5'4 198 eating 1200 is this a good start?

momtotwokiddos Posts: 14 Member
im 37 yr old mom and MFP has me at 1200 2 lbs /week (i chose to want to lose 2 lb /week). i dont want to eat back cal burned. started MFP in 2012, stopped, now back on.


  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    U r fine.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    Personally, I would recommend either upping your calorie intake to maybe 1400 or so daily or sticking to 1200 but eating back your workout calories. I say this because for many people, myself included, 1200/day is only manageable for a short period of time. Unless you've got stellar willpower and can maintain 1200/day everyday for months on straight, something a little more manageable for the long term would be a better idea in my opinion. But if 1200/day works for you, stick with it. Everyone's body is different. :smile:
  • cbendorf13
    cbendorf13 Posts: 87 Member
    Not a good idea for long term sustainability. Check out in place of a road map. Dan is very helpful.

    I am 5'5" and I eat between 1800-2200 calories/day. Currently set at 1700 so I can drop down to 160. I have switched to less processed foods and decreased soda and cheese. I started June 9th last year, followed Dan's plan after 1 month and continued to lose weight. Dropped 50 lbs by October last year. Currently 40 lbs down one year later and starting to get back on track - went off for a bit.

    Don't starve yourself if you don't have too. Long term can be bad for your health and ability to maintain the lifestyle and weight loss
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So your Mifflin BMR is 1568 (+ or - 5% likely) - which means your body would like to burn 1598 calories daily if you just slept deeply and did nothing else.

    You probably burn upwards of 2100 calories without doing any exercise, just doing daily life.

    You want to feed it 1200.

    And you say you don't want to eat back exercise calories.
    So your body burns 400-500 calories purely for mechanical movement during a workout perhaps, and your body is left with 700-800 calories to do a whole lot more than even the 1600 would be providing.
    Hope you are not expecting much improvement from the time and energy spent on the workout.

    Hope that sounds bad, because it is.

    If you really want to lose some weight and don't care that it's muscle mass, here's how to set yourself up for a lifetime of yo-yo dieting by burning off some goods pounds of muscle mass and water weight along with some fat.

    Eat that 1200 daily as low carb, 50 g or less.

    Do daily intense cardio exercise for 45-60 min as hard as you can, really burn off the glucose and muscle.

    You should end up skinny fat in no time, and never have to worry about eating much more than 1200 calories for maintenance, which means you can spend more money from food on say hair care products to care for thinning hair, or other items for rough skin, or bad nails, ect.
  • momtotwokiddos
    momtotwokiddos Posts: 14 Member
    i use walking videos "leslie Sansome," 4 mi, some days 1 mi, some 3mi, plus i walk to park with kids, clean house, water park for 2 hrs 1X week.
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 434 Member
    If you START at 1200 and then plateau at some point, where do you go from there, cos that's the absolute bare minimum the site recommends. I would start at the 1lb a week figure and take it from there. We all want to lose weight as fast as possible, but doing it in a less restrictive way gives better results long term. :smile:
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    people will tell you its not enough calories - I'm 5'11 and 1200 is working for me just fine - when you get closer to your goals up your calories by 100 every two weeks until you get to a number you can live with.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    people will tell you its not enough calories - I'm 5'11 and 1200 is working for me just fine - when you get closer to your goals up your calories by 100 every two weeks until you get to a number you can live with.

    I'd do pretty much the opposite of this.
  • mrsriisky
    mrsriisky Posts: 129 Member
    I have currently upped my calories from 1200 (and I'm 129) because I've been plateauing badly. Now, things seem to be moving forward for me, I have the energy for my workouts, and I feel my muscles getting stronger with my workouts, rather than getting so sore that it is an absolute chore to move the next day.

    I always say, "do what works for you", but my advice would be that 1200 calories is far too little, especially given a calculation of the BMR for your stats.