Opinions needed on muscle building while lowering body fat



  • MoveTheMountain
    Yes im a dude lol... 5 ft 11...right now 180.5...goal set at 170 but i think i need to go lower maybe 160 ish or lower...Right now my bmi is 25.2 and low end of my target bmi is 139 and high end 179. I still have body fat to loose without a doubt.

    My bmr is 1850 cals it says....and maintance is 2450....My goal is set to 2lbs a week loss and it has me at 1490 cals a day and some days i go over it some i dont depends on how hungry i am.

    Im unsure of my body fat % currently but i intend to buy a new scale this weekend (weight watchers) that does body fat, and weight. Personally i could careless if i didnt loose more weight but i want to loose the body fat...IE man boobs and stomach

    Cardio wise i walk and stationary bike...i use the mfp calorie count for how many ive burnt so i know its always high so i dont eat back all the cals to stay on track

    are you sure about your weight goals???? I am a 5'11" female and weigh 178, Im trying to get to the 160's...i think that would be awfully low for a guy who want to be ripped.

    I agree... I'm 6', and my goal weight is 180 at the lowest... you shouldn't want to be much lower than 175, I would think. Also, I've never heard that it's possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Even the pros go through building phases where they bulk up, and then cutting phases, where they try to maintain their current muscle mass while dropping fat. But doing both at once doesn't really work.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    Yes im a dude lol... 5 ft 11...right now 180.5...goal set at 170 but i think i need to go lower maybe 160 ish or lower...Right now my bmi is 25.2 and low end of my target bmi is 139 and high end 179. I still have body fat to loose without a doubt.

    My bmr is 1850 cals it says....and maintance is 2450....My goal is set to 2lbs a week loss and it has me at 1490 cals a day and some days i go over it some i dont depends on how hungry i am.

    Im unsure of my body fat % currently but i intend to buy a new scale this weekend (weight watchers) that does body fat, and weight. Personally i could careless if i didnt loose more weight but i want to loose the body fat...IE man boobs and stomach

    Cardio wise i walk and stationary bike...i use the mfp calorie count for how many ive burnt so i know its always high so i dont eat back all the cals to stay on track

    are you sure about your weight goals???? I am a 5'11" female and weigh 178, Im trying to get to the 160's...i think that would be awfully low for a guy who want to be ripped.

    I agree... I'm 6', and my goal weight is 180 at the lowest... you shouldn't want to be much lower than 175, I would think. Also, I've never heard that it's possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Even the pros go through building phases where they bulk up, and then cutting phases, where they try to maintain their current muscle mass while dropping fat. But doing both at once doesn't really work.

    I'm 6' 0" and weigh around 165 with 12.5%BF. I'd still like to lose another 5 pounds. For me, 180 is the "crap, I'm really starting to lose it" point. I feel that his goal is completely reasonable. Let the man get to where he wants to be as far as weight and looks are concerned. Our own physical composition determines what we will look like at any given weight so "I'm this, so you will be too" doesn't work.

    Get your body fat%, and use that to find your lean body mass. Lean Body Mass = Body Weight – (Body Weight x Body Fat %)

    Then, use the following chart to determine where you want to get to and then you just need to figure out how many pounds it will take to get from your current % to your ideal %.

    Essential Fat 2-5%
    Athletes 6-13%
    Fitness 14-17%
    Average 18-24%
    Obese 25%+
  • MoveTheMountain
    Yes im a dude lol... 5 ft 11...right now 180.5...goal set at 170 but i think i need to go lower maybe 160 ish or lower...Right now my bmi is 25.2 and low end of my target bmi is 139 and high end 179. I still have body fat to loose without a doubt.

    My bmr is 1850 cals it says....and maintance is 2450....My goal is set to 2lbs a week loss and it has me at 1490 cals a day and some days i go over it some i dont depends on how hungry i am.

    Im unsure of my body fat % currently but i intend to buy a new scale this weekend (weight watchers) that does body fat, and weight. Personally i could careless if i didnt loose more weight but i want to loose the body fat...IE man boobs and stomach

    Cardio wise i walk and stationary bike...i use the mfp calorie count for how many ive burnt so i know its always high so i dont eat back all the cals to stay on track

    are you sure about your weight goals???? I am a 5'11" female and weigh 178, Im trying to get to the 160's...i think that would be awfully low for a guy who want to be ripped.

    I agree... I'm 6', and my goal weight is 180 at the lowest... you shouldn't want to be much lower than 175, I would think. Also, I've never heard that it's possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. Even the pros go through building phases where they bulk up, and then cutting phases, where they try to maintain their current muscle mass while dropping fat. But doing both at once doesn't really work.

    I'm 6' 0" and weigh around 165 with 12.5%BF. I'd still like to lose another 5 pounds. For me, 180 is the "crap, I'm really starting to lose it" point. I feel that his goal is completely reasonable. Let the man get to where he wants to be as far as weight and looks are concerned. Our own physical composition determines what we will look like at any given weight so "I'm this, so you will be too" doesn't work.

    Get your body fat%, and use that to find your lean body mass. Lean Body Mass = Body Weight – (Body Weight x Body Fat %)

    Then, use the following chart to determine where you want to get to and then you just need to figure out how many pounds it will take to get from your current % to your ideal %.

    Essential Fat 2-5%
    Athletes 6-13%
    Fitness 14-17%
    Average 18-24%
    Obese 25%+

    You know, you're right, and thanks for pulling me out of the "1 size fits all" mentality that I really try to be on guard against. No all 6-footers have the same body type. Me, I'm a big boned, broad guy with a skeleton made of lead - for me to weigh 160 would require me to die and wait about 2 months.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Gaining muscle = calorie surplus

    Losing fat = calorie deficit

    Doing both at the same time = impossible unless genetic freak or new to training as the body adjusts.

    Let the bro science begin.

    TBH I'd rather listen to the likes of Layne Norton to some internet random who makes a single post and doesn't back anything up? I'll happily discuss it with you but flames like that with no info from yourself hardly makes for an informative debate!
    MP: You have often said that it is not impossible but very counterproductive to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. How do you suggest to our begin ners for how to get a totally conditioned physique such as yourself.

    LN: Well I think certain people can build muscle and burn fat at the same time and they general fall into 3 groups: 1) beginners 2) very obese people and 3) those using steroids or illicit lipolytics or a combination of any 3 of those. But if a person has been training hard for a few years and is very good with their nutrition and aren’t 35% bodyfat, they aren’t going to burn fat and build muscle at the same time most likely. It would be EXTREMELY unlikely to happen.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    (construction, heavy lifting 3x a week, no cardio...God I hate cardio).
    Me too. And I'm a cardio instructor! But kickboxing makes it so much easier for me to do than going on a treadmill or an elliptical for a long time. That's why I'm a fan of Tabata Protocol. Short and sweet, but hard as hell.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Definitely. The limit of my cardio is one pre-workout round of tabata rows set at 10 resistance, and, when my bag is setup...3 rounds of tabata heavy bag work on off days. I've been soooo tempted to walk for an hour on a treadmill 2x a week to try to speed things up...but my work is very effort intensive, and I think in the end it would be counter productive.
  • jherman08
    jherman08 Posts: 24 Member
    Gaining muscle = calorie surplus

    Losing fat = calorie deficit

    Doing both at the same time = impossible unless genetic freak or new to training as the body adjusts.

    Let the bro science begin.

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Gaining muscle = calorie surplus

    Losing fat = calorie deficit

    Doing both at the same time = impossible unless genetic freak or new to training as the body adjusts.

    Let the bro science begin.


    What a moroon!
  • jholland99
    jholland99 Posts: 31 Member
    to matt I have a question. if u want to lose weight should u do lots of cardio first then use weights later when u lose the weight so u don't bulk up and become lean inside of thick

    I lost 9 pounds and Bern doing mostly cardio but started doing insanity on my 5th video since last week....
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    If you are in a calorie deficit, how will you bulk up?
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Gaining muscle = calorie surplus

    Losing fat = calorie deficit

    Doing both at the same time = impossible unless genetic freak or new to training as the body adjusts.

    Let the bro science begin.


    Please explain further how I am making up bro science. Please. We are waiting :smile:
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    If you are in a calorie deficit, how will you bulk up?

    Can't be done - even with steroids you need a calorie surplus don't you?
  • cnwofor
    cnwofor Posts: 9 Member
    About to go to work so will keep this short.

    Can you build muscle while losing fat. Most will answer No.
    Is it possible to lose fat while gaining muscle in a year, 6 months, 3 months.
    The answer then becomes yes. So the real question isn't whether one can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, it is more about whether it is possible to achieve this in a relatively short period of time (lets say 2 weeks).
    The standard argument is you need a calorie surplus to gain muscle mass while a calorie deficit to lose fat which create an impossibility. However those same people recognize that a "genetic freak" or someone new to bodybuilding can achieve this. What that means is it isn't impossible it just takes the right conditions.
    One important thing to remember is that our bodies have access to and dip into our fat reserves whenever needed through the day. lets say 20% of your calories burnt came from your fat storage (That don't need replenishing for most people). If your maintenance level is at 3000 that means you burn 600 calories from your fat stores. So if you consumed 2400 calories your body would get all the energy it needs: 2400 from food and 600 from fat stores with a side effect of your fat stores down 600 calories (We all like that). So now we include a intense strength workout in our day and bump up our calories to 3000. We are still getting 600 calories from our fat stores so our system actually has access to 3600 calories to rebuild. This creates the possibility of muscle growth. This should demonstrate why it is possible to lose fat while building muscles.
    I will link to a study showing this to be true in a next post so you can critic yourself.

    On a personal note I have tried to achieve this goal myself. I have been training for 10 years so I wouldn't fall in the newbie gain categorie. It have achieve muscle gains while losing fat. However it came at a very slow pace, would lose about 1/2 pound a week and a very structured workout and nutrition program.

    Whether you believe this or not, make sure that you eat clean when you bulk up and don't use bulking as an excuse to pigging.

    I am a personal trainer and pilates instructor
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    About to go to work so will keep this short.

    Can you build muscle while losing fat. Most will answer No.
    Is it possible to lose fat while gaining muscle in a year, 6 months, 3 months.
    The answer then becomes yes. So the real question isn't whether one can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, it is more about whether it is possible to achieve this in a relatively short period of time (lets say 2 weeks).
    The standard argument is you need a calorie surplus to gain muscle mass while a calorie deficit to lose fat which create an impossibility. However those same people recognize that a "genetic freak" or someone new to bodybuilding can achieve this. What that means is it isn't impossible it just takes the right conditions.
    One important thing to remember is that our bodies have access to and dip into our fat reserves whenever needed through the day. lets say 20% of your calories burnt came from your fat storage (That don't need replenishing for most people). If your maintenance level is at 3000 that means you burn 600 calories from your fat stores. So if you consumed 2400 calories your body would get all the energy it needs: 2400 from food and 600 from fat stores with a side effect of your fat stores down 600 calories (We all like that). So now we include a intense strength workout in our day and bump up our calories to 3000. We are still getting 600 calories from our fat stores so our system actually has access to 3600 calories to rebuild. This creates the possibility of muscle growth. This should demonstrate why it is possible to lose fat while building muscles.
    I will link to a study showing this to be true in a next post so you can critic yourself.

    On a personal note I have tried to achieve this goal myself. I have been training for 10 years so I wouldn't fall in the newbie gain categorie. It have achieve muscle gains while losing fat. However it came at a very slow pace, would lose about 1/2 pound a week and a very structured workout and nutrition program.

    Whether you believe this or not, make sure that you eat clean when you bulk up and don't use bulking as an excuse to pigging.

    I am a personal trainer and pilates instructor

    I don't doubt your expertise for one minute, however I'm not so sure of your theory. If you bump up your calories to 3000 you are NOT still getting 600 from your fat stores, as your body will not use these stores whilst it is getting enough from the easier to burn fuel source that you're giving it. It won't 'save' 600 of those calories for future muscle growth!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    cnwofor - much more like it AND informative rather than child like answers before - I await the post mate! :)
  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    Interesting thread. Lots of good contributions. Liked Matt's contribution a lot and recently cnwofor's post amongst others. :)

    I guess I'm in a similar position to the OP so that's why I am interested in this thread. I'm at 179 lbs and in low 20s for body fat% so still have fat to shred.

    Currently :- I've set my goal to be just under maintenance. As I'm not too keen on weight loss though at the minute as my current weight is sort of around the weight I would be aiming to get to several months down the line.

    Go down to come back up? :- However reading through this and some other stuff I'll admit my recent current approach looks like it's wrong. Do you think perhaps I should aim for a deficit of perhaps 1/2lb a week to shred the fat and then maybe when I'm down to healthier levels 15-18% body fat. Aim for a calorie surplus and try to finally gain some muscle?
  • Bealach_Bug
    Bump for later
  • gombolyu
    gombolyu Posts: 136 Member
    When I made my little research as a beginner I found that: the most preferred option is to gain weight at the beginning in order to build muscle. Than start to bur fat. The new muscles help you to have more efficient workouts and you will burn more calories as well thanks to them. ( I hope that helped even with my English.)
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    eat more, do less cardio. I didn't realize this thread was 4 pages long im sure you've been told this already
  • JeepBrah
    JeepBrah Posts: 150
    hgh insuline and tren will do the work
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member