mikemc620 Member


  • If you already know what you are averaging when eating back your calories, and since your average is over a pretty good chunk of time, why not just use that average as your TDEE. Instead of relying on a calculation that is just a good guess.
  • This is good. But I am too lazy to run in the first place let alone planning in detail where I have to run.
  • If you weigh 159 kg (350 lbs), how much do you think that you were eating to be able to put on that much weight? I am able to lose weight on 2800 cal. The idea here is to build a healthy sustainable relationship with food. Not to starve yourself and lose as much weight as fast as possible.
  • You can also use a foot on a chair to help yourself up when you need the help.
    in pull ups Comment by mikemc620 June 2014
  • Squat 330 Bench 275 OHP 155 Deadlift 375 I need to get my legs working
  • I don't think that needing a belt is as much about the weight that you lift (how many pounds) but more as in how much it is compared to your max. I generally use it at weights 85% of my max and above. I can't remember where, but I read that using a belt will actually help with your core strength. Using a belt just adds…
  • Take a look at the website, it gives alot of good information regarding your food. I have generally followed 1g protein per pound and between 0.4-0.5 g fat per pound. Fill in the rest of your calories with carbs. As to whether or not to bulk or cut, it all depends. You can start of bulking if you don't mind adding a little…
  • http://iifym.com/iifym-calculator/ You can use the calculator here to determine your daily calories. I would say that you would be closer to 1900 cal/day given that you were to exercise 3 times a week.
  • You want to aim for about 1g per pound of LBM (lean body mass) or even just 1g per lb, so I would say about 160g for you. You would want to up your calories a little bit, but a calorie counter wouldnt be necessary. Give it 3-4 weeks for your weight to stabilize again after you start lifting. Weigh yourself about every 2…
  • Start lifting now to prevent muscle loss as you lose fat (you will still lose some). It will put you off for a few weeks while your body adjusts (water weight) but it is much easier to keep the muscle you have rather than trying to build new muscle (and fat).
  • The type of protein doesn't really matter. Like other people have said, just put it into another container. I have used an oatmeal container before. I'm guessing you were saying you were worried about the milk spoiling if you take it with you. And if thats the case just use water, nothing wrong with that. Why are you only…
  • I wouldn't say that it is the best, but my post workout of choice is milk and protein powder so its really not far off.
  • This is actually some of the worst advice I have seen. You don't need to do any cardio at all to lose weight let alone two hours a day. All the cardio will give you is a larger calorie deficit meaning you can eat more along with heart health. I would suggest 20 minutes of HIIT if you want to do cardio. I like lifting so I…
  • A good site to track workouts is fitocracy. This is where you go to track your food and learn how to look like the hulk with 2 lb weights in 7 minutes.
  • I would personally use that $64 a month and put it into an awesome home gym. Craigslist is great and you can get a barbell and weight for about $100. That should be enough to get you started in strength training. After a couple months, it more than pays for itself and you can always add on if you want.
  • I certainly hope so. Based on online calculators I guess I should be anywhere between 425 and 445. I have done a few rack pulls recently to get used to the heavier weight and got 415. I will be doing 365 tomorrow and will evaluate based on the reps I get there for next week when we test our 1RM. 375 is the most I have ever…
  • The general goal should just be MORE
  • Male, 26, 6'3", 200 lbs Current Bench: 255x4 - 275x1 in Dec. Squat: 305x4 Deadlift: most recent was 345x9 - 375x1 in Dec. Goals Bench 300 -by summer Squat 350- no real time frame Deadlift 405- by summer I feel like my legs just suck
  • Looking at your pictures you have no fat and really no muscle either. Even if you do dirty bulk you should not stop for at least 6 months. You need to build the muscle first. Your body will have no problem holding onto the fat for that amount of time. I really think you need to consider what some of these other people that…
  • I have had type 1 for 17 years. I have always been very thin and don't think that it is easy to put on weight. (I weighed 140-145 lbs at 6'2" when I graduated high school.) At different times I have also had my thyroid monitored but never had to go on any medication. Maybe the thyroid medicine is having an effect but maybe…
  • I do one of the variations of BBB. I can't tell you exactly which one it is in the book but I alternate what my BBB work is. Meaning on Squat days I do deadlifts after and swap bench and OHP. Meaning that I hit each exercise twice a week then add in a couple of other exercises after. I have been following this for the last…
  • You can always increase the intensity as well. Do the same amount of work in a shorter period of time.
  • When working so close to your max, your body needs just needs a rest, so for that week you would just do 60% of your max. It feels like you aren't really doing anything but it is letting you recover so that you can do the heavier weight. There is no set time on how often you should do it, just listen to your body.
  • There is nothing wrong with doing 2-3 reps. It will help you get used to the heavier weight and allow your CNS to adjust. I follow Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 program and in each of the weeks you try to get 5, 3 and then 1 reps followed by a deload week. Then you add weight for the next cycle.
  • Do you have any back work that you do? Rows, chin-ups, pull-ups, lat pull downs. What are your goals? I would say if you can finish the reps, increase the weight for the next time. You may also want to look into a full body routine such as 5x5.
  • I don't drop the bar when deadlifting. I can see how it would be a good thing when working near max weights as its another place to get tired and potentially injured. I have steel plates with a small pad over a concrete floor in my basement so I can't really drop the plates.
  • how do you do this?
  • OP, I really don't see what the big problem with having a higher carb diet is. I personally think that it would be a lot easier to control. I am a Type 1 Diabetic and have been for 18 years. Carbs are easy to control, you know what your carb to insulin ratio is and you account for it. I actually have more trouble with the…
  • I occasionally take C4 before my workouts. The amount of creatine in it is not a full dose and I continue to take my 5-6g of creatine daily if I take the C4 or not.