Must cancel gym membership...Home fitness success stories?

My family needs to find some ways to cut our budget. I don't pay an extraordinary amount for my gym membership. It's $64 for my husband and myself. But that is $64 that isn't a necessary expense. And, truthfully, we haven't been using the gym that much anyway.

I have been hoping that in April I could begin hitting the gym harder and get into a better routine. A work assignment that was taking 60 hours a week has come to a close and I am back to having some free time. So, it is kind of disappointing to let the gym membership go.

Does anyone have some motivating stories of getting in shape at home? I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who have gotten into great shape & lost weight without paying a cent for a gym membership. What works for you?


  • ajorust
    ajorust Posts: 3 Member
    I love Turbo Fire and Body Revolution. I'm currently doing a hybrid of these.

    However, if you want free: is pretty great. Take some time to figure out a plan on what days you will do what and grab the exercises from here.
  • mikemc620
    mikemc620 Posts: 129 Member
    I would personally use that $64 a month and put it into an awesome home gym. Craigslist is great and you can get a barbell and weight for about $100. That should be enough to get you started in strength training. After a couple months, it more than pays for itself and you can always add on if you want.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I have a bench, bar, small rack, plates and dumbbells in my basement so I can lift. I love for HIIT workouts. I also run, treadmill's broken, so it's outside for me, only 2 days a week right now.

    When I lost my 45 pounds (I since gained almost 20 back, and am working out a loss and happy maintenance plan) I worked out at home using different videos and just light weights. I wish I'd done more heavy stuff or a more serious bodyweight program, though. But, it can be done at home. The BeFit Channel on You tube is also an awesome resource.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I would personally use that $64 a month and put it into an awesome home gym. Craigslist is great and you can get a barbell and weight for about $100. That should be enough to get you started in strength training. After a couple months, it more than pays for itself and you can always add on if you want.

    This! I bought a nice weight set on craigslist, also picked up a few things at garage sales and set up a great home gym in my garage. Also takes away the excuse of having to get to the gym.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I ended up not renewing my gym membership since I had been working out at home 90% of the time anyway. I am not a Beach Body coach, so I'm not trying to sell you anything.. but my program of choice right now is T25. I love it! There was a cost involved, but to me it was worth it. The workouts are about 25 minutes per day (plus a cool down), with 2 stages called Alpha and Beta (or 3 if you buy the additional Gamma package). Alpha is more cardio-focused, but in Beta (and Gamma) there's more of a strength focus. I've also done Insanity in the past and found that to be very effective but not as enjoyable as T25.

    I've also done various other workouts here-and-there, such as Jillian Michaels DVDs. You could of course always do things like running outside, hiking, etc.

    I came across this link on Livestrong before.. it seems to be similar to a T25/Insanity style program, but I believe it's free. I have not tried it personally but it may be worth checking out: &utm_campaign=0115 I bet there are other sites with similar free programs also. I think I saw some on YouTube one day.

    If you have any questions for me, let me know! :)
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    My husband was able to find a fantastic weight set and bench off of craig's list for $100. It was a great deal. I would check sites like that or look around at garage sales.

    We also have a treadmill that I bought last year at an after Christmas sale. It was still pricey.. I think around $350, but I use it 5 days a week and I have no troubles with it maintence wise.

    Both expenses were far less than over a year of gym memberships for the two of us. I've lost 37lbs and my husband has gained 20lbs (his goal was to build muscle/gain weight).
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    I do a lot of home workouts.

    Equipment I own:

    Jump rope
    Resistance Band
    Several sets of hand weights 5, 8, 10, 12 pounds
    Medicine Ball

    I have found and the Nike Training Club app to be invaluable for me.
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    No gym membership here -- I got a complete weight bench set for $100 from Craigslist and set it up in my game room. Re-upholstered the bench with $8 worth of vinyl and a staple gun. Checked out a copy of "New Rules of Lifting for Life" from the library. Et voila.

    I'd much rather work out at home, personally. I don't waste any time getting to and from the gym, I can watch whatever Netflix crap I want to while I lift, and I don't have to wear flip-flops in the shower afterward.
  • marathonmom72
    marathonmom72 Posts: 191 Member
    I started, in my garage, with a nordic trac and a total gym. From there I began P90X and other workout videos. Then I started running. After a while I became interested in lifting heavier, so also found a great deal, on Craig's List, for a bench, barbell, and free weights. A good friend made me a squat rack. Also started biking and swimming for triathlons in the summer months. Run road races in the spring and fall. When I started with the nordic trac it was 2008, and that was 58 pounds ago. You can do it. :)
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    I have free access to a gym on campus but have basically quit going because working out at home is much more convenient (and I don't have to share the equipment with anyone). I've got about 10 of Jillian Michaels's DVDs that I rotate throughout the week. You only need a yoga mat and some weights to do them, and there are multiple levels on most so you can really customize your workout. I know it seems bittersweet to let the membership go now, but there are really tons of possibilities for at-home workouts.
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    I am an avid walker. I walk outside, I walk on my treadmill and I walk with Leslie Sansone in Home Walking dvd's. I love Leslie. She's chatty, but it makes it fun for me. She incorporates resistance bands, the walk bely (which I just love!), weighted balls and hand weights. The walks aren't just walking in place. You walk using movements that target your whole body. You can preview her walk dvd's at or, a health newsletter that has two of her beginner walks in. Click to get to a page with a search bar then type in Leslie Sansone Walk 1. This will take you to two of her walking workouts. You make the moves as easy or as intense as you want them. I have found this has helped me to not only keep the weight off, but tone up as well. "Strength training while you walk"!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I've joined and wasted money on numerous gyms over the years. I have only stuck with home DVDs since January 2014 and have been very pleased with the results. Any Jillian Michaels I have found to be great. I'm currently doing Insanity and after completing will move on to T25. The nice thing about most DVDs is you typically only need minimal equipment (hand weights, yoga mat) to perform the routines.
  • seismicmuffin
    seismicmuffin Posts: 160 Member
    I've been using Zumba Core for the Wii. A high intensity short class is about 200 calories. A full class is almost 600cal. I also go walking in my neighborhood and for hikes a few times a week. I'm starting Focus T25 next week and may move on to some other program once I finish that.
  • FlatTummyTrish
    FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
    Your own circuits are great fun, you decide where to do jumping jacks or lift weights (jars/boxes etc) and youtube videos are how I stay on track, Denise Austin and Jilian Michaels are notably the best ones workouts I found. You can get second hand fitness DVD's too, but make sure it's intense, I have a few Pump It Up dvd's which simply don't do anything for me. Hope you find a way to exercise, remember simply dancing to music counts too :)
  • jillwhite12
    jillwhite12 Posts: 102 Member
    I've lost 112 lbs now without spending a dime on a gym membership. In the beginning, I started with the Biggest Loser game for the Wii, then I started running. Then I bought a barbell for only 30$ and have been buying inexpensive weights for it at walmart as I get stronger. Fitness doesn't have to be expensive, good luck!
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 132 Member
    Look at my picture. I started with 30 day shred, Les Mills Pump and now im doing 21 day fix. You dont need to buy Beachbody products but its proof that you can get an excellent workout at home and running/jogging/walking outside!
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    We always work out at home. We bought an elliptical and a stationary bike last year, and I have weights. Best investment in ourselves we ever made. You can find used equipment pretty cheap if you look around.
  • arenad
    arenad Posts: 142 Member
    No need for a gym. I walk, do kettle bell and bodyweight exercises. It's free and don't have to wait for equipment.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I too refuse to pay what they want for a gym membership in my town.

    1200 a year...imagine that..

    For me I find has great workouts for HIIT, I loved what 30 day shred did for me and my sister loves extreme shred and shed and ripped in 30.

    But I have to say I prefer my weight lifting. Yes it can be expensive if you go all out with new equipment but if you slowly purchase 2nd hand equipment and perhaps build a squat rack (have your husband do it...mine did for 60$) you can have a great setup for weight lifting.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    I would personally use that $64 a month and put it into an awesome home gym. Craigslist is great and you can get a barbell and weight for about $100. That should be enough to get you started in strength training. After a couple months, it more than pays for itself and you can always add on if you want.

    If the OP is trying to cut back and get rid of a $64 expense, what would be the difference between using the $64 for a gym membership and using it to make a home gym except that now OP will have to find a place to store all the equipment?

    I have had little success with exercising at home - too many distractions - but I did have some success walking/jogging around the neighborhood when I lived in a neighborhood with side walks. If you want to add a little upper body resistance, use weights (when walking - weights aren't recommended for jogging.)