When do you weigh, and why?



  • AbiLuV
    AbiLuV Posts: 47
    I weigh myself every morning before my shower. I know your not supposed to that much but knowing I'm going to weigh myself the next morning keeps me honest that night :wink:
  • A trainer told me that it's best to weigh first thing in the morning and BEFORE a workout. She said something about your blood volume increasing after a workout or something like that which makes you weigh more (plus all the water you drink).

    I usually weigh myself once a day but do my official weigh in on Saturday mornings at 8am before my Zumba class. I just have a bad habit of weighing myself every morning right when I get up. I'm not sure why I do it though. Habit, I suppose.
  • txyogalover
    txyogalover Posts: 4 Member
    I really struggled when I weighed a couple times a week with the fluctuations. I really noticed a negative impact on my mind set. So I started the once a week, which I also struggled with if I saw no change. So I have now started only weighing every six weeks when I visit my rheumatologist. I found that really helped my emotional fitness state, cause i could see a significant change on a dr scale. As I get closer to my goal, I will probably go back to once a week.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I used to weigh myself everyday, but I would become really upset if I gained weight - yet it is sooo easy for your weight to flucutate a lot in a day! Than I moved it to once a week.. but than if I did loose weight than I would be like oh its alrite to eat this... and this.. and this.. so now I've changed it to once a month - every month on the 6th now. THis way I have to keep working hard for an entire month before I can even check my results - and I see a larger number than 2 lbs... its a GREAT feeling :)

    and yes like everyone has said soon as I wake up.. after I go to the washroom.. and wearing the same clothes (shorts, t-shirt,).
  • sorellabella
    sorellabella Posts: 133 Member
    I weigh in once a week in the morning for my tracking purpose. I also weigh in on a whim when I feel like I have lost weight but try to fight that urge cuz I sometimes get disappointed. I have noticed that my clothes are fitting better so the fact for me is that I am excercising more and if the scale says I have gained I take it as a grain of salt. My clothes fit better and I feel better and that is what matters to me most to me.

    I would love for the scale to say I weigh 135 (my goal) overnight but it took years for me to get to my current weight so I'll work to take this off the good old fashion way...with hard work :ohwell:
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    I weigh everyday in the morning after i use the bathroom (if i go more than once before i dress for the day i weigh each time) i log it in my food notes on mfp...i also weigh when i get home for the day typically before dinner (since i usually eat at home) and i log that evening weight in my food notes...i typically.eat lunch and dinner only so this allows me to see how different food choices effect my weight...the evening weight reflects my lunch choices and the morning weight reflects my dinner choices...i log it on mfp because i have often wondered what i weighed at a particular point during my journey and had no way of knowing...im a little ocd but it helps me.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    I'm a little obsessed with weighing. I weigh every morning and every night. I'm not at all sure this is helpful, but I feel a little stressed when I don't do it.
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    I am just finishing week 10, I weigh in every Monday morning & no more (after I use washroom, before I shower & always in the same clothes), it would drive me absolutely nuts to weigh in every single day, I just couldn't do it. In the start it was harder getting use to once a week but now that this has stopped being a "thing" I am doing & become part of my life, I find it easy, its just like everything else in my life, it has a time & place. I also like routine & schedule so including this was just one more part of my routine.

    I don't find I need to weigh in daily to know how something affects my weight loss, maybe if I had a gain a few weeks in a row then I would but if I have a low week (1lb or so) or not what I am expecting then I go back over my week to see what food I ate, to see if there was something new there from the previous good loss week. Its usually obv at least for me. Right now I pay close attention to my calories, sodium & more recently fibre so those are my main goals right now for food, just to keep those on track bc I find if I do my body responds so much better.

    We do measurements only once a month at this point in time, I still have about 100lbs to lose so there is no point in me doing measurements more frequently, I don't see the change if I do but monthly I am noticing it more. Maybe when I get more into this & have 50lbs or less to lose then I might do it more frequently, maybe bi weekly but hard to say for certain.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Sunday morning, every week, once and only once! Wake up, go toilet, sip of water and weigh...
    I do so because it gives me a more accurate weigh in if you stick to a weekly basis, choose mornings because its usually your lightest and you simply fluctuate too much throughout the day to weigh in then!
  • I only weigh in once a week, usually Sundays. Your weight can fluctuate a lot and you don't want to get frustrated. It works for me. :smile:
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Once a week when I was losing, same time, similar clothing, and I mark down my cycle b/c I tend to gain 3-5lbs just before Shark Week. I've been doing that since 1987, when I lost my weight. Post workout, too. I measure body fat once per month and measurements when I remember lol But since I'm maintaining, I don't really see significant changes except for the past year, when I've been lowering my body fat...

    I would say weigh once weekly, measure body fat and take measurements once monthly. And if you're a female of child bearing age, don't take measurments within 7 days of shark week!
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Do it once a week...otherwise you will drive yourself crazy !
  • hellokittymaui
    hellokittymaui Posts: 226 Member
    I must be a freak because I weight myself every single morning (naked, after peeing, before eating or drinking anything). This method works for me because then I can see exactly how the scale is affected by what I eat the day before. I eat 6 cups of popcorn with 1/2 cup of mochi crunch at the movies and yup...1 pound heavier in the morning! Keeps me honest.
  • I generally weigh every morning, because I'm somewhat of a geek and the fluctuations fascinate me rather than discourage me, and I get to see what eating certain things does to my body. I only log the weight about once every two weeks, though.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    I weigh once a week, first thing on Sunday morning. It keeps me from over-indulging on Saturday night, when I tend to go out for dinner and drinks.
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    I weigh every 3 days in the morning after going to the bathroom and before I eat or drink anything. Sometimes I get a bit OCD about it and weigh myself randomly but I try not to.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    First thing every Sunday morning, naked, before eating or drinking, but after using the john. Why? Because it's convenient (nothing going on Sunday mornings) and I promised Mel I would only do it once a week. I think she feels I'd get discouraged if I saw how my weight fluctuates day to day. Hah. The women in our family are made of sterner stuff than that.
  • esjayyy31
    esjayyy31 Posts: 16
    I weigh once a week because I don't like to think too much about the little fluctuations your body goes through. It keeps me sane! But on the other hand, weighing yourself every day is actually a great tool for you to learn more about your body - like if I "gain" a pound or two I think about what I had to eat the day before and whether my sodium was too high, or what foods I had that might have made me retain water.

    If you're not the type to get stressed over fluctuations, then daily or a few times a week might not be bad, but don't go and weigh yourself too often if you know you're going to get upset! Weight loss and healthy lifestyles are long-term goals, not done on a day-by-day basis :)
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    I hate the scale. I weigh about once every 8-12 weeks. If the scale does not say what I want it to, that tends to ruin my day..so I just avoid it unless I am fairly confident with my mirror image or the effort I have been exerting
  • arainaken
    arainaken Posts: 12 Member
    I want the most accurate weight possible. I weigh almost every morning after I use the restroom. lol :blushing: ....To me that is the most accurate. I think a week is too long to wait! I post when I go below my lowest reading. I still need to lose 10 lbs. and I want to do it by mid June?:happy:
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