Opinions needed on muscle building while lowering body fat



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Here's a good read on cardio vs. weight training. Listen to Matt, he knows his shnit! Shoot, just look at him!

  • DBB07
    DBB07 Posts: 40
    Yes im a dude lol... 5 ft 11...right now 180.5...goal set at 170 but i think i need to go lower maybe 160 ish or lower...Right now my bmi is 25.2 and low end of my target bmi is 139 and high end 179. I still have body fat to loose without a doubt.

    My bmr is 1850 cals it says....and maintance is 2450....My goal is set to 2lbs a week loss and it has me at 1490 cals a day and some days i go over it some i dont depends on how hungry i am.

    Im unsure of my body fat % currently but i intend to buy a new scale this weekend (weight watchers) that does body fat, and weight. Personally i could careless if i didnt loose more weight but i want to loose the body fat...IE man boobs and stomach

    Cardio wise i walk and stationary bike...i use the mfp calorie count for how many ive burnt so i know its always high so i dont eat back all the cals to stay on track


    If you're 5'11, 180.5, and have "man boobs" and "[a] stomach," your issue isn't your weight -- it's your body fat %, or stated otherwise, your lean mass %. You need to stimulate some HGH and testosterone with heavy weight lifting. I'd focus on the big lifts, if I were you: deadlifts, squats, bench press, and screw the cardio. I'd use a weight where I could only do 5 to 8 reps. I'd also look to increase your fat and protein intake and cut back on carbs -- if you can manage it and still lift heavy. Additionally, your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is around 1700 calories. I'd start by eating about 1850 a day and lift like a madman, anywhere from 3 to 5 days a week. You can tap into your body fat for additional calories if you need it. My guess is that you're probably around 23+% body fat if you are as you physically describe. You shouldn't be at 5'11, 181. If hormones were firing right, you should be at about 14% body fat.
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    Okay i get the lifting heavy thing ive been doing this....But ive read on here a thousand times you need to eat clean and cardio to burn body fat....no spot reductions exist so i need to keep pounding out the cardio to get my body fat % lower correct....Like i said end weight doesnt bother me long as i have low body fat %.

    I have been lifting heavy since i started weight loss and havent lost any strength actually have gained some...and a fair amount of toning for the length i have been doing it.

    I just want to know whats the best way to shed the body fat %....and weither im going to get any more muscle gains doing it or if ill have to wait until my body fat is low enough
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Thanks Rach. I should point out I'm a sponsored Gaspari Athlete and also act as a private prep coach. I'm not some random giving out random advice. Its my job.

    I always recommend to the guys I prep (I currently have around 10 paying customers on my books) to cut fat first and lean bulk second. That way confidence improves as you feel lean and more muscled (even tho in reality you are just less fat) and when you bulk you are more anabolic and can register fat gain better as you put on muscle and retard calories as required.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Gaining muscle = calorie surplus

    Losing fat = calorie deficit

    Doing both at the same time = impossible unless genetic freak or new to training as the body adjusts.
    I think calorie surplus would be fat Gaining.
    I don't see where extra calories would make you gain muscle.

    that would be where weight training comes in..
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    Thanks Rach. I should point out I'm a sponsored Gaspari Athlete and also act as a private prep coach. I'm not some random giving out random advice. Its my job.

    I always recommend to the guys I prep (I currently have around 10 paying customers on my books) to cut fat first and lean bulk second. That way confidence improves as you feel lean and more muscled (even tho in reality you are just less fat) and when you bulk you are more anabolic and can register fat gain better as you put on muscle and retard calories as required.

    Thanks matt i appreciate the advice fully....Im a huge gaspari fan and its the only protein i use :)......I hear what your saying and i understand...Im going to keep lifting (to keep what i have and get into the routine) and cardio to shed body fat %. Then when i feel my body fat % is in check i will up my calories with more protein and whole foods.

    This is all i need to know and one day i dream to be half or 1/4 of the shape your in.

    Thanks again for the insight

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Gaining muscle = calorie surplus

    Losing fat = calorie deficit

    Doing both at the same time = impossible unless genetic freak or new to training as the body adjusts.
    I think calorie surplus would be fat Gaining.
    I don't see where extra calories would make you gain muscle.
    To gain muscle you WILL increase weight. To increase weight requires a calorie surplus. In a perfect world, all you would need to do is consume protein to build muscle, but unfortunately not all protein goes to muscle building.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Gaining muscle = calorie surplus

    Losing fat = calorie deficit

    Doing both at the same time = impossible unless genetic freak or new to training as the body adjusts.
    I think calorie surplus would be fat Gaining.
    I don't see where extra calories would make you gain muscle.

    Think about what you are saying. What do you BUILD muscle from? :)

    Matt is 100% correct. You have to provide the fuel for muscle cell growth. Can't be done on a deficit unless you are obsese and the fuel is coming from fat stores. There are a couple of ways to get at this and Matt identified one which is to cut 1st then bulk to build muscle. You are within 10 lbs of your goal, you could bulk for 60 days at a slight surplus, say 200 to 400 calories, to minimize fat gain while bulking. Then cut again to lose the fat. Or you could so something like the Leangains protocol. It involves a slight deficit on rest days and a slight surplus on workout days with intermittent fasting mixed in. This can be a little slower a process but you gain muscle and minimize fat. But you are not going to gain muscle on a deficit.

    PS: Matt, do they put crack in that Myofusion stuff?? I am totally addicted to the Milk Chocolate!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Everyone (termed loosely) on here says you can't build muscle while losing fat.

    Though I've seen contestants on The Biggest Loser do it all the time, so I believe it is possible.
    It's possible for obese/very overweight to gain "some" muscle, but not likely in a high amount. And don't believe everything you see on the BL. It's a reality show that has dramatic weight loss on an unrealistic scale. 90% of the contestants regain a lot of weight back (or even more) which is about that same as the current population who diet to lose weight.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet

    You have to do rounds of each approach, ie bulk, cut, bulk, cut, to get where you want to be. I'd say get to your goal weight first, then work on building muscle.
    Gaining muscle = calorie surplus

    Losing fat = calorie deficit

    Doing both at the same time = impossible unless genetic freak or new to training as the body adjusts.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Yes im a dude lol... 5 ft 11...right now 180.5...goal set at 170 but i think i need to go lower maybe 160 ish or lower...Right now my bmi is 25.2 and low end of my target bmi is 139 and high end 179. I still have body fat to loose without a doubt.

    My bmr is 1850 cals it says....and maintance is 2450....My goal is set to 2lbs a week loss and it has me at 1490 cals a day and some days i go over it some i dont depends on how hungry i am.

    Im unsure of my body fat % currently but i intend to buy a new scale this weekend (weight watchers) that does body fat, and weight. Personally i could careless if i didnt loose more weight but i want to loose the body fat...IE man boobs and stomach

    Cardio wise i walk and stationary bike...i use the mfp calorie count for how many ive burnt so i know its always high so i dont eat back all the cals to stay on track

    are you sure about your weight goals???? I am a 5'11" female and weigh 178, Im trying to get to the 160's...i think that would be awfully low for a guy who want to be ripped.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Thanks Rach. I should point out I'm a sponsored Gaspari Athlete and also act as a private prep coach. I'm not some random giving out random advice. Its my job.

    I always recommend to the guys I prep (I currently have around 10 paying customers on my books) to cut fat first and lean bulk second. That way confidence improves as you feel lean and more muscled (even tho in reality you are just less fat) and when you bulk you are more anabolic and can register fat gain better as you put on muscle and retard calories as required.
    Gaspari makes some SERIOUSLY good supplements.
    I agree with lean bulk up since I've seen so many bodybuilders who compete put on up to 50lbs of bulk and then have to massively diet to prep for a show. Drugs help, but still that's a lot of weight to drop on a 16-24 week diet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • LifeChangingExp
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Yep, crack is an active ingredient in every tub of Myofusion LOL :laugh: - I love the cookies and cream myself with the little bits of cookie in it!

    In terms of protein synthesis as stated you need a surplus of calories and then enough leuicine in the diet for the relevant signal to released (mTOR - by the classic features of mTOR by functioning as a nutrient/energy/redox sensor and controlling protein synthesis).

    A dietary deficit of calories in all bar those with abnormal genetics, the mTOR signal simply won't happen.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    Cardio, while good for your health, isn't necessary to lose weight.

    I only do some jogging to loosen up my knees on leg day.
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    okay got it...cut the body fat then start building muscle lean not just by over eating but rather eating more good quality food correct?

    Also my goal is up in the air as ive said weight number has no effect on me i just want low body fat %...but only way to loose body fat is to shed weight so im just going with it until i get to a body fat % i like
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Yep, crack is an active ingredient in every tub of Myofusion LOL :laugh: - I love the cookies and cream myself with the little bits of cookie in it!

    In terms of protein synthesis as stated you need a surplus of calories and then enough leuicine in the diet for the relevant signal to released (mTOR - by the classic features of mTOR by functioning as a nutrient/energy/redox sensor and controlling protein synthesis).

    A dietary deficit of calories in all bar those with abnormal genetics, the mTOR signal simply won't happen.
    Also to note that while high protein diets are needed to help maintain muscle while cutting, using a ketogenic diet to build muscle also doesn't activate mTOR the same way a diet with carbs does.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Fat loss is mainly dietary with cardio simply knocking some extra calories off on top. That said, your body prefers to be overfed and extra calories burnt away thro movement as the hormones governing metabolism are kept happy, so its good to go within a few hundred cals of maintenance and then knock it further down with a little cardio - I typically do 30-60 mins a day whilst cutting for a comp (more at the end).

    Lift as heavy as you can however - you NEED to tell the body the muscle is needed and stressing the body is very important. Heck I even incorporate static holds and presses when I can't lift any more to stress the muscle further.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Ive had success either way, but I will lean more towards the building muscle while lowering.
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    Thanks matt...ill keep working at it and try and keep my cals up and knock them down with cardio to spark bettter fat burning.