Please stop saying everything is starvation mode...



  • tstancom
    tstancom Posts: 47 Member
    anyone who says bacon is bad will be immediately blindfolded, tortured, and shot....well maybe not tortured...

    But they should be put into (dun dun daaaaa!) starvation mode.
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    Most of these threads are just ridiculous if you ask me. People just need to eat healthy, allow treats, and MOVE and quit sweating the small stuff. Stay off the freakin scale too. A number does not define you. Somebody could be a skinny twig and weigh110 and somebody could weigh150 and be pure lean muscle. I personally prefer the pure lean muscle at 150 over the twig.

    Enjoy life, log your calories and activities, but enjoy life and get over the numbers and what not!!:drinker:
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    I swear if I see one more thread where someone says that someone is in "starvation mode" because they missed snack 2 or are eating 1200 calories a day I am going to have a melt down.

    You have to not eat ANYTHING for 72 hours for your body to to into starvation mode and start turing to muscle to for energy. And even then the effect is pretty minima. Martin Beckham does a great job of laying out all the research on his web site

    so if you skip breakfast you are not in starvation mode...if you do not eat an apple at 2pm you are not in starvation mode.

    There are plenty of people out there (myself included) who skip breakfast, train fasted, and have our largest meal post workout and we are not in starvation mode. I have lost 3% body fat using leangains 18/6 which is an 18 hour fast and a six hour eating window.

    Under eating can lead to a possible plateau but it does not mean you are in starvation mode.

    I hate that too! lol I don't think not eating 1200 cal a day is going to kill anyone. Maybe slow your metabolism a bit but nothing major =)
  • cchamil1985
    cchamil1985 Posts: 74 Member
    Weight loss is as much, if not more, hormonal than caloric in nature. Exercise affects hormone levels, eating certain foods affects hormone levels, amount of sleep affects hormone levels, if your hormones are out of sync then you can find it impossible to lose weight. If you do positive things that keep your hormones balanced then you can keep your body from entering starvation mode and loose weight very efficiently. Caloric restriction is not the only thing that must happen for a person to lose and keep off fat.

    That is why we tell people to pick two of three changes; Supplement right, Eat right, or Exercise, if they want to lose weight. Doing one of those alone will not lead to long term results because just eating a caloric deficit will not make the correct hormonal changes. Supplementing right and Exercise will make the correct hormonal changes but the body will have enough calories to maintain itself.

    Of course this is all true for most people, there are exceptional individuals (and that isn't necessarily a good thing), and the kind of calories a person intakes can make a huge difference in the results a person sees in the mirror. Often times a clean diet can do a lot for the average person because the average person has been eating crap for so long their body is starved for the right nutrients.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    starvation mode is the definition of #firstworldproblems
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    ...The other myth that needs to be banned is "maybe the weight you gained is muscle weight." Yeah right! It is not possible to randomly put on 3-5 pounds of muscle in one week. I am working out 2x a week for an hour at weight training, hoping to gain that much in a few MONTHS. Not three days. Maybe it's water retention, but 3 pounds of muscle? I think not.
    That one is spoken out of pure ignorance and makes me snort and roll my eyes every time I see it posted. Firstly, one does not put on muscle mass while in a deficit. Secondly, even when in a caloric surplus with optimal diet, training (heavy lifting) and protein intake, gaining muscle is a slow, laborious process. Thirdly, nobody....nobody....miraculously puts on 3 pounds of muscle because they started doing some cardio bunny video workout 4 days ago or walked around the block for a whole two days in a row.
  • Littlegurl
    Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member
    I didn't know when I read the initial post about the starvation mode that I was going to be subjected to bacon and ice cream porn, lol.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    ...The other myth that needs to be banned is "maybe the weight you gained is muscle weight." Yeah right! It is not possible to randomly put on 3-5 pounds of muscle in one week. I am working out 2x a week for an hour at weight training, hoping to gain that much in a few MONTHS. Not three days. Maybe it's water retention, but 3 pounds of muscle? I think not.
    That one is spoken out of pure ignorance and makes me snort and roll my eyes every time I see it posted. Firstly, one does not put on muscle mass while in a deficit. Secondly, even when in a caloric surplus with optimal diet, training (heavy lifting) and protein intake, gaining muscle is a slow, laborious process. Thirdly, nobody....nobody....miraculously puts on 3 pounds of muscle because they started doing some cardio bunny video workout 4 days ago or walked around the block for a whole two days in a row.

    I always laugh at that. Wishful thinking at it's finest.
  • While reading this post I forgot to eat my apple and I going to be okay?:noway:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I've done a quick perusal of all the replies and while I think it has been alluded to, I don't think anyone has specifically addressed the issue of starvation and malnutrition.
    It's not just a matter of eating less food, it's also about the type of food(s) not being eating.
    If you start messing with key nutritional ingredients, then you start messing with bodily functions.
    Not enough protein messes with cell function.
    Not enough potassium can cause fatal heart arrhythmias.
    Hyponatremia messes with kidney function.
    Chronic hypoglycemia: death of unregenerating brain cells.
    My point: there's more to the definition of starvation than what some schmo on mfp spouts off about.
  • gennafer731
    gennafer731 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't know if your issue is with people using the term "starvation mode" or just telling people they need to eat more. I have recently seen a lot of posts from people having problems losing weight because they are trying to do less than 1200 calories and exercise and the usual advice is eat more. You eat more so you have the energy to exercise but like anything everyone is different so I think this post is just confusing some people out there. That is great it works for you but most people who post and are asking for advice it is not working for so people are advising them to do something different. That is how you find out what works for you.
    More good reading:

    That article is generic generalization about calories in vs calories out. What that means is the formula to weight loss/gain is the same for everyone not that everyone is the same. What I mean by everyone is different is if Jane does an hour of cardio every day and Jill does no exercise ever than their daily calorie in and out numbers are different even though the formula used will always be the same. In general most people need around 1200 to just breath and live and walk around, but some people like athletes need more.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    Been 3 hours since I last ate I think I'm in starvation mode.

    My dog is passed out right now it's starvation mode.

    I'm feeling a bit gassy today it's probably starvation mode.

    My leg itches. Oh, I know, starvation mode.

    Summer happens because of the rotation of the earth towards starvation mode.

    What goes up must go into starvation mode.

    An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon in starvation mode.

    I painted my nails today using a lovely color of starvation mode.

    The capital of Mongolia is Ulan starvation mode.

    The Magna Carta quaranteed the right of man to not be subjected to starvation mode.

    Roses are red. Violets of blue. You're in starvation mode.

    When traveling at 60mph and a train is traveling at 65mph at what point will they meet in starvation mode?

    v=dr/v(starvation mode)

    a*a+b*b=c*starvation mode

    The hypothalums regulates starvation mode

    When baking cookies make sure to cream your eggs, sugar, and starvation mode

    Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty Im not in starvation mode.

    Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for starvation mode

    You killed Kenny! You starvation modes!

    You were once, twice, three times a starvation mode....

    Just a small town girl
    Living in a lonely world
    She took the midnight train going anywhere
    Just a city boy
    Born and raised in Starvation Moooodeeee!! Don't stop starvin'

    dont forget what happens if you poop wrong...

    Woah theres a way to poop wrong?! No one ever told me! I'm scared now do I squeeze or pinch?

    i have seen a thread on here about the dangers of pooping wrong... be carefull... pooping wrong just might cause starvation mode...
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    So this is where all the sane people lurk!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    but if I miss meal 99 and done eat till meal 102 I wont be in starvation mode LOL
    Meal 100 and 101 are the most important meals of the day! ;)

    have you ever seen what happens if you skip meal 36 tho? its pretty bad, nothing you want to mess with. if i were you, i would eat ATLEAST the amount of calories you were eating right before you noticed you got fluffy, then you will lose!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    So this is where all the sane people lurk!

    wowowo... i dont go around calling you names...
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I'm sometimes under 1200 calories.

    (Per meal)

    Me, too! Lunch on Monday came in at 1,331 calories. 1,221 calories for lunch yesterday and 1,147 today.

    NOMZ! :flowerforyou:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    So this is where all the sane people lurk!

    the last person to call me sane went into starvation mode... and he never came back!
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    So this is where all the sane people lurk!

    wowowo... i dont go around calling you names...

    Would you like to? I won't mind.... ;)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    i have seen a thread on here about the dangers of pooping wrong... be carefull... pooping wrong just might cause starvation mode...

    Bwhahahahaha f'en bwahahahahahahahaha. LMFAO over and over again. I swear the Sh_t people post in the forums.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i have seen a thread on here about the dangers of pooping wrong... be carefull... pooping wrong just might cause starvation mode...

    Bwhahahahaha f'en bwahahahahahahahaha. LMFAO over and over again. I swear the Sh_t people post in the forums.

    hehehehe i know... "my botfriend is having an affair with 3 women, has no job, and he cusses at me and the kids, but i love him, how do i learn to accept him for who he is?"

    wowowow... ive got wayyyyyyy too much energy for someone who only eats 1200 calories a day, i must be so starved that i have actually become lathargic and over stimulated. i have helped my 5 kids with thier homework, fed them, fed the "boy", and completed my school work, and now, in starvation mode, i should be passing out feeling like im going to die... but my body is so starved, its gone haywire, and become onri... nothing a xanax cant take care of... ill put myself into no energy starvation mode in no time... goodnight everyone!