cbendorf13 Member


  • My son just graduated high school. He was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome in 1st grade, but like both of you we knew much earlier. At the time it was hard to get a diagnosis, but he showed signs around 18 months. It has been many IEP meetings, lots of ups and downs. He still struggles with certain social issues, but is…
    in Hey all! Comment by cbendorf13 June 2019
  • As a microbiologist I support that the establishment of "skinny" microbiota is aided during the birthing process and is key to differences seen in individual weight based on C-section or vaginal births. There are a number of scientific journals that indicate bacterial diversity is associated with "healthier" weight…
  • Too little pay too much work. Work 2x more than I get paid. Nothing ever works like it is supposed to. Love the people I work with and teaching, but the atmosphere stinks.
  • Sorry I haven't read all the response but as a sodaholic I can say it is hard to beat. I try removing one aspect from my diet at a time. First start with either the caffeine or the sugar. I generally stop drinking soda but substitute tea or have even used the green coffee pills for the caffeine. Once I feel like I am over…
    in Soda Comment by cbendorf13 January 2016
  • I have by biking 30 min each day and doing a ton of yard work 2-4 hours a day. Good healthy food low sodium with 1450 net caLories.
  • Interested in following this. Recently diagnosed with sarcoidosis.
  • I emailed Linda as well when trying to get a bra. She was a little hard to get a hold of, but when she did email back she was spot on with what Jessica had said as well. I think both of these ladies really know their stuff.
  • I got the Enell bra via Fleet Feet which is a local retail store with a bunch of locations here in California. It was nice to be able to actually go in and try them on. I have yet to get one through this company for the sports bra but I bought a swim suit top and regular bra (both brand named "Panache") and while the…
  • I believe they go from D on up for most bras, but I think I saw they also had some sizes that were smaller than a D as well. You may be surprised that once you size yourself you may find your band smaller and your cup size larger.
  • This was also my problem, I got the "Melody" and this is not a problem anymore. I went with what Jessica said and that was to pull as tight as I could under the breast. These bras give their support using the band for the push up effect not the straps for the I'll try to get some life here. Definitely would recommend it…
  • You are welcome to add me as a friend. I am 42 and have been on MFP for a year. Been able to maintain 45 lb loss for nearly a year now. Like the previous poster I keep a fairly small group of friends. I want to make sure I can be there for them. I occasionally don't log food for a week or so, but I am on the sight daily…
  • Check out Care.com - has a lot of what has been suggested here. Don't really like paying for a subscription to this service, but I have. If something like this isn't in your area you could probably get it going.
  • Mid 40's almost 50 lbs down, friend request sent.
  • It took me 4 months, I gained 10 lbs back over 8 months. I have almost lost those 10 lbs again over 1.5 months. I would say if you monitor your intake and are consistent with exercise you could do it under 6 months. I agree with a previous poster you are eating too few calories. I started at 1200 as per MFP lost 20 lbs in…
  • If you have a Fleet Feet store in your area they carry some nice fuller figure sports bras. Enell had come up multiple times in previous posts and this is the one I went with. Good luck
  • Artificial Sweetners http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/89/1/1.abstract http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2892765/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18298259 High fructose corn syrup http://www.scq.ubc.ca/our-sweet-ending-health-consequences-with-high-fructose-corn-syrup-consumption/ See links at the bottom of…
  • [/quote]While the first 3 are legit studies. "links" aren't causes, but for some they should be aware of calorie intake regardless of diet soda or regular soda. Let's face it, it's not the diet soda making people fat on it's calorie count................it's people over consuming other stuff. And most people have done it…
  • I have not read other posts sorry if I am being repetitive, but diet anything is bad for you in general. Here is a few links to articles which are supported by a lot of scientific data that artificial sweeteners contribute to obesity and diabetes because they are unable to deliver the message to your brain you should be…
  • Not a good idea for long term sustainability. Check out in place of a road map. Dan is very helpful. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/975025-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet I am 5'5" and I eat between 1800-2200 calories/day. Currently set at 1700 so I can drop down to 160. I have switched to less processed…
  • I have had 4, each c section creates scar tissue so it is often difficult to go over the same scar, but honestly I can't really see much of mine.
  • I am headed that way. My sister who is 14 months older just got an ablation. She has nothing but good things to say about it. She was bleeding all the time. Said the procedure wasn't bad, some minor issues a few weeks of drainage, but happy now!
  • I realize I am posting a bit late. I have had 4 kids. My eldest with Aspergers. My second seemed "typical". Third with Apraxia. Fourth seems "typical". My second is in Gates classes, but has some issues with ADHD and being able to function socially as well as I would have hoped. There is never any guarantees with any…
  • He makes it easy to understand the basics of weight loss and is a great resource for information.
  • Wow that is awesome, looks great!
  • I have in the past drunk 2L/day of soda. This summer I had to completely quit, but that is hard because there are other people in my household that like soda. Kinda got to get everyone on board initially. I found the Green Coffee pills as a substitute for caffeine and that seemed to work fine. I could then curb my sugar…
  • I am 42, feel free to add me. I have been on MFP since June 2012 and have managed to lose 40 lbs.
  • I used to be the same way. Textures especially bothered me. I have resorted to juicing or chopping very small bits. I have also decided that I would try any vegetable dish at least once. I have been surprised at how good some dishes can taste and how certain textures when mixed with others don't bother me.