
  • It's rare that I agree with everything in an article or post, but this sums up the current state of science especially well.
  • This is her. http://contest.bodybuilding.com/bio/170661
  • I take a gallon of water, add 1 cup of lemon juice, 5 tablespoons of Stevia, and it's 0 calorie lemonade. I gulp it down like a kid with Kool-Aid.
  • Your current plan is perfect for both weight loss and, most important, good body composition.
  • NO: A CALORIE IS NOT A CALORIE There is a metabolic advantage to eating protein. Up to 25% of protein calories are lost (entropy) during digestion. It's the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Calories In = Calories Out + Entropy. What's more, body composition is greatly affected by macronutrient choices.
  • Quite honestly, I prefer the size 2-6 women on the far left.
  • Jen, Currently and for most of my journey, I do 5 sets of a single strength training exercise (for example - squats), walk a mile, rinse and repeat 3 times. In sum, then, I do 15 sets of one particular exercise each day, six days a week, and walk 3 miles. I typically take off on Sunday and do nothing. As for hunger, I…
  • Quite honestly, I'd lay 100 to 1 odds that 90% of the American public doesn't take in the RDA of 4,700 mg for potassium: they'd have to eat the equivalent of 5 giant baked potatoes (with the skin) or 10 bananas to do so. Most other so-called rich sources include amounts that are even more negligible.
  • ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dudagarcia, It is common to be deficient in sodium on low carbohydrate diets. This, in turn, causes the body to excrete potassium as well. It's called "natriuresis." Volek and Phinney, in their book "The Art and Science of Low…
  • Jen, I've had enormous success eating at my Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): 302 lbs. and 40.3% body fat in December 2011 to 211 lbs. and 18.6% body fat as of today. The RMR formula for women is 10 x (Weight in pounds/2.2) + 6.25 x (Height in inches x 2.5) - (5 x Age) - 161. If I did the math right, your RMR is 1249 calories…
  • Dietary cholesterol doesn't equal serum cholesterol for the overwhelming majority of people-- that's ancient "science." It's part of the discredited lipid hypothesis. I eat cheese and eggs every single day. Although I'm not a big believer in N=1 anecdotes, my cholesterol profile is excellent and so is my blood pressure.…
  • When I first started doing heavy squats, my weight went up 3.7 lbs. within the next two days, even though my macros and water intake remained steady. The muscles were very sore (hamstrings, quads) which, of course, are among the body's largest muscles. After a few days, including an off day that Sunday, my weight dropped…
  • Without question, NOW Multi-Gels. They push the upper intake level on every vitamin and mineral, are GMP certified, and relatively inexpensive. They come in 60 or 180. I get them from drugstore.com, but you can get them from many places online. http://www.drugstore.com/now-foods-liquid-multi-gels-softgels/qxp320256
  • _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Given your family and work circumstances, you'd do well to put together a flexible hybrid routine including: bodyweight squats, lunges, pushups, kettlebell swings, pullups, jumping jacks, dips, resistance band rows etc. That's…
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________ "Montana to the stage." "Cinnamon to the stage." Somehow those are etched in my brain. They may be out of fashion by now, though.
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________ You can do it yourself. Just remember the 7 primal movements: push, pull, squat, bend, twist, lunge, and gait (walking/running). All of these movements can be performed with body weight or minimal equipment, inside or outside.…
  • ________________________________________________________________________________ The lower part of the stomach is one of the last places from which body fat will disappear. It's not uncommon for many people to look terrific from the navel up to the neck, but when they pull down their pants a few inches, they still have a…
  • _________________________________________________________________________ My thought upon watching it is that there's nothing controversial about it, except for the deluded who think that they're special. Everything he said is true.
  • To be blunt, you're relying on the food you ate today and the food that is stored on your body that currently makes up your 29%. Body fat is stored calories.
    in 29% body fat Comment by DBB07 June 2012
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________________ If you're 5'11, 180.5, and have "man boobs" and "[a] stomach," your issue isn't your weight -- it's your body fat %, or stated otherwise, your lean mass %. You need to stimulate some HGH and testosterone with heavy weight lifting.…
  • ^^^^This: additionally, if a person is obese they can build muscle on a calorie deficit by using the couple hundred thousand calories stored around their waste to fuel strength training.
  • QUOTE: That much fat daily would be detrimental to your health in the long term. It turns out that carbs are worse for your blood's lipid profile than fat. I was pretty mad when I learned about that after avoiding saturated fat for so frickin long.…
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Discarded." Yes, perhaps you'd like to state why, rather than resort to an elementary school "argument from fallacy." Most important is the author's bottom line, which states the obvious: "The bottom line is that there is no…
  • ____________________________________________________________________________________ No, frankly, I don't find it interesting, but rather than have a bunch of Pub. Med ninjas trying to interpret science, it's much easier to simply take a look at the largest meta-regression analysis ever performed on the matter. It's titled…
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