pichild Member


  • I weigh everyday in the morning after i use the bathroom (if i go more than once before i dress for the day i weigh each time) i log it in my food notes on mfp...i also weigh when i get home for the day typically before dinner (since i usually eat at home) and i log that evening weight in my food notes...i typically.eat…
  • Amazing you look beautiful!!!!
  • I was a mountain dew junkie (2 liters or more per day)....I couldn't stand water...now when I drink soda it's diet Dr pepper...Dr pepper10 is a great way to transition because it still has some of the sugar just not as much...as for water crystal light or there greatvalue knock off is great...I use the orange which to me…
  • Wow wow wow I have lost nowhere near what you lost and I still brag to total strangers...I cannot imagine accomplishing what you have and not wanting to shout it out to the world... You are absolutely amazing ...keep up the great work !!!okay so now I'm off to read your blog
  • I joined mid June 2012 .. .i am 5'7" and 40 years old at my highest weight I was somewhere around 395 to 400 ...when I started MFP I was down to 340... This is not been by any stretch of the imagination an easy journey... But I am now at 254... My best advice to you would be to log everything be honest and find the plan…
  • If I eat ice cream it is usually breyers carb smart vanilla...no added sugar made with splenda ...oh so good
  • I would say yes...if you are eating because your hungry and think you shouldn't be hungry test yourself...drink a glass of water and said 30 minutes...if you are still hungry then eat...
  • I don't actually believe the number of calories burned amounts to be accurate so I usually either don't eat them back or eat about half back....but that being said the best advice is to listen to your body...if you are hungry eat if you are not don't....I think too many people get caught up in trying to get in all their…
  • Wow...this looks awesome...thanks for sharing
  • 40 year old 5'7" High weight 395 MFP starting weight 340 (June 13 2012) Current weight 254.2
  • Well I actually topped out closer to 400... like you my MFP starting weight was 340... Well I cannot identify what clicked in my brain something did... I thank God for MFP everyday.. For i could have never accomplished what I have with out this Site... Seeing the success is that people have really keeps me going.... thank…
  • Okay I read through all of the post here and never had any clue how controversial the subject was... Currently I'm coming off of month that was bad I have reduced my carb intake to around 20 grams a day... no carb would be near impossible.... That being said I was better on a typically I keep my carbohydrate intake at…
    in No carbs? Comment by pichild March 2013
  • Wow, wow, wow!!! You have done an amazing job...you truly look amazing...all of your hard work is definitely paying off...keep it up!!!!
  • All i can say is WOW!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! you truely are an inspiration...someday i hope to be sharing a similar story.
  • Very well put...many here do not agree with the way i eat...frequently falling below 1200...no im not starving myself ....i subscribe to the philosophy if you are hungry eat , if you are not hungry dont...i listen to my body not my mind. I can definitely appreciate your live and let live attitude
  • No I don't think the additional protein will hinder you in anyway..what I recommend is finding a diet that works for you...honestly I don't pay as much attention to the macros as I do to the calories...I have enjoyed some success with this method...
  • I weigh myself several times a day and have for many months...I can tell you that it can be frustrating until you see a pattern...first thing in the morning I weigh and again after using the bathroom...usually about a lb difference...I also weigh before dinner and again after usually about a 2 lb difference...depending on…
  • I couldn't have said it any better...for me a modified Adkins style diet works...but I'm not giving up the pasta this time I just eat less of it...I truly believe tracking is going to have to be away of life for me...even once I achieve my goal....for me the secret to success is as simple as MFP...the best thing that's…
  • 2012 was for the last half of the year about me, for the first time in my life it was about me. June 13th I started MFP I hoped it would work I wasn't sure it would. bottom line Success!!! I went from 340 pounds to 258 backup to 266 I went for a BMI of a 53.3 to 40.4 I went from wearing a size 4 to 5 x top down to a size…
  • That's absolutely awesome... thank you for sharing... the transformation is remarkable. you are truly the inspiration you hoped to be
  • Looks like I'm definitely in the minority here...I weigh in multiple times daily. First thing in the morning and at least 2 more times before leaving the house the last one fully dressed... I also weigh in when I come home...I log the morning and evening weights in the food notes portion of my diary along with the 5 week…
  • I'm 5'7 my top weight was 395...I started MFP at 340...I am currently at 266...I definitely have the lower hanging belly or front but complete with the line where it folds together... I too am looking for an activity to tighten this area...it does shrink down some but I anticipate it always being there unless I have a skin…
  • Let me start by saying I've read all the posts and only 1 mentions love...support your son ...as time goes by he will likely start receiving taunts from other kids... if he knows he supported he will be more likely to succeed... That being said I'm almost 40 years old and i'm only now taking the steps I need to take ...as…
  • Like you I can't loose the cream in favor of skim or regular milk...when I started on MFP I was fitting it into my day at 367 calories for a 32 oz cup...I then switched to a fat free creamer and sugar and splenda...when I determined that low fat was not going to be the most productive for me I went low Carb ...I use the…
  • While I don't think any of your mini goals are at all unreasonable or unrealistic... I have to agree with the other posters here...the time restrictions could catch you in the end...I set mini goals of 10 lbs...that way I'm never any further than 10lbs from a goal...ideally I would hit a goal each month if not…
  • This is strange.. I am 274 and 5'7"...set for 2 lbs a week and get 1460.
  • Wow wow wow...amazing the difference... I am following much the same path though I started out a little heavier... I still have a long long road ahead of me...but successes like yours a so incredibly motivating...since I've been here I actually think it might be possible to get below 200(which is my current major goal ) a…
  • You really do look amazing... congratulations on your success... it's images like these that keep me going.... thank you for posting
  • A little about me according to my family I've been fat all my life...I've seen the pictures. This was simply not true...what is true is that... at 12 I weighed 125 but I was also 5'5"(not fat)...there was no one on my side...so I started eating by the time I got my driving permit at 15 I was 225...18-19 brought on the…
  • Years of yo-yo dieting have taught me one thing if you deny yourself something that you love while loosing weight you will overindulge when you finally get to have it...if I see something that I want I have it...I also log my food in real time...so I have a good idea of what I can still have if I make that choice... in…