What have YOU accomplished in 2012?

So I like the posts on this board that let everyone else chime in too. :)
Let's say your top 10 accomplishments. They can be anything related...new clothes sizes, blood work, lifestyle changes.
I'm hoping that we get a large response and people can use the New Year to get going again after the holidays.

1. Dropped 62 pounds
2. Went from a size 26 to a 16.
3. Blood pressure went from 157/130 to 100/70.
4. Since August I have walked 62 miles (Compared to the 2 of last year LOL.)
5. I have been going to the gym for four months and it's actually showing.
6. I grew biceps and shoulder muscles.
7. A1C went from 10.8 to 7.0.
8. I stopped going out to eat one to two times a day, instead I go one to two times a week.
9. I bought my first mini skirt!
10. Eliminated high calorie coffee drinks from my diet. (1,200 calories for ONE of my Starbucks coffee. Ugh!)

I'm hoping that everyone can focus on their achievements, rather than how hard it is this year.


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Great accomplishments.

    Excuse me a second, I need to get through boggling over a 1200 calorie coffee! That's all my calories for the day in one cup!

    Okay, I'm over it. Here's mine:

    1. Counting from November of last year I lost 82 pounds.

    2. I went from not being able to work out for 10 minutes without puking to doing hour long plus workouts.

    3. I went from not being able to run for 20 seconds to being able to run for 2 minutes to being able to run for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 25, and now over 40 minutes without stopping.

    4. I went from a 3X elastic waistband skirt to size 10s and 12s jeans and from 3x shirts to size Large shirts.

    5. I'm learning to eat right and to eat in a way that works for me (this is still a work in progress, though).

    6. I ran my first race. An 8k. Okay, to be honest, I walked most of it. The next one I do will be a 5k and I don't plan on walking any of it.

    7. My back and knee bother me a lot less than they did. I have to watch my posture, though, since I've lost so much weight I now have the flexibility and room to slouch in very unergonomic ways!
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Awesome accomplishments both of you!

    Let's see...

    1. I decided to finally get off my butt and do something about losing weight, which is what led me to MFP. (Possibly the best decision I've ever made).

    2. I've lost 15 pounds in the past 2 months since joining the site.

    3. I can jog for over an hour straight, where as 2-3 months ago I could maybe make it 15 - 20 minutes max.

    4. I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD. I just started level 3 of it today, but I can already see noticeable progress in how I look and feel.

    5. I've gotten several compliments over the holidays from family and friends from back home about the weight I've lost or how good I look, which is a great feeling. Especially when they have no idea that I've been trying to lose weight.

    6. I've completely changed how I grocery shop. I'm buying fresh fruits and vegetables! I'm also buying more things that I can cook as opposed to microwave pizzas and hot pockets or just mac & cheese. (This has made me feel healthier which I really like).

    7. While I haven't completely cut out soda or alcohol from my diet, and don't think that I ever will, I have cut back a lot, which I'm very proud of.

    8. I hardly eat out at fast food restaurants anymore, and if I do I usually go to subway. It used to be very common for me to stop and grab food on my way home, but now I am way more likely to cook something. (This not only makes me eat healthier, but my bank account is very happy about it).

    Lastly, 9. I have a newfound confidence in myself. I have never really had low self-esteem exactly, but this makes me feel like I finally have control over my weight and am making a positive change in my life. It's a really great feeling!

    Thanks for posting this topic. I think it's important to focus on what we have accomplished this year as opposed to always focusing on what still needs to happen. We should celebrate how far we've come! :smile:
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    Made fitness a habit instead of an attempt. 17 additional pounds gone, 3 more inches off the waist, and about 5% less body fat.
    Improved my race times at all distances.
    Got happier. :)
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Ran my first half marathon (at 60!!)
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    Ran my first half marathon (at 60!!)

    WHAT? I think you mis-typed your age.....way to go on the half marathon, that's terrific!
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    1) Completed 5 endurnace mountain bike events (80-100 Miles)
    2) gained 7lbs of muscle
    3) lost 2 inchs on waist.
    4) Best of all... gained a fiancé :D
  • shellyska
    1. Joining bootcamp to kickstart a healthy lifestyle.
    2. Reduce my bodyfat to 27% from 33%
    3. Reduce 3 kgs (not much.. I know..)
    4. Can run 30 mins nonstop on a treadmill.
    5. Reduce 1 inch.

    I hope to have more in 2013. Happy New Year Everyone! :)
  • NatsukoG
    NatsukoG Posts: 104
    Great thread.

    1. Lost 1/3 of my body weight
    2. Ran a 10k race without walking
    3. Dropped 5 dress sizes
    4. Squatted 75% of my body weight
    5. Bought clothes in normal shops and not even in the biggest size they had
    6 Took control of my life and stopped waking up miserable every morning about my weight
    7. Was described as 'inspirational' countless times
    8. Finally weigh less than my husband
    9. Cycled 50 miles in one day
    10. Improved every single aspect of my life.

    And in 2013 I'm going to:

    1. Run my first half marathon (March 2013)
    2. Compete in my first triathlon (March 2013)
    3. Reach my goal weight
    4. Climb Ben Nevis
    5. Maintain my weight loss
    6. Wear amazing clothes
    7. Maintain my goal weight
    8. Try and inspire people.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    My top ten accomplishments for 2012:

    1. I lost approximately 30 lbs. I am actually only down 20 lbs from January 1st, but I RE-lost the 10 lbs I gained back in my 5-6 months absence from MFP during the year.

    2. I now exercise nearly every day for at least an hour.

    3. I bought my own home gym system (just a couple of days ago) to add to what I used to refer to as my “cardio cave”.

    4. With my healthier lifestyle, my depression is gone (knock on wood).

    5. I no longer drink alcohol during the week (normally).

    6. I can now wear a size 8 jeans!

    7. I bought my first little black dress in years!

    8. I am much less self-conscious about my appearance.

    9. I learned that exercising, eating healthier, losing weight and getting healthier in general makes me a much happier person.

    10. I had to give up my favorite food completely: Breakstone’s lightly salted whipped butter! I found I can’t buy a tub of it and have it last more than 2-3 days in my house, so it’s gone. I switched from full fat cheese, sour cream, milk, half & half, etc. to reduced or fat free items and enjoy them just as much as their predecessors!

    My hopes for 2013

    1. To incorporate weight training in my routine at least 3 times a week.
    2. To allow myself one day off from exercise through the week once I hit goal - or before.
    3. To buy a tub of Breakstone’s lightly salted whipped butter and have it last as long as my Land O' Lakes light butter! :bigsmile:
    4. To hit goal and a size 6 and maintain.
    5. To GET A JOB!!

    Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and continued success with whatever journey you are on!
  • Rutechris
    I lost 20 more pounds and became certified in personal training and fitness nutrition through ISSA. Big study year for me.
  • sndiane
    sndiane Posts: 83 Member
    I was just going to bump to read them all later, but decided to submit my accomplishments.

    1. Lost 52 lbs, 47 on MFP.
    2. Went from a size 22W jeans to 18W jeans.
    3. Tried on a misses size jeans and almost passed out because I could fit them.
    4. Able to get through a full 30 minute kickboxing session without feeling like I am going to die.
    5. Looking forward to exercise instead of dragging myself to do it.
    6. Lost 7 inches on my waist.
    7. Purchased a 1X sweater during the Thanksgiving holidays.
    8. Only going out to eat once every 2 weeks.
    9. Able to see collarbones
    10. Sleeping better.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    1. Ran my first half marathon (1:49:10)
    2. Got a 5K PR (21:45) coming in 27/944, 5th woman, 1st in my age group
    3. Lost 10 lbs
    4. Got a six-pack
    5. Found a food plan and macro ratio that works for me
    6. Dropped two clothing sizes (4 to 0)
    7. Eliminated coffee (and all the sugar I put in it) from my diet
    8. Cut down on eating out (to 1-2x/week)
    9. Feel confident about the way I look
    10. Completed two mud runs
  • MsMelissaG
    MsMelissaG Posts: 48 Member
    1. I'm taking my health more seriously.
    2. I quit drinking unless it's a social event and sometimes not even then.
    3. I have learned to say no and not please everyone else.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    1. Lost 46lbs - started in December 2011, but that's only 2 weeks over, so I figure I'm good :)
    2. Ran 162 miles (after 0 miles in 2011)
    3. Ran my first 5K
    4. Ran my first mud race
    5. Dropped 4 pants sizes and 3 shirt sizes
    6. Celebrated 7 years of marriage!
    7. Gave up soda
    8. Started shopping in "normal" stores - that was an awesome feeling!!
    9. Started strength training, which has made a HUGE difference in how I look
    10. Stopped hiding from the camera (this was a big one for me!)
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    1) I have been able to maintain my weight at between 175-180 lbs.

    2) My love for cardio dance such as Zumba and hip-hop fitness has allowed my heart's ejection fraction to improve from only 27% to 45%.

    3) I had been able to complete a creative writing class.

    4) I have been able to stay away from red meat, fried foods, fast foods, and sweets for more than nine months.

    5) I have improved on following the medical advise of my doctors... I still need to do more work on this issue.

    6) My last implantable cardioverter defibrillator checkout indicated no heart rhythm anomalies due to the fact that I regularly go to cardio dance classes...

    7) I have improved flexibility because of taking yoga.

    8) I have been able to maintain as positive of an outlook on life as possible.

    9) I have try to be more emotionally open... I still need to work on this.

    10) I can now fit into size 32" jeans... 17 months ago, I had to wear size 58" jeans...
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Lost 89lbs and decorated the bedroom.. YAY ME :laugh:

    ETA: My 10th wedding anniversary was in there somewhere too :bigsmile:
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    If you are basing it simply on external accomplishments...then far more than you....OK..ran/walked my first 5k in 11 years of rehab...far better than that..love my wife of 33+ years more and more.
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    Love reading these accomplishments!! Very motivating, for sure. Here are my accomplishments for 2012:

    1. Lost 67 pounds
    2. Ran my first 5K - then ran my 2nd and 3rd ones :-)
    3. Said goodbye to the plus size department forever
    4. 6 months ago, I could only walk for 20 minutes, and now I can run for 45. Holy wow!
    5. Gained a TON of confidence in myself

    For 2013:
    1. Lose another 40 pounds or so (we'll see when I get there)
    2. Run at least 4 more 5K races and a mud run/obstacle run
    3. Starting lifting
  • Kristen_nicole95
    Kristen_nicole95 Posts: 112 Member
    1. Since march I've lost 72 pounds
    2. I got over being self conscious and attended a Zumba class!
    3. I made it to Senior year!
    4. I finished the first semester with all A's
    5. I patched things up with some of my friends
    6. I continue to strive for this healthy lifestyle (:
    7. I have many plans for 2013!
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    After losing 80 total pounds over 2 years, I maintained....all through 2012.
    And it was HARD!
    Only 10% of us do that.
    My body screams to be fat, and on several occasions, I'd put on a few pounds but then work hard to shed them.
    At year's end, my weight had been maintained, and I actually lost 2 inches from my belly.
    In 2013 I am seeking a 15 pound drop with additional inches which lifts the program to a greater level of fitness.
    I want to go from 17% to 12% body fat.
    The reward is both the journey and the goal at the end.
    It's been fun...All Is Possible!
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