Still think your 1200 or less diet is a good idea?



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Yeah, I do.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    See i struggle hard with this not sure why any way i can meet my calories and still keep my other macros right please feel free to look at my diary i really need the help i know eating too little is bad
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Just a little bit more of everything you're eating now. If you want some cake and ice cream... go for it. If you don't, don't. Have a couple extra ounces of chicken at dinner, a larger serving of vegetables, a normal serving of pasta or rice, an extra slice or serving of cheese, an extra egg with breakfast, an extra half cup of cereal, or supplements like protein bars or shakes.

    The biggest thing is to plan your day with the amount you'll burn with exercise in mind, so it's just a matter of "eating," not "eating back." Don't wait until the end of the day to try to make up the difference. Make sure you're using your food diary to plan your meals, not just record them.

    Thanks! That is deft something I try to do. And I *do* eat cake and ice cream on ocassion just not everyday, but I deft partake if it's a special occassion. I'm working on it tho lol. I got a Bodymedia a few weeks ago and while I have it linked to my phone I can see at dinner time if I need to eat a little more or have a reasonable dessert to try to stay at my suggested deficit.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    Who is 'MAKING FUN' of those eating 1200 cals??? Jeezus Christ. This is all just information for people to process. If you are one of the people who take personal offense to other ideas being presented - DON"T READ THE THREAD. lol. This is getting ridiculous. No one is forcing anyone here to do anything. It is called debate, people.

    If it were about information, this nonsense wouldn't have appeared on the first page of this thread:
    I wonder how long it will take the "but it worked for me" crowd to jump in and start whining about how we are all mean, judgmental haters who need to stop worrying about everyone else BLAH BLAH BLAH...................................

    See? Do you see? On the first page all we see is cheering for the data that confirms they are right and eye-rolling at the mere possibility of being subjected to data that disagrees with them. Then somebody posted, "But it worked for me," sarcastically and was applauded for the joke.

    Yes, they were mocking us before we even showed up.

    So, no, this absolutely is not an atmosphere of open debate and information sharing. Not even close.
  • ktrichards06
    Look at how chronic undereating turned out for these people...
    I think you may have missed a few threads. :laugh:


    I feel bad for these people who ate so little, but it gave me a good laugh too because of how people were saying please eat more, or the 600 calories you ate all day, I ate for just my one meal today! lol
  • lenap73
    lenap73 Posts: 11
    Are you serious?
    Try profession bodybuilding forums.
    Quality of food matters a heck of alot more than quantity. Professional athletes have proven this.
    For the record, there is no food I don't like which is one of the reasons I am where I am!
    The bread on a bacon cheese burger, the processed cheese and the bacon are all bad for you. (white bread, fake cheese and enough sodium and nitrates to kill you.
    It's crap crap and crap.

    That's actually not true at all. Most professional athletes eat high calorie foods in order to *maintain* their weight. There is *nothing* unhealthy about white bread, and who the hell said that I would *EVER* put fake cheese product in my food? I use sharp cheddar TYVM! And there's NO WAY to get enough sodium in one meal to kill a person. That's simply not true. You need to do some research.

    ETA: And FTR, I don't actually eat cheeseburger, but I do enjoy a bacon cheeseburger pizza from time to time. :bigsmile:

    I personally know professional athletes. They both have a cheat day where they indulge in the real yummables :drinker:
    But for the rest of the time, white bread is bad for your glycemic index. it's made of simple carbohydrates which digest quickly, giving you a burst of insulin which if it is not used up as energy will quickly turn into fat.
    Thumbs up on eating real cheese!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Are you serious?
    Try profession bodybuilding forums.
    Quality of food matters a heck of alot more than quantity. Professional athletes have proven this.
    For the record, there is no food I don't like which is one of the reasons I am where I am!
    The bread on a bacon cheese burger, the processed cheese and the bacon are all bad for you. (white bread, fake cheese and enough sodium and nitrates to kill you.
    It's crap crap and crap.

    That's actually not true at all. Most professional athletes eat high calorie foods in order to *maintain* their weight. There is *nothing* unhealthy about white bread, and who the hell said that I would *EVER* put fake cheese product in my food? I use sharp cheddar TYVM! And there's NO WAY to get enough sodium in one meal to kill a person. That's simply not true. You need to do some research.

    ETA: And FTR, I don't actually eat cheeseburger, but I do enjoy a bacon cheeseburger pizza from time to time. :bigsmile:

    I personally know professional athletes. They both have a cheat day where they indulge in the real yummables :drinker:
    But for the rest of the time, white bread is bad for your glycemic index. it's made of simple carbohydrates which digest quickly, giving you a burst of insulin which if it is not used up as energy will quickly turn into fat.
    Thumbs up on eating real cheese!!

    Glycemic index is irrelevant to someone with no insulin resistance issues, like myself.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Well, if you like the fact that 3 eggs and a piece of toast is already 1/4 of your daily calories then by all means continue eating 1200 calories. If you HONESTLY think you can live like that FOREVER then go for it. You have been informed and directed to look into an alternative way to arrive at your goal--the choice is yours BUT I am pretty stoked that a holiday meal won't do me in and a birthday party isn't a source of anxiety. Life is about balance and 1200 calories doesn't offer you much of that--that's why you have the freakout threads when someone has a celebratory dinner and cannot for the life of them figure out what to do. Eventually most people will want MORE...when your social life becomes adversely impacted by your fixation on adhering to what is generally not enough food then you might reconsider.
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    To the OP, thanks for the collection of testimonials of people who tried the 1200 calorie "diet" and came to the realization that there was a better way to achieve what they needed that actually worked. Did I think you were preaching? Um...NO. Just highly informative. I have learned to take what I need from an article and apply it to my life if it is a good fit with what I am doing. The rest is just food for thought and is easily put aside. I have found that if I close my mind to new things then I will not grow. Being open to them does not equate with incorporating them into my life.

    I find it fascinating to see so many people get so defensive about their 1200 calorie diet. If it's the right thing for you to be doing then there is no need to defend it. How much I eat is my business. How I choose to change my life style is also my business. I do read the posts in the forums to better educate myself but I see no reason whatsoever to defend what I do. I just do it. I adjust it when I need to. I try different things to see what effect they have on me. And I just do it.

    From the many posts I have read I have come to some conclusions about myself. I am not naive, I do not have a love-hate relationship with food, I do not and have not looked at my body with disgust - more a disappointment that I didn't take better care of it, I am not chasing a number - I just want to be fitter than I was, and that I can trust my own judgement. I do not look to others for validation, I am more compassionate about other people's struggles hence the reason I do not reply to all of posts I read - I keep my big mouth shut. My opinions about other people are my business, I do not need or want to air them to the world unless they are positive. Geeze I finally went and did it, I friggin grew up. Who would have thunk it.

    Well that's my two cents worth.
  • lenap73
    lenap73 Posts: 11
    Are you serious?
    Try profession bodybuilding forums.
    Quality of food matters a heck of alot more than quantity. Professional athletes have proven this.
    For the record, there is no food I don't like which is one of the reasons I am where I am!
    The bread on a bacon cheese burger, the processed cheese and the bacon are all bad for you. (white bread, fake cheese and enough sodium and nitrates to kill you.
    It's crap crap and crap.

    That's actually not true at all. Most professional athletes eat high calorie foods in order to *maintain* their weight. There is *nothing* unhealthy about white bread, and who the hell said that I would *EVER* put fake cheese product in my food? I use sharp cheddar TYVM! And there's NO WAY to get enough sodium in one meal to kill a person. That's simply not true. You need to do some research.

    ETA: And FTR, I don't actually eat cheeseburger, but I do enjoy a bacon cheeseburger pizza from time to time. :bigsmile:

    I personally know professional athletes. They both have a cheat day where they indulge in the real yummables :drinker:
    But for the rest of the time, white bread is bad for your glycemic index. it's made of simple carbohydrates which digest quickly, giving you a burst of insulin which if it is not used up as energy will quickly turn into fat.
    Thumbs up on eating real cheese!!

    Glycemic index is irrelevant to someone with no insulin resistance issues, like myself.

    I give up...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Are you serious?
    Try profession bodybuilding forums.
    Quality of food matters a heck of alot more than quantity. Professional athletes have proven this.
    For the record, there is no food I don't like which is one of the reasons I am where I am!
    The bread on a bacon cheese burger, the processed cheese and the bacon are all bad for you. (white bread, fake cheese and enough sodium and nitrates to kill you.
    It's crap crap and crap.

    That's actually not true at all. Most professional athletes eat high calorie foods in order to *maintain* their weight. There is *nothing* unhealthy about white bread, and who the hell said that I would *EVER* put fake cheese product in my food? I use sharp cheddar TYVM! And there's NO WAY to get enough sodium in one meal to kill a person. That's simply not true. You need to do some research.

    ETA: And FTR, I don't actually eat cheeseburger, but I do enjoy a bacon cheeseburger pizza from time to time. :bigsmile:

    I personally know professional athletes. They both have a cheat day where they indulge in the real yummables :drinker:
    But for the rest of the time, white bread is bad for your glycemic index. it's made of simple carbohydrates which digest quickly, giving you a burst of insulin which if it is not used up as energy will quickly turn into fat.
    Thumbs up on eating real cheese!!
  • juliette28
    Thank you for posting. I've been such a "good" dieter over the years, such willpower (but the weight never stayed off)...had no idea what I was doing wrong until I joined MFP.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I think this very bizaare anti 1200 thing is a little odd and just not very nice. Instead of attempting to make fun of your fellow fitness pal's why not offer support. This site was created so people on similar journeys could support each other, not poke fun, as fatties surely we get enough of that in everyday life.

    To quote everyone's mother, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"

    Han x

    Here's another quote, from the schoolyard: "Mind your own beeswax."

    It's one thing when people come to the forum ASKING for advice. (usually provokes the same sh*tstorm but whatever), but why does someone -- out of the blue -- find it necessary to post his personal collection of links in order to put down anyone out there who is happily eating 1200 cals and losing weight.

    Here's what kindergarten teachers used to say to my son: "Wil, worry about Wil!"

    Taso, worry about Taso!
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    :flowerforyou: :noway: :grumble: :explode: :laugh: ....:smokin: lol
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I find it fascinating to see so many people get so defensive about their 1200 calorie diet. If it's the right thing for you to be doing then there is no need to defend it. How much I eat is my business. How I choose to change my life style is also my business. I do read the posts in the forums to better educate myself but I see no reason whatsoever to defend what I do. I just do it. I adjust it when I need to. I try different things to see what effect they have on me. And I just do it.

    And it's NOT fascinating to see 1200 calorie dieters attacked for no reason at all? If you think it's wrong, don't do it! But there's no need for this CONSTANT DRUMBEAT which totally ignores the differences in SIZE, AGE, GENDER, ACTIVITY LEVEL between people and just tarnishes everyone who is happy with 1200 cals alike.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    with so much time on your hands, You could also do a search and find lots and lots of success stories of people eating 1200 cals and losing heaps of weight.

    No thanks, we'd rather eat and be healthy.

    Can any of you on the calorie police show us a diet of whole foods (cause we are aiming for healthy right?) that is say 1800 calories even. Whole foods being defined as nothing with more than one ingredient. And none of that fat free or reduced fat stuff either.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    This thread is an example of all things wrong with MFP....DB Central up in here.

    It's like a bunch of AA members saying that drinking alcohol is dumb....Duh, thank you oh wise one.....
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    Who is 'MAKING FUN' of those eating 1200 cals??? Jeezus Christ. This is all just information for people to process. If you are one of the people who take personal offense to other ideas being presented - DON"T READ THE THREAD. lol. This is getting ridiculous. No one is forcing anyone here to do anything. It is called debate, people.

    If it were about information, this nonsense wouldn't have appeared on the first page of this thread:
    I wonder how long it will take the "but it worked for me" crowd to jump in and start whining about how we are all mean, judgmental haters who need to stop worrying about everyone else BLAH BLAH BLAH...................................

    See? Do you see? On the first page all we see is cheering for the data that confirms they are right and eye-rolling at the mere possibility of being subjected to data that disagrees with them. Then somebody posted, "But it worked for me," sarcastically and was applauded for the joke.

    Yes, they were mocking us before we even showed up.

    So, no, this absolutely is not an atmosphere of open debate and information sharing. Not even close.

    No. Wrong. What that poster is indicating with that comment, is the proven history that EVERY time someone posts a thread about EATMORE, they are shot down and told, 'who do you think you are to tell me what to do???? whaahhh, whaaahh, whahhh'. And then the pissing match begins. I just do not understand how anyone who is completely satisfied with what they are doing gets themselves soooo bent out of shape when others write a thread about an alternative.

    But ya. Whatever. I know why I read these threads and why I find them interesting and informative. I have the ability to discard what I don't believe works for me. I also have the ability to ignore people who write things in forums I do not agree with. I have the ability to debate intelligently or allow myself to get so emotionally over-invested that I lose sight of the actual point.
  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    Is it just me or do the angry 1200 cal dieters seem a little...cranky and hungry??

  • LesleyGillan
    It worked for me in the past, but I didn't form the habits needed to maintain the weight loss.

    VLC diet= quick but not long term results!