c section belly



  • chullin26
    chullin26 Posts: 9
    Usually when the mother has already had a c-section, they cannot cut right at the same place because of scar tissue. With me, they went just underneath the first scar and went from there. (Although it might have been the fact that the second time around I had twins and it was only 15 months after my first c-section....but you always want to talk to a doctor about that and do lots of research.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I've had 2 C-SECS. My last one approx 10mos ago. I started lifting heavy again 3mos ago and as my body fat is decreasing, my tummy is flattening. You just got to give it time and patience. Even if you start working out doing cardio or lifting heavy, it's not going to happen over night, but it will happen. Your tummy can def improve.
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    Squats and deadlifts also involve the abs. You can also do lateral raises (Jillian Michaels includes something like this in 30 Day Shred) and other weighted oblique exercises. Also, the cable/pulley machines are your friends. There are many non-crunch exercises you can do with pulleys that will work your abs.
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I had a c section 4 months ago with my son, and my belly is getting smaller. Unfortunately, the lower belly "foldover" pooch is just getting more apparent. I'm hoping that will shrink as I shrink. From what I gather, losing body fat and giving it time to tighten back up are about the only things that work.
  • cbendorf13
    cbendorf13 Posts: 87 Member
    Oh boy! You guys are scaring me a little bit!! Hubby and I are thinking about #2 and I know I will end up having another C-Section. My doctor with my first told me as she was sewing me up that she did a rocking job on my incision. When I went back in for my check ups, she was super excited to see it, and each time told me how amazing she was (we had that kind of relationship, so it was okay for her to say that, lol). My scar now is about 4-5 inches and is almost invisable. I've never really thought about it before because I've never talked scars with someone, or seen anyone elses to think that they were that much worse than mine. :(

    That doctor moved away, so I would have a new one with #2. I thought they used the same incision? Is that not true? Now I'm scared! I already have a bunch of (medical) reasons to not have another child, so I guess I can just add this to my list. :(

    I have had 4, each c section creates scar tissue so it is often difficult to go over the same scar, but honestly I can't really see much of mine.
  • RyanMastrosimone
    Ugh- I know what you mean. 1 natural delivery followed by 4 c-sections (1 that they butchered me) has left the stubborn fold that everyone tells me will be very hard or impossible to lose. BUT as I have lost and toned, that flap has lifted a little higher, making it easier to work the surrounding muscles. I have arthritis in my legs and back, so some days I can do more than others. If I get in a plank pose, then take turns - lift right leg in toward stomach and then give it a little twist, then switch to left leg- it seems to work that areas muscles a bit more than other things I have tried, along with those side belly muscles.

    Good luck.