Found This Motivational Pic, Anyone Know Who She Is?



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Who cares what men think. And a good man will love you regardless of how your body changes. Just my opinion.

    Who cares what you think about what men think. See, anyone can play that game...

    Again, ladies, if you're doing it for yourself, and you want to look like a man with breasts and a bad tan, go for it. More power to you.

    It's about loving yourself and doing stuffs for yourself. Of course, we care what others think, but you can't be truly happy if you are not happy with yourself. That's my point.
  • JustinM86
    JustinM86 Posts: 37
    It's ok. There are plenty of men out there that are intimidated by women like this. I don't find it to be unattractive at all. Also, saying that only men should have visible abdominals is absurd. Again, I think this speaks more about a man's own insecurity than anything else.

    Believe it or not, but there are actually women out there that train hard and heavy. They bust their *kitten*. They should not be put down or scoffed at because it shows in their physique.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Sorry, but from my perspective.....although thats a great achievement it doesnt do anything for me. I would rather no visual ab muscles on my girl.....

    You're awesome!

    *poesch77. I have no problems with people who want to look like this. Go for it!! Im just saying that in my opinion, ab muscles are for guys!! Id rather not see them on girls.....but each to their own!

    Jesus ****ing christ! If every time someone posts something they find motivational, we all came out of the woodwork to say "I DON'T PREFER THAT! I'M JUST STATING MY PREFERENCES" we'd get NOWHERE>

    My preference would be that people stop being all negative about women's bodies. How hard is that?

    Here's a little tip, if you "prefer" a different body type, why don't you post a pic of what you like and say something positive like "I find this girl very motivational!" without being a negatron about the OP.
  • dizzydi1968
    dizzydi1968 Posts: 564
    Sorry, but from my perspective.....although thats a great achievement it doesnt do anything for me. I would rather no visual ab muscles on my girl.....

    I agree. The picture (airbrushed or not) looks great but I would prefer to be toned but still 'girly' if that makes sense.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member

    She looks perfect for a *man*. thoughts exactly. Abs like that look nice on dudes, but on a woman its...weird. If thats someone's goal, more power to ya, but thats definitely not my personal view of an ideal body (not to mention the amount of supplements they take along with living in a gym...I can't imagine all that supplementation is healthy)
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand all the bashing of women continues.

    You people suck.
  • StregaScarnito
    I'm sure she's a fitness model - no airbrushing required! I've seen lots of women who look like this at bodybuilding competitions in the fitness and bikini categories.

    And it's too bad there's so many haters around here. Jealous, much?
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    It's about loving yourself and doing stuffs for yourself. Of course, we care what others think, but you can't be truly happy if you are not happy with yourself. That's my point.

    Well, with that I completely agree. If a woman truly wants to look like that - if it will make her happy - go for it.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Her name is Dayna Maleton and the abs are real even though the photo is airbrushed.
    That's a perfect female body; fit, healthy - not skin and bones.
    And you can tell Dayna is perfect by the amount of jealous cat hissing she has generated. :laugh:
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    For comparison:


    Yeah this photo is a little too much muscle for me. Her abs however are amazing!! x

    You were looking at the abs?!?! Not what i saw when looking at this pic LMAO
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I'm sure she's a fitness model - no airbrushing required! I've seen lots of women who look like this at bodybuilding competitions in the fitness and bikini categorie

    your profile pic = win.

    that's exactly what I plan on looking like when I'm a grandma!
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Again, ladies, if you're doing it for yourself, and you want to look like a man with breasts and a bad tan, go for it. More power to you.

    No one asked you lol.
    If you are 'doing it for yourself' which you SHOULD be, if you're getting fit just for a man/significant other that's not a healthy attitude, you can go ahead and look however you want.

    If I look 'like a man with breasts', perfect. All the better to keep people like you away.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    Also, saying that only men should have visible abdominals is absurd. Again, I think this speaks more about a man's own insecurity than anything else.

    Nailed it!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Sorry, but from my perspective.....although thats a great achievement it doesnt do anything for me. I would rather no visual ab muscles on my girl.....

    God Bless You!!!! From all the gals that will never achieve those abs!!!! We can improve, but there's just so much some of us can do!
  • kimbly71
    kimbly71 Posts: 188
    It's ok. There are plenty of men out there that are intimidated by women like this. I don't find it to be unattractive at all. Also, saying that only men should have visible abdominals is absurd. Again, I think this speaks more about a man's own insecurity than anything else.

    Believe it or not, but there are actually women out there that train hard and heavy. They bust their *kitten*. They should not be put down or scoffed at because it shows in their physique.

    This! Thank you!

    Why do people find it impossible to state their particular prefeferenc in a positive way? Stating that this woman looks like a man with breast is rude and demonstrates that persons lack of vocabulary and couth.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Her name is Dayna Maleton and the abs are real even though the photo is airbrushed.
    thanks, I have a pic image of her for "inspiration" on my computer
  • hsandall
    hsandall Posts: 106 Member
    I think she looks amazing and beautiful, she works hard and it shows on her other sites! Women need to stop bashing other women, I would love to look that fit!

    And for the record, lots of men do like that look!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    Sorry, but from my perspective.....although thats a great achievement it doesnt do anything for me. I would rather no visual ab muscles on my girl.....

    God Bless You!!!! From all the gals that will never achieve those abs!!!! We can improve, but there's just so much some of us can do!

    you know, it's too bad that you need a man to tell you that you can be beautiful without looking a certain way. I happen to know this without male approval, and I also don't see it as supportive to me, or to any woman, to take a thread that was by a woman posting a picture of a woman about how she finds it motivational, and to comment with how *this man* doesn't get turned on by that woman as if the value of a woman's body rests in a man's approval.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I think she looks HOT! X
  • hippobuttamus
    you know, it's too bad that you need a man to tell you that you can be beautiful without looking a certain way. I happen to know this without male approval, and I also don't see it as supportive to me, or to any woman, to take a thread that was by a woman posting a picture of a woman about how she finds it motivational, and to comment with how *this man* doesn't get turned on by that woman as if the value of a woman's body rests in a man's approval.

    I was totally deflated by the direction this thread was going til this comment. Thanks for speaking up.