Found This Motivational Pic, Anyone Know Who She Is?



  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I think men have a visceral reaction to women (and vice versa) that they don't have to sauerkraut.

    That's a sentence you don't see everyday....

  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I think men have a visceral reaction to women (and vice versa) that they don't have to sauerkraut.

    That's a sentence you don't see everyday....


    It would make a nice cross stitch :)

    Although other foods besides sauerkraut might do the job for me...
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member

    She looks perfect for a *man*.

    Statements like this f-ing piss me fight the F%ck off....

    There are women on this site who want to look like this...
    There are women on this site who DO look like this...
    I would LOVE to look like this...

    To say she looks like a man is extremely insulting.
    I hate when people say "ewwwww" or "gross" or "nasty" or " manly" about ANY woman's body...

    Someone is READING those words who looks like that, and it NEVER feels good to be called nasty or gross....

    What would happen if someone posted a progress pic in a bikini and someone said "ewww, you look nasty, fat, and gross" because they still were a little overweight? Would that be wrong? Would that comment get deleted and that person get a warning? Yes.
    So, if you call a fit, strong, muscular woman "nasty and gross", you should be reported and deleted as well.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member

    She looks perfect for a *man*.

    Statements like this f-ing piss me fight the F%ck off....

    There are women on this site who want to look like this...
    There are women on this site who DO look like this...
    I would LOVE to look like this...

    To say she looks like a man is extremely insulting.
    I hate when people say "ewwwww" or "gross" or "nasty" or " manly" about ANY woman's body...

    Someone is READING those words who looks like that, and it NEVER feels good to be called nasty or gross....

    What would happen if someone posted a progress pic in a bikini and someone said "ewww, you look nasty, fat, and gross" because they still were a little overweight? Would that be wrong? Would that comment get deleted and that person get a warning? Yes.
    So, if you call a fit, strong, muscular woman "nasty and gross", you should be reported and deleted as well.
    Some people deal with failure by learning to hate what they know they'll never have.
    That's what is going on here.
  • princess4mimi
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Thank You, want to be slim and healthy but keep some of my curves. women are suposed to have curves not be rock hard. What do the men out there think?

    This was apparently a forbidden question, so let's not give our honest opinion! Cuz then we're insecure, or think sauerkraut is disgusting, or slag off on women, or something...

    Men have been giving me their honest opinions all my life.

    When I was fat, I was "fugly and fat."
    When I lost weight, I was "too skinny"
    And now I have muscles I'm "disgusting and look like a man."

    My personal preference is that y'all go **** yourselves with your negativity. I think *all* women and body types are beautiful, unless they are unhealthily overweight or unhealthily under weight and I think these kinds of discussions only contribute to women's self hate.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member

    She looks perfect for a *man*.

    Statements like this f-ing piss me fight the F%ck off....

    There are women on this site who want to look like this...
    There are women on this site who DO look like this...
    I would LOVE to look like this...

    To say she looks like a man is extremely insulting.
    I hate when people say "ewwwww" or "gross" or "nasty" or " manly" about ANY woman's body...

    Someone is READING those words who looks like that, and it NEVER feels good to be called nasty or gross....

    What would happen if someone posted a progress pic in a bikini and someone said "ewww, you look nasty, fat, and gross" because they still were a little overweight? Would that be wrong? Would that comment get deleted and that person get a warning? Yes.
    So, if you call a fit, strong, muscular woman "nasty and gross", you should be reported and deleted as well.

    I love you. That is all.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Having a preference doesn't mean someone is insecure or intmidated. It's just a preference.
    The reason I hate sauerkraut isn't because I'm insecure.

    Sure. But when someone is asking what your favorite sauerkraut recipe is because they aspire to make great sauerkraut, why would people feel they need to post about how sauerkraut is disgusting?

    That's what makes it seem weird.

    Probably some degree of narcissism.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Well, I'd like to extend my gratitude to the asshats for being asshats. Being pissed off about your ignorance helped me lift some heavy weights.... And I'm that much closer to my six pack abs! ;)
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Well, I'd like to extend my gratitude to the asshats for being asshats. Being pissed off about your ignorance helped me lift some heavy weights.... And I'm that much closer to my six pack abs! ;)

    You're probably warming up with their work sets.

  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    All I know is I clicked on this thread while I was chatting with husband...and lost my train of thought as the picture came up. I think my tongue fell to the floor, and I got a bit warm inside.

    Then I read the first few replies and started seeing red. I scrolled back up and gazed at the picture awhile. Some of you just need to get smacked. Possibly by the woman in the picture. I would pay to see that...
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Deleted... For my own asshatery.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Having a preference doesn't mean someone is insecure or intmidated. It's just a preference.
    The reason I hate sauerkraut isn't because I'm insecure.

    Sure. But when someone is asking what your favorite sauerkraut recipe is because they aspire to make great sauerkraut, why would people feel they need to post about how sauerkraut is disgusting?

    That's what makes it seem weird.

    Probably some degree of narcissism.

    At least you can admit that much. I'm not going to post anymore because I think spending any time discussing on these forums has really negatively impacted my faith in the human race. My final word, and my ultimate point, is tht MFP shouldn't be a place for people to **** talk women's bodies....and especially women who worked really hard to be fit and strong.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Having a preference doesn't mean someone is insecure or intmidated. It's just a preference.
    The reason I hate sauerkraut isn't because I'm insecure.

    Sure. But when someone is asking what your favorite sauerkraut recipe is because they aspire to make great sauerkraut, why would people feel they need to post about how sauerkraut is disgusting?

    That's what makes it seem weird.

    Probably some degree of narcissism.

    At least you can admit that much. I'm not going to post anymore because I think spending any time discussing on these forums has really negatively impacted my faith in the human race. My final word, and my ultimate point, is tht MFP shouldn't be a place for people to **** talk women's bodies....and especially women who worked really hard to be fit and strong.

    Oh, I don't mean to imply that I agreed with the *kitten* comments. they were totally self evident.

    I just meant that it's also wrong to assume intent behind preference.

    I agree with you 100%. People that work to obtain their goals are awesome as hell, and people that drag them down for it, whatever the goal, just suck.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I don't assume intent behind a preference. I have a preference when it comes to men- I just don't bash people because they don't fit my preference. And I don't feel the need to tell someone who is proud of their figure that it doesn't fit my preference. That's my issue- the bashing. Not the preference. Especially a preference for more body fat on a woman's body since our culture is so focused on thinness.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Well, I'd like to extend my gratitude to the asshats for being asshats. Being pissed off about your ignorance helped me lift some heavy weights.... And I'm that much closer to my six pack abs! ;)

    You're probably warming up with their work sets.


    You know- I have to apologize. I totally misinterpreted this post. Sorry for my own asshatery in response... I thought you were sayin the feeling was mutual :(


    I was just noticing today that my warm up sets are pretty bad *kitten*. My warm up squat is more than I weigh.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Having a preference doesn't mean someone is insecure or intmidated. It's just a preference.
    The reason I hate sauerkraut isn't because I'm insecure.

    Sure. But when someone is asking what your favorite sauerkraut recipe is because they aspire to make great sauerkraut, why would people feel they need to post about how sauerkraut is disgusting?

    That's what makes it seem weird.
    I don't know, that kind of thing does happen on the internet. Just look at the food section.

    On topic though: I think she looks lovely in the subsequent pictures that have been posted, but the picture in the original post is just... weird. The airbrushing is so obvious that it looks creepy.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member

    She looks perfect for a *man*.

    Statements like this f-ing piss me fight the F%ck off....

    There are women on this site who want to look like this...
    There are women on this site who DO look like this...
    I would LOVE to look like this...

    To say she looks like a man is extremely insulting.
    I hate when people say "ewwwww" or "gross" or "nasty" or " manly" about ANY woman's body...

    Someone is READING those words who looks like that, and it NEVER feels good to be called nasty or gross....

    What would happen if someone posted a progress pic in a bikini and someone said "ewww, you look nasty, fat, and gross" because they still were a little overweight? Would that be wrong? Would that comment get deleted and that person get a warning? Yes.
    So, if you call a fit, strong, muscular woman "nasty and gross", you should be reported and deleted as well.

    I'm quoting you, Robin, because you're exactly ****ing right.

    And to say that the comment you're responding to is a small-penis comment. Only a man with an insecurity of his very own would find it necessary to elaborate on why there's something wrong with a woman who doesn't meet his fragile ideal.

    To everyone else: Does "tiny penis comment" seem bashing and unkind? It is no different than the "she looks like a man with fake boobs" comments. So before you flame, or delete my comments, consider the gender inequity in your standards. And also realize that calling a body type gross is explicitly against the forum rules.

    That is all.
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    I don't assume intent behind a preference. I have a preference when it comes to men- I just don't bash people because they don't fit my preference. And I don't feel the need to tell someone who is proud of their figure that it doesn't fit my preference. That's my issue- the bashing. Not the preference. Especially a preference for more body fat on a woman's body since our culture is so focused on thinness.

    People on these forums are just exactly like everyone in the world. No better, no worse. Some people are jerks and they are often the loudest. I care so little what those people think about anyone's body that I can't even express it. My wish for all women is that they know better than to base their self worth on something like that. Unfortunately, some do. I think on the whole this site may go a little way toward remedying that. Don't go.