NZhellkat Member


  • Congrats that is awesome. Keep it up.
  • Crescent scar on the middle knuckle of my right hand - sociopath older sister bit me right through to the bone. Small crescent scar on forehead - wrapped the garden hose around the letterbox and after mum smacked me I spun out the other way and ended up in the rose bush needing stitches. Three inch scar on my right ankle…
  • I have read a prior posting you did and I was amazed then. Now I wish you could see me give you a standing ovation. You are truly inspirational. Congrats on what you have achieved and maintained once you hit goal. I look forward to hearing how the 1/2 marathon goes. Thank you.
  • I don't have a bad habit. No food or drink is off limits to me. There is a lot of food and drinks that I choose not to indulge in often because they no longer fit my healthier lifestyle. I enjoy knowing that I will never "fall off the wagon." Some days I have to exercise a little more to make the macros work. Works for me.
  • Wow, fantastic effort so far have resulted in an awesome change. Congrats on your success so far.
  • Congrats on this. It is a wonderful feeling. But it can suck when it's a favorite pair that keeps going south like that.
  • I add red, yellow and orange peppers to mac & cheese, stir fries, fried rice, pizza, salads, sauces, stews, casseroles, just about anything you want that uses vegies.
  • Fantastic NSV lady. Here's to many more. :drinker: :drinker:
  • My BIL posted a study on FB that showed that consumption of margarine irriates the arteries with allows the build up of cholesterol. If I could find it I would post the link. Again natural vs. man made.
  • I have always drunk milk. Either straight, with my coffee, with chai tea, smoothies, milkshakes, booze shakes, with my cereal or oatmeal.
  • Put lots of conditioner on his hair, wait for half hour or so, then use a lice comb to remove eggs and lice. The conditioner softens the glue that holds the eggs and stuns the hatched lice. Then add teatree oil to his shampoo so that it keeps them out. Worked with my kids.
  • I believe it's called COMPROMISE. My hubby knows if he doesn't like what I make, which is seldom, then he is free to make his own meals. Just as I am free to make myself something different if I don't like what he makes, which is seldom as well. Thankfully he is not nor has been a man-child. On the rare occasion that I…
  • Crap need a night stand. Yeah so nothing yet.
  • The Op did not attack 1200 calorie dieters. Those 1200 dieters that are posting here got highly defensive. When I first started here it set my calories to 1210 a day. If I had not been working out as much as I was I would have gone hungry. I have since upped it twice. I'm only 5'3" and I do not use that as a reason as to…
  • Fantastic transformation. You look great.
  • To the OP, thanks for the collection of testimonials of people who tried the 1200 calorie "diet" and came to the realization that there was a better way to achieve what they needed that actually worked. Did I think you were preaching? Um...NO. Just highly informative. I have learned to take what I need from an article and…
  • 1/ Not on a diet, it's a lifestyle change/ adjustment. 2/ Eat whatever I want. I'm here for a life time not for a short time. 3/ Smaller portions. 4/ Changing up fav foods to a healthier version. 5/ Drink lots of water. 6/ Exercise - not for weight loss but because I feel so much better after I do. 7/ Limit sodas to only…
  • New Balance are pretty good especially if you have a wider foot. I loved my pair.
  • Oh yeah that's what I'm talking about.
  • After some catnip, this is Timi my American boy. Renee is our New Zealand girl.
  • I want some cheesecake. But only if it's made with Bailey's. Mmmmm...........:heart:
  • I'm fractionally taller than you and twice your age. My weight got as high as 245-50 lbs. CW is 188 and I'm aiming for 165 for my first goal then taking a look at 145.I have a medium frame and I have a lot of muscle due to genetics so I'll never weigh in the "healthy" range. But I don't care about that. Do what you want…
  • Just to play Devil's Advocate here, too much protein is worse than not enough. Your body will dump the excess protein in your urine. Which adds unnecessary stress and possible damage to your kidneys. So play it safe when you adjust your protein levels. Having said that, I have just upped my protein intake.
  • I got my stuff from The Warehouse in New Zealand. That was about 13 years ago and the pants are still in excellent condition as are the tops. I've only had to buy sports bras. These pants have stretched to fit me at 245lbs and now I'm down to 188lbs and they still fit. By the time I get to my first goal they may not unless…
  • One ounce One pound, it all adds up to a happy you. Congrats on your successes so far.
  • Thank you for sharing this. Brought a huge smile to my face. My then 17 year old daughter told me she wanted me to be around just in case she decided to have kids. Told me that they deserved to have their Grandmother so please start making better choices. That was over two years ago. Love hearing all the other posts too.
  • Spam mail: Do you want to increase the sized of your P***s? :huh: Um....nope cause I don't have one of my very own. And Hubby needs no help with his either. Epic Fail. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Happy Birthday lady, you look Fan-friggin-tastic. Congrats on your success.
  • Taken from Wikipedia: STARVATION RESPONSE - Starvation mode is a state in which the body is responding to prolonged periods of LOW ENERGY INTAKE LEVELS. During short periods of energy abstinence, the human body will burn primarily free fatty acids from body fat stores. After prolonged periods of starvation the body has…