Questtion about my upper body routine.

Below I have detailed my "upper body" routine.. When I do the routine, by the end I feel like the proverbial t-rex and my arms are limp noodles , however this passes fairly quickly. I have full movement and no soreness the next day. (the first time I did it, I couldn't raise my hands above my head for three days)

I can get through the first two sets fairly well, and, now, only have to break up the last sets once, maybe twice. At this point should I up the weight?? or up the sets? Or keep things the same until I don't feel like t-rex, wet noodle arm at the end of three "really good" sets?

Thanks bunches for muddling through that.

10 reps 2 sets each (although I do 3 sets) and I use 10lb dumb bells
Chest presses. chest flys, dumb bell rows, reverse flys

10 reps 1 set each (although I do 2 sets) - 10lb dumb bells (although I did in the first couple of times, switch to 5lb dumb bells for the sake of form and not being sloppy)
Overhead press, Lateral raises, Front raises and Upright rows

10 reps 2 sets each (although I do 3 sets) and I use 10lb dumb bells
Bicep curls, concentration curls (these are 1 set each arm.. I do 2 sets), and Hammer curls

and last but not least --

10 reps 2 sets each (I do 3 sets.. but with 5lb dumb bells)
tricep kickbacks and then finally tricep extensions


  • knightlygator
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Wow-- that's a lot of sets. How often do you this routine? Do you also do a lower body routine?

    My first impression is that you could probably dial back the number of total sets and increase the weight.

    In the meantime, this site has some great info on it concerning frequency, when to increase weight, how many sets/reps to build into a workout, etc.:
  • knightlygator
    Awesome, thanks. I will take a look a the link. I do this every third or fourth day (depending on work schedule and such). I do the lower body on the other every other third or fourth day.. lol) Say Upper, Lower, Rest, Upper, Lower, Rest. I am all new to this and trying to figure it out. I think my next purchase is going to be that New Rules weightlifting book I keep seeing discussed.
  • mikemc620
    mikemc620 Posts: 129 Member
    Do you have any back work that you do? Rows, chin-ups, pull-ups, lat pull downs.

    What are your goals? I would say if you can finish the reps, increase the weight for the next time. You may also want to look into a full body routine such as 5x5.