My weight changes by lbs during the day!!!!


I know people are going to tell me off for weighing myself like this. But........
I weighed myself last night (purely because I got some new scales) and then weighed myself this morning and 3lb had gone. Then I weighed myself tonight and 2lb had been put on.

Is this normal?


  • obabso
    obabso Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there,
    Yes, this is totally normal. Your weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds in a day! depending on what you ate, when you've used the restroom, etcetera. That's why it is suggested to weigh yourself at the same time each day (morning is usually best, before breakfast).

    Don't worry!
  • yes. your food and water gets added up! don't worry, when you weigh yourself daily, make sure to do it at certain times, for example,: you should weigh yourself everyday in the morning after using the bathroom.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Yes. Weigh in once a week in the same conditions or you will go crazy with the fluctuations
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Why are you weighing yourself multiple times each day? This is a pointless exercise.
  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Of course your body fluctuates all day AND day to day. You answered your question in your first sentence. Enough said!
  • mjswalters
    mjswalters Posts: 38 Member
    Totally normal. Your weight fluxes during the day due to water retention and the stuff you eat that's in your stomach. In the morning, especially after you use the bathroom first thing, your tummy and bladder are totally empty.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member

    I know people are going to tell me off for weighing myself like this. But........
    I weighed myself last night (purely because I got some new scales) and then weighed myself this morning and 3lb had gone. Then I weighed myself tonight and 2lb had been put on.

    Is this normal?

    Yes, because the food and drink you have put into your mouth has weight.

    If you drink a pt of water you will weigh a lb more instantly because the pint of water weighs a lb.

    So, as you expected, I'm going to tell you off for weighing so often, as it's pointless.
  • lovechicagobears
    lovechicagobears Posts: 289 Member
    Totally normal. Your weight fluxes during the day due to water retention and the stuff you eat that's in your stomach. In the morning, especially after you use the bathroom first thing, your tummy and bladder are totally empty.

    This. I can be anywhere from 1-5 pounds heavier at the end of the day. Sometimes, and I mean rarely, I'm a pound lighter (which I'll never understand). :) That usually happens when I drop water weight after my period.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Long hikes can spike me about 10lbs during the day. It's healthy for your weight to fluctuate.
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    Yes weight can change as much as 5 pounds in a day depending on what you ate and drank and how much water your muscles retain for repair if you are working out. I use the scale as a way to put a number on it when people ask me how much I weigh or how much weight I have lost but my magic is in measuring my body fat % with a set of body fat calipers and maintaining a particular percentage of body fat. So with that method so long as you are maintaining progress you generally do not stall like you would with a scale.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    Everyone's said it - weigh yourself once a week (at the most) at the same time under the same conditions.

    I heard the best time is to weigh first thing in the morning before breakfast and after using the toilet (when your weight is most I heard)'s amazing how much of a difference going to the toilet can make to your weight.
    I did a wee experiment (pun intended) once weighing myself (at night) with a full bladder and then straight after using the toilet and my weight dropped by 4lbs - couldn't believe it!

    But yeah, your weight will fluctuate daily and, more than likely, hourly.
  • wazzanz
    wazzanz Posts: 78
    I know weight can change throughout the day. Heavier at end of day etc as more in than out.

    However, if you weigh yourself at night before you jump into bed (after been to toilet etc) and then weigh less in the morning where does the weight go...?

    I don't own any scales and just use the ones at the gym so never tried it.
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    I weigh myself several times a day and have for many months...I can tell you that it can be frustrating until you see a pattern...first thing in the morning I weigh and again after using the bathroom...usually about a lb difference...I also weigh before dinner and again after usually about a 2 lb difference...depending on how late I eat dinner and how early I get up I may still be holding some of that weight in the morning...I don't recommend this for everyone but the numbers and trends fascinate me
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    However, if you weigh yourself at night before you jump into bed (after been to toilet etc) and then weigh less in the morning where does the weight go...?
    The fat faries come in the wee hours of the night and magically whisk the weight away.

    Weight yourself once a week. Moving on.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    I know weight can change throughout the day. Heavier at end of day etc as more in than out.

    However, if you weigh yourself at night before you jump into bed (after been to toilet etc) and then weigh less in the morning where does the weight go...?

    I don't own any scales and just use the ones at the gym so never tried it.

    I don't know, I really don't - I think that's where the RMR concept comes in (resting metabolic rate) - I'm no expert so someone correct me if I'm wrong - the rate you burn calories if you do absolutely nothing (except breathing sleeping is the best example of this).
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Yes: poop and dehydration.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Yes, AGAIN, one visit to the loo for a number 2 and at least a couple of pounds are a for away....*sigh*
  • I studied nutrition in college. You are hurting yourself by weighing often. The reason is your body weight typically fluxuates throughout the day. If I eat a salty meal, my weight jumps 2 to 3 lbs due to water retention. There is hidden sodium in most foods and adding salt to your foods is usually not necessary but if you do use salt, use all natural Sea Salt but avoid major brands such as Morton Salt as they add chemicals and harmful additives. My body does better if I do not add salt. If I slip and eat Take Out Pizza, I can count on ballooning up 2 to 3 pounds over night. Each body is unique. Find the best time for you to weigh once a week. 1st thing in the morning is best for me. Also be sure to drink 6 to 8 cups of good water ( I use only bottled water that is NSF certified). It is a myth that if you drink water you will gain. The opposite is true. If you deny your body proper hydration, your body will retain what water it does have which will provide false water weight. By drinking clean fluids such as safe bottled water and lots of organic herbal teas that you can have iced, your body will naturally flush toxins and other pollutants out of your system and will not try to hold on to what little water it has. People who add extra salt to their foods experience the constant frustration of feeling that they suddenly gained weight and do not understand that it was the salt, in most cases!
  • wazzanz
    wazzanz Posts: 78
    However, if you weigh yourself at night before you jump into bed (after been to toilet etc) and then weigh less in the morning where does the weight go...?
    The fat faries come in the wee hours of the night and magically whisk the weight away.

    Weight yourself once a week. Moving on.

    I do weigh myself once a week but does not mean i can't be curious why things occur...
  • I do kind of like it when I weigh myself after taking a large poop though, HAHAHA.
    I'm like "I lost THAT much?". :P

    But yeah, I'd say if you're weighing yourself, probably just do it once or twice a week, and always at the same time (I do it right after I wake up, before I grab breakfast and start with my day). Because you can gain and lose weight in the course of a day easily. If you want to keep track of weight loss it has to be a consistent time. Not one day in the morning, and then another day after you just ate a burrito. :P