Please stop saying everything is starvation mode...



  • EdwarddeVere
    I swear if I see one more thread where someone says that someone is in "starvation mode" because they missed snack 2 or are eating 1200 calories a day I am going to have a melt down.

    You have to not eat ANYTHING for 72 hours for your body to to into starvation mode and start turing to muscle to for energy. And even then the effect is pretty minima. Martin Beckham does a great job of laying out all the research on his web site

    so if you skip breakfast you are not in starvation mode...if you do not eat an apple at 2pm you are not in starvation mode.

    There are plenty of people out there (myself included) who skip breakfast, train fasted, and have our largest meal post workout and we are not in starvation mode. I have lost 3% body fat using leangains 18/6 which is an 18 hour fast and a six hour eating window.

    Under eating can lead to a possible plateau but it does not mean you are in starvation mode.

    Please... Tell us when we can.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    The My Fitness Pal site doesn't help this conversation in that when you finish entering your food diary for the day, even if you are below your calorie target by 50 calories, it warns you of going into starvation mode.

    This was mine last night, when I was at 1145 calories out of 1200:

    "*Based on your total calories consumed for today, you are eating too few calories. Not only is it difficult to receive adequate nutrition at these calorie levels, but you could also be putting your body into starvation mode. Starvation mode lowers your metabolism and makes weight loss more difficult. We suggest increasing your calorie consumption to 1,200 calories per day minimum."

    I see no problem with that message. Maybe I'm in the minority but I'd rather err on the side of caution and address undereating head on so that it doesn't become routine.

    UMMMMM but it is not starvation mode...

    I don't really care--it's a matter of semantics...a technicality. The message is not improper. So I don't get hung up on "starvation mode"'s easier for MOST people to understand than going into the science of metabolic adaptation and hormonal issues associated with undereating.

    hey people used to think the world was flat and that was a matter of semantics too...or they thought the earth was at the center of hte universe..again semantics....

    you really think those are equivalent semantical errors?
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    "starvation mode' is an excuse people use to eat more often. Starving would be good for a lot of people.

    REALLY? Last I checked the major principle underlying "starvation mode" has nothing to do with meal frequency and is almost entirely based on caloric intake.

    Nope. Its based on thousands of years of evolution before there were McDonalds in the lower income areas on every corner or Whole Foods in the rich suburban areas.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Let's face it---fat people are never "truly hungry". takes some adjustments to be able to listen to your body. I believe that I am now appropriately hungry at mealtimes. For the beginners--cut them some slack---they too will be in the promised land and know that their protestations of "starvation" were ridiculous. It's something they will be able to laugh about later. In the meantime just try to show some compassion. Onward to one-der-land :smile:
  • claretaclara
    claretaclara Posts: 43 Member
    On time (: Thank uuuuuuuu :D
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    "starvation mode' is an excuse people use to eat more often. Starving would be good for a lot of people.

    REALLY? Last I checked the major principle underlying "starvation mode" has nothing to do with meal frequency and is almost entirely based on caloric intake.

    Nope. Its based on thousands of years of evolution before there were McDonalds in the lower income areas on every corner or Whole Foods in the rich suburban areas.

    huh? please elaborate. There seems to be a HUGE gap in my understanding.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I like Tom Venuto's definition of starvation mode:

    "Starvation mode is a non-scientific umbrella term used to describe a cluster of scientifically-proven metabolic, hormonal, psychological and behavioral responses to extreme or prolonged calorie deprivation, which is common during many popular weight loss diets. Since your body can’t distinguish between severe dieting and starving, regulatory mechanisms are activated to decrease your rate of further weight loss, including lower physical activitity (NEAT & SPA) and increased appetite. Your metabolism also slows down more than you would predict for the amount of body weight lost (adaptive thermogenesis)In summary, your body adapts to energy-restricted diets and tries to restore you to energy balance or even back to your original weight."

    (I have added the text in bold myself...)

    I think the vast majority of the people on this forum will not encounter it but that does not mean to say it is a myth....
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    I agree i get sick of hearing this and this road map **** from Dan that every one tries to preach to u!!!!! Im not saying he is wrong but come on let people do their own thing with out criticizing i got treated like crap because of this and its not right if i was doing so crappy why have i lost so much weight just saying!

  • LauraW1219
    LauraW1219 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you for posting this. You read it all the time and it makes me nervous. Thanks for the piece of mind.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I am on a 1200 calorie diet. I find it hard to meet the 1200 goal daily because of my glucose levels and I have to do low carb. I don't feel like I am starving and my BP is great and I am steadily losing weight. HOWEVER I do feel if I were to weight train or start doing some serious exercise that I need to eat more for my body to be able to put out that type of energy. Right now I am moderately active but soon thats changing. I also have ONE cheat meal per week, that I think helps move my metabolism. Do I think going under by a few calories ever so often is starvation mode? Nope. I also dont think 1200 is starving at all. I am eating better than I have ever eaten in my life. But yeah eating under 1200 for extended periods I don't think is a good idea.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I like Tom Venuto's definition of starvation mode:

    "Starvation mode is a non-scientific umbrella term used to describe a cluster of scientifically-proven metabolic, hormonal, psychological and behavioral responses to extreme or prolonged calorie deprivation, which is common during many popular weight loss diets. Since your body can’t distinguish between severe dieting and starving, regulatory mechanisms are activated to decrease your rate of further weight loss, including lower physical activitity (NEAT & SPA) and increased appetite. Your metabolism also slows down more than you would predict for the amount of body weight lost (adaptive thermogenesis)In summary, your body adapts to energy-restricted diets and tries to restore you to energy balance or even back to your original weight."

    (I have added the text in bold myself...)

    I think the vast majority of the people on this forum will not encounter it but that does not mean to say it is a myth....

    ding ding ding. Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I am glad you wrote this and posted it. I have had several people approach me with warnings of 'starvation mode'. I have been listening to my sister instead of them. She used the 1200 calories a day as a guideline, sometimes more and sometimes less. She lost 65 pounds over a reasonable amount of time, and has kept it off for more than a year. I try to stick to 1200 calories per day and have at least 5 fruits/veggies per day, and lots of lean protein. I rarely feel hungry and have more energy than I have had in years. Feel like I could run forever on my treadmill. I am not sure about everyone else but the 1200 calorie per day is really working for me so far and I am going to stick with it because I am getting great results!

    You're eating good, nutritious calories for your 1200 so you're not starving but some may argue about your metabolism slowing down.
    I'm glad it's working for you you're losing weight and feeling good:smile:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I like Tom Venuto's definition of starvation mode:

    "Starvation mode is a non-scientific umbrella term used to describe a cluster of scientifically-proven metabolic, hormonal, psychological and behavioral responses to extreme or prolonged calorie deprivation, which is common during many popular weight loss diets. Since your body can’t distinguish between severe dieting and starving, regulatory mechanisms are activated to decrease your rate of further weight loss, including lower physical activitity (NEAT & SPA) and increased appetite. Your metabolism also slows down more than you would predict for the amount of body weight lost (adaptive thermogenesis)In summary, your body adapts to energy-restricted diets and tries to restore you to energy balance or even back to your original weight."

    (I have added the text in bold myself...)

    I think the vast majority of the people on this forum will not encounter it but that does not mean to say it is a myth....

    RIght - I said that the idea of if you do not eat Snack two that you will go into starvation mode is a myth. I also said that if you do not eat for 72 hours then you will start to see the effects of starvation I think we are saying the same thing...
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    Taken from Wikipedia:
    STARVATION RESPONSE - Starvation mode is a state in which the body is responding to prolonged periods of LOW ENERGY INTAKE LEVELS. During short periods of energy abstinence, the human body will burn primarily free fatty acids from body fat stores. After prolonged periods of starvation the body has depleted its body fat and begins to burn lean tissue and muscle as a fuel source.[2]

    Ordinarily, the body responds to reduced energy intake by burning fat reserves first, and only consumes muscle and other tissues when those reserves are exhausted. Specifically, the body burns fat after first exhausting the contents of the digestive tract along with glycogen reserves stored in muscle and liver cells.[3] After prolonged periods of starvation, the body will utilize the proteins within muscle tissue as a fuel source. People who practice fasting on a regular basis, such as those adhering to energy restricted diets, can prime their bodies to abstain from food without burning lean tissue.[4] Resistance training (such as weight lifting) can also prevent the loss of muscle mass while a person is energy-restricted.

    2^ Dieting and Metabolism
    3^ Therapeutic Fasting
    4^ Ask an Expert: Fasting and starvation mode

    So starvation mode is not about NOT eating but more about consistently low energy intake that causes the body to cannibalize itself in an effort to survive. You will still lose weight no doubt about that. Just don't expect it to just be fat loss.

    I guess what we can say with greater accuracy is that a consistently low calorie intake will result in a slower metabolic rate making it harder to shift those stubborn pounds.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I like Tom Venuto's definition of starvation mode:

    "Starvation mode is a non-scientific umbrella term used to describe a cluster of scientifically-proven metabolic, hormonal, psychological and behavioral responses to extreme or prolonged calorie deprivation, which is common during many popular weight loss diets. Since your body can’t distinguish between severe dieting and starving, regulatory mechanisms are activated to decrease your rate of further weight loss, including lower physical activitity (NEAT & SPA) and increased appetite. Your metabolism also slows down more than you would predict for the amount of body weight lost (adaptive thermogenesis)In summary, your body adapts to energy-restricted diets and tries to restore you to energy balance or even back to your original weight."

    (I have added the text in bold myself...)

    I think the vast majority of the people on this forum will not encounter it but that does not mean to say it is a myth....

    RIght - I said that the idea of if you do not eat Snack two that you will go into starvation mode is a myth. I also said that if you do not eat for 72 hours then you will start to see the effects of starvation I think we are saying the same thing...

    Yep, different sides of the same coin ;)

    People should be armed with the full facts so they can make up their own minds of course.
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I like Tom Venuto's definition of starvation mode:

    "Starvation mode is a non-scientific umbrella term used to describe a cluster of scientifically-proven metabolic, hormonal, psychological and behavioral responses to extreme or prolonged calorie deprivation, which is common during many popular weight loss diets. Since your body can’t distinguish between severe dieting and starving, regulatory mechanisms are activated to decrease your rate of further weight loss, including lower physical activitity (NEAT & SPA) and increased appetite. Your metabolism also slows down more than you would predict for the amount of body weight lost (adaptive thermogenesis)In summary, your body adapts to energy-restricted diets and tries to restore you to energy balance or even back to your original weight."

    (I have added the text in bold myself...)

    I think the vast majority of the people on this forum will not encounter it but that does not mean to say it is a myth....

    RIght - I said that the idea of if you do not eat Snack two that you will go into starvation mode is a myth. I also said that if you do not eat for 72 hours then you will start to see the effects of starvation I think we are saying the same thing...

    Yep, different sides of the same coin ;)

    People should be armed with the full facts so they can make up their own minds of course.

  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member

    People should be armed with the full facts so they can make up their own minds of course.

    Well, there's a thought...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    the only bumping going in here is some bumping and grinding woot woot...