What are YOUR tricks to sticking to your diet?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Well, going back to my previous lifestyle would pretty much guarantee me an early death given where I was at only 5 months ago. So...not really a trick, but not wanting to die quite yet is pretty good motivation. The weight loss and looking better is just gravy...for me, this is 99% about my health.
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    1/ Not on a diet, it's a lifestyle change/ adjustment.
    2/ Eat whatever I want. I'm here for a life time not for a short time.
    3/ Smaller portions.
    4/ Changing up fav foods to a healthier version.
    5/ Drink lots of water.
    6/ Exercise - not for weight loss but because I feel so much better after I do.
    7/ Limit sodas to only when I'm drinking alcohol.
    8/ Be mindful of what I am consuming.
    9/ Don't beat myself up when I go over my calorie goal, Life Happens.
    10/ Belief in myself, I can do this, I will do this, I am doing this, I'm loving this.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I do things a little differently. I do rule out certain foods, as I am an "all or nothing" type person. Every time I've had trouble losing weight was when I think I can just eat something in moderation. I can't. It's just who I am and I have to accept that. After losing 87 lbs. in an awesome, healthy way, I decided that over the holidays I could re-introduce sweets in moderation. Except then I'm eating them every day in moderation. Hello, ten pounds. I still haven't recovered, and won't until I cut them out completely. I'm so much happier when I don't eat junk; I don't obsess about it and I don't struggle with constant cravings. Everything changes for me if I eat something that I've sworn off. For other people, it's not sustainable to live this way, and they'll tell you that you HAVE to include your weaknesses. I think you have to know yourself. Find out what works for you, and have faith in your ability to know what's right for you. On another note, working out helps me stick to my diet. I work out and lift heavy six days a week, I don't want to undo that! That's what helped me finally kick smoking, too ;)
  • Tonya0605
    Tonya0605 Posts: 111 Member
    I budget calories like I budget money. I don't allow myself to go over just like I don't allow (or can't) buy anything if I don't have the actual cash. If I don't have the calories to spend, I don't spend them. BTW, I don't have credit cards so that is a non-issue :laugh:
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Sometimes at social events--like a tea, baby shower, that sort of 'party', I select someone slender to shadow--I watch to see which foods they select and the amount, then 'follow suit' a few minutes later so it's not obvious.
  • JohnDun
    JohnDun Posts: 140
    Well mine is simple, I want to live to see my daughter grow up and have a family and be a grandad.....I want to improve myself so I can enjoy my retirement (when it comes round). Round around after my grandkids and enjoy my life.....

    I would call that motivation...
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    1) Plan my food for the day and enter it as early as I can because I generally exercise towards the end of the day so I know how hard I need to work.
    2) Smaller portions, and by smaller, I mean reasonable portions.
    3) Doggie bags! Don't finish your plate at a restaurant in america, they've served you too much food.
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    I agree with the people who state that this is a lifestyle change and not a diet!

    Things that have helped me keep on track for the past 13 months:

    - prelog food, but never prelog exercise

    - once I've closed my diary for the day after dinner, no reopening it

    - take advantage of the extra time on weekends to do more exercise - e.g., a long walk / run, this allows for a little more wiggle room on those days as well

    - do a monthly blog post setting goals for the month - both food and exercise, so there's something else to focus on rather than just the number on the scale

    - wear clothes that are the right size - take the 'fat' pants out of the closet and give them to goodwill, so there's no backsliding

    - if you're going to have a treat, make it count - have the best available, not some overly processed fake variant. (If I'm eating chocolate, it's going to be the real thing, ditto ice cream or gelato.)

    - if you have trigger foods, keep them out of the house for the most part (but allow them on special occasions)
  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
    my trick (right now anyway) is to remind myself after each workout how much effort i just exerted to keep the pounds off. i've been able to hold that thought when i've been around food lately... :-)
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Trick #1: I plan out and prepare most of my calories (I'd say at least about 2/3 of my daily allotment) over the weekend. This helps keep me on track while still affording me some wiggle room to accommodate unplanned meals, such as eating lunch with coworkers.

    Trick #2: I limit my grocery runs to the items necessary to accomplish trick #1, with a few "fun buys".

    Trick #3: I avoid having readily available snacks (i.e., open up the wrapper and eat it). Even if all I have to do is put it in the microwave, that still gives me time to think "do I REALLY want to eat this?". Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I eat my veggies first at every meal. That way I don't get to the end of the meal and then skip them because I already stuffed myself with meat and grains/potatoes/whatever other side I had. They also tend to taste better when eaten first, because my taste buds haven't already been triggered by the fats and whatnot in those other foods.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    Like most people have said, I plan out my food choices ahead of time and log them in for the day as soon as I get to work in the morning so I don't have any surprises. That being said, weekends have always been difficult for me. BUT we rescued a new dog last week and this weekend, everytime I sat down to eat, she would sit at my feet and stare at me (our older dog is trained to go lay down on his bed while we're eating). It makes you a little more consciencous of how often you sit down and snack during the day when you have that furry little reminder. That, along with the bonding exercises we put our now 2 dogs through this weekend helped me to lose a pound and a half!
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    I am constantly planning, but also constantly discovering new ways to eat/love foods. I find the foods I eat now to be as equally gratifying as what I ate before...but without overdoing it :smile:
  • ell0324
    ell0324 Posts: 12 Member
    I do the same thing! I make my lunch as soon as I get home, every day, so it's all done and I don't have to worry about it. Then I go into MFP and input all the things I put in my bag, so it's all set. It's a great idea. I also lay out the clothes and jewelry I'm going to wear the next day, but that's something else...

    You think that's bad? I pick out all of my clothes on the weekend for the entire week! lol

    I also plan a month's worth of dinners at a time. Maybe I'm a little too organized... :)
  • Alairissa
    Alairissa Posts: 160 Member
    I have a small idea of how clothes might fit better when i lose weight so i use that to motivate me. :P in all seriousness though i just log what i eat and slowly make changes if need be.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    No trick just sick and tired of being fat. When I am tempted I think about my children and don't want to see another man raise them because I had a heart attack. whats more important a cheeseburger or the smile on my daughters face when I come home from work.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I make my meal plan for the following week on Friday or Saturday. On Sunday, i get up early and go get all my groceries for the week. I pre-cook, measure and pack up as much as I can so that each day I can grab-and-go as much as I can during the week. I love cooking so I will usually make something that has a little prep work each night for dinner.

    Also, I have learned what works for me. I love sweets, I love dessert. If I don't have a little something at the end of the day I will start obsessing, feeling deprived and set myself up for an epic overdose on sweets. So I just budget my dessert into my meal plan. If I still want more after my planned dessert, I brush my teeth. Nothing tastes good after that.

    I don't have anything in the house that is not part of my meal plan (the obvious exceptions being condiments and some bean/grains). There is just nothing here for me to eat without eating tomorrow's food. I suppose I could go to the store or go out to eat, but that's enough of a pain that I don't do it.
  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    My trick? Get naked.

    I got into the habit of not really looking at myself when I put on weight, so I didn't have to acknowledge that it was happening. Now that I am making a conscious effort to be healthier, I find that when I am home alone if I cook/clean/whatever naked I am forced to see what I've let happen. Also I look in the mirror when I get out of the shower instead of waiting until I have clothes on to look.

    And when I'm home alone is when I am most likely to mindlessly snack; if I have to go into the kitchen naked I have to pass two mirrors and that makes me remember why I'm trying to make changes and stops the snacking most of the time.

    ETA: this clearly would not work for all living situations heheh. I happen to live alone with my boyfriend and he certainly doesn't mind but even if you have kids or something, take one look in the mirror a day at all the things you are and aren't happy about and I bet it'll help

    This is actually a neat idea, although I dont have trouble eating right I so have trouble exercising and being in my sports bra and spandex does engrouage me more than if I was in my baggy sweatshirt and hubby's sweatpants lol
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Few things that work for me and my family:

    We all try new things no matter how they look (healthy alternatives, recipes, etc)
    We do not keep less healthy food around the house much, if at all.
    We do have tons of healthy snacks and meals.
    All of us understand the basics of eating healthy and keep each other accountable (from our 8 year old up).
    We keep each other active and support each others endeavours.
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    I "power cook" on Sundays. I cook enough chicken to last me all week and eat this for lunch and sometimes for dinner.

    I do all of my shopping on the weekends too. I make sure I have the food I need for the entire week.

    Plan, plan, plan. When I don't plan, that's when I have to eat out or make food choices that are not healthy or make me go over my cals.

    This. But I also keep some "healthy" staples in the fridge and cabinets just in case I get caught on one of those "I forgot to plan" days (which usually happens as dinner). I keep stuff like a carton of egg whites, frozen spinach, feta cheese, onions, low-sodium canned soups, dried pastas, jars of pasta sauce. This way I can at least make an egg white/veggie/cheese omelette, some pasta or heat up some soup if I realize that I don't have anything else in the house to eat.