was a joke, so be it- but the rudeness of this comment certainly wasn't necessary. Isn't this a place for support instead of cracking jokes?

    There is nothing rude about it.

    Yoga pants and neon clothing is very popular in the fitness world at this time.

    We're just trying to be helpful.
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I always go alone to the gym. It's my time! I warm up on the treadmill or elliptical and while I'm doing that, I look around at the equipment to see my plan of action for the day. I make a plan, then go directly to each machine. That why you don't have to wonder around and you know exactly what you want to do. Good luck, and just GO!