What have YOU accomplished in 2012?



  • nahiluoh
    nahiluoh Posts: 41 Member
    Started my renewed fitness journey on September 1, 2012. Ten highlights related to health and fitness:

    1. Signed up for personal training and re-upped twice so far
    2. Fixed up diet considerably ("paleo-light") and cut down on sugar intake by about 75%
    3. Down 20 lbs (I'm the opposite of a hard gainer...hard loser?)
    4. Body fat percentage from 25% to 19% (abs on the way)
    5. Waist size reduced from 41" to 36"
    6. Neck size 17.5" to 15.75" (this really makes a difference for men's shirts)
    7. Can see my cheekbones and jawline (just enough)
    8. Renewed sense of physical self-confidence
    9. Kid #3 now in the queue (due July 2013)
    10. Bought all new clothes that look a LOT better!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    1. Graduated College
    2. Moved out of my parents house
    3. got my own vehicle
    4. got a full time job
    5. found out I was severly depressed and got help to pull myself out.
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    Great thread, everyone had such wonderful accomplishments and goals. Here are some of mine.

    Top 10 things accomplished in 2012
    1. Started supporting Wounded Warrior Mentor Program. Had first mentee.
    2. Supported my beautiful bride of 30+ years through breast cancer surgery.
    3. Found Myfitnesspal application on 04/28/2012 and started a life transforming health improvement and weight loss journey.
    4. Lost 52 lbs since starting with MFP.
    5. Lost 8 inches around the waist. Went from a size 50 to 40/42.
    6. Starting with little to no ability to jog (e.g. couch potato) to jogging/running 3 miles in less than 29 minutes.
    7. Starting with little to no ability to swim to swimming 0.75 mile breast stroke continuously for the first time ever. Also, swimming 0.5 mile freestyle non-continuously for the first time ever.
    8. Starting with no ability to work out hard to executed an indoor “brick”. An indoor brick is a 12-mile bike ride (on stationary bike) followed by a 5k (3.1 miles) run. Bike ride time was 30:06 and run time was 28:45.
    9. Successfully tracked all daily food intake since I started on MFP on 04/28/2012 (~240 days). Why my MFP says I only have tracked 65 days in a row is a mystery to me but I think I was not clicking the button at the bottom of the tracking page every day until a couple of months ago.
    10. Net weekly average net calorie intake has always been ~300 calories under target.

    Top things to accomplish in 2013
    1. Do more Wounded Warrior mentoring.
    2. Support my wife through radiation therapy.
    3. Keep all of my employees employed. We have had to let a number of people go in 2012.
    4. Achieve target weight of 200lbs (e.g., 84 lbs lost).
    5. Run in first 5k race.
    6. Reduce 3 mile jog/run time to below 27 minutes.
    7. Get waist size below 40, preferably 36.
    8. Log food every day.
    9. Keep weekly net calorie average below target.
    10. Swim freestyle 0.5 miles continuously.
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    2012 was for the last half of the year about me, for the first time in my life it was about me.
    June 13th I started MFP I hoped it would work I wasn't sure it would. bottom line Success!!!
    I went from 340 pounds to 258 backup to 266
    I went for a BMI of a 53.3 to 40.4
    I went from wearing a size 4 to 5 x top down to a size 22 or 2x
    I went from wearing a size 30 pants to a loose 22 or tight 20
    Join the gym so 2013 can be more of a success

    I learned I am NOT ready to go alone I still need to track every day and I need the support of MFP.

    Wishing everybody an awesome new year !!!!
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Great thread! Happy New Year folks!!

    1. Maintained a loss of 15 pounds (started seriously in June 2011 after my best friend died at the age of 50) although still trying to lose another 40.
    2. Stayed consistently in the same clothing size.
    3. Joined a gym
    4. Exercised at least 3-4 times a week.
    5. Walk my pup almost every day.
    6. Eat much healthier than years before including cutting out most processed food and sugar out of my diet (except during the holidays, dang!)
    7. Sleeping better at night
    8. Kept my blood pressure in check.
    9. Showed incredible improvement on all of my blood work!!

    Goals for 2013:

    1. to continue to eat as healthfully as possible
    2. continue to work out consistently
    3. lose those pesky 40 pounds!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    2012 was a great year!

    1. went from a body fat of 19% to 12%
    2. increased my calve muscles
    3. increased my upper body strength
    4. learned how to skateboard any terrain and am now addicted to bowls
    5. for the first time in my life am not aneimic in electrolytes due to my low carb paleo lifestyle (switched from a lowfat diet in 2011)
    6. can eat as much food as I want and I'm still dropping body fat and gaining muscle
    7. not addicted to sugar and I don't crave any carbs thanks to my high EFA diet
    8. have unlimited energy and am looking forward to increasing my fitness levels in 2013 and getting to 120lbs. of lean muscle
  • iommi4
    iommi4 Posts: 20
    Amazing to see everyone's goals. I started my life style change back on June 1st and I weighed at 272 pounds. Here are my accomplishments

    1) I am down 72.5 pounds and that puts me 199.5.... I literally cried when I saw i am under 200 pounds.
    2) Started running and I run about 3-4 miles on the road when I can (since it is winter and I can't stand the cold anymore)
    3) Increased my strength when I started going to the gym
    4) Doing personal training sessions at the gym and I am making huge strides with my core.
    5) I was at 42 waist in jeans currently I wear 34 waist.
    6) I did 70 burpee box jumps the other day (huge since i was barely able to do 5 2 months ago)

    Things I plan to accomplish in 2013

    1) Get to my goal of 180 pounds
    2) Plan to run a half marathon by year end (will do 5ks and 10ks through out the year)
    3) Going to try out Crossfit in the near future
    4) Plan to do a Spartan Sprint or a Tough Mudder this year
    5) Keep the weight off for good and stay fit for the rest of my life
  • zenart1
    zenart1 Posts: 7 Member
    I love all of these!

    I blogged my stuff earlier today: http://bootcampbombshell.blogspot.com/2012/12/2012-top-10.html

  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    Awesome accomplishments made by all!!!

    1. Size 20 to size 12/14
    2. Size 2XL to size M/L
    3. Did my first ever 5k (3 total)
    4.Back in the 100's

    Much continued success to all in 2013!!!!
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    1. Dropped 64 pounds
    2. Went from a size 22 to a 10.
    3. I have worked out at least 5 days a week since February
    4. I have amazing shoulders AND my bat wings are almost gone
    5. Ran my first 5K
    6. I no longer drink soda – diet or not!
    7. I can clothes shop in any store I want
    8. I haven’t eaten McDonald's since February 21, 2012.
    9. Started lifting weights
    10. I have the will power to continue being Healthy and Fit in 2013!!!!!!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    In the past year I have:
    Lost 30 pounds
    Began buiying all fresh foods, and no longer cook anything processed
    I have become more interested in exercise, enough to consider becoming a trainer
    Gotten family interested in being healthy as well

    In the new year I plan to:

    Run 1, 5k
    Complete 2 jillian michaels cd's
    Lose 15 more pounds and keep it off.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    1. Had a baby!

    2. Lost all the baby weight....

    3. ...Plus another 20lbs

    4. met my ultimate goal weight

    5. got back into school

    6. fixed things with my SIL, now we're good friends

    7. STARTED to fix things with the in-laws, and am starting to hate them just a little less

    8. cleaned out and updated my wardrobe

    9. got a part-time job that I can take my kid to

    10. cut our total family debt in HALF

  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Great thread.

    1. Lost 1/3 of my body weight
    2. Ran a 10k race without walking
    3. Dropped 5 dress sizes
    4. Squatted 75% of my body weight
    5. Bought clothes in normal shops and not even in the biggest size they had
    6 Took control of my life and stopped waking up miserable every morning about my weight
    7. Was described as 'inspirational' countless times
    8. Finally weigh less than my husband
    9. Cycled 50 miles in one day
    10. Improved every single aspect of my life.

    And in 2013 I'm going to:

    1. Run my first half marathon (March 2013)
    2. Compete in my first triathlon (March 2013)
    3. Reach my goal weight
    4. Climb Ben Nevis
    5. Maintain my weight loss
    6. Wear amazing clothes
    7. Maintain my goal weight
    8. Try and inspire people.

    Best of luck to you on your 2013 Goals!!! You can do it!!!
  • I maintained my weight and finished P90X a few times.
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    1. Lost 69 pounds
    2. from size 20 to 12/14 (bra band was crazy 44 to 36!)
    3. completed 4- 5K runs(I would have laughed at you if you said I would do this last year) with a triathlon planned in July(me? the chubby-funny girl doing triathlons? wait...nahhh)
    4. I am officially addicted to exercise and it is part of me as much as just brushing my teeth (this is the best accomplishment ever because this is a lifestyle change for good)
    5. I am a semi heavy lifter now..well..at least for what I started out doing..

    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    and I met SupahStar71 :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    1. Lost 69 pounds
    2. from size 20 to 12/14 (bra band was crazy 44 to 36!)
    3. completed 4- 5K runs(I would have laughed at you if you said I would do this last year) with a triathlon planned in July(me? the chubby-funny girl doing triathlons? wait...nahhh)
    4. I am officially addicted to exercise and it is part of me as much as just brushing my teeth (this is the best accomplishment ever because this is a lifestyle change for good)
    5. I am a semi heavy lifter now..well..at least for what I started out doing..

    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    and I met SupahStar71 :love: :love: :love: :love:

  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    1. lost 34 pounds
    2. lost my belly I had at the beginning of the year
    3. noticed a change in body definition
    4. stretching made it possible for me to touch my toes again
    5. muscles have gotten stronger and bigger
    6. my attitude has changed cuz I now KNOW I can do this
    7. started cutting out foods with a lot of added sugars
    8. dropped jean size from 34 to 32
    9. made it to a healthy bmi range
    10. last but not least important, met a lot of amazing peeps here that have helped make all of this possible :)
  • TiffanyDeaneeM89
    TiffanyDeaneeM89 Posts: 10 Member
  • caslyn3
    caslyn3 Posts: 70 Member
    Great Job everyone!

    Here are my few accomplishments for 2012

    1. I have lost 51 lbs from June 5th until now.
    2. I have went from not being about to walk a mile, to walking 5+ miles
    3. I have participated in 5, 5k's. Walk and run, My time started out at 52 minutes, my last race was 45 minutes.
    4. I have gone from a size 20 jeans, to a size 14.
    5. I can actually see my toes now.
    6. I feel sexy even though I am still heavy. I have motivation and will power now.
    7. ( for us ladies, sorry fellas ) I have ovulated consistently for the last 6 months. ( menstruated )
    8. I actually inspire people.
  • Found MFP in July 2012
    Lost 8 kilos since learning how to use it (not alot but slow and steady wins the race ;) )
    Have had many celebrations holidays etc through the year and still have lost 8 kilos
    Became addicted to Group Fitness ... Thanks Lou !
    Looking forward to another good 15 ~ 20 kilos gone in 2013
    Bring it on !
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