When do you weigh, and why?

Hi all, just something I have been wondering about recently.

Since I started losing weight this time, I have always weighed myself post excersize. And I am weighing myself at least every couple of days. I feel in my head that this wrong due to those daily fluctuations we all have, however, I also feel it helps; After a 'good' day, I can see a small change, after a 'bad day/ weekend :) ), I can see the impact my eating/drinking has had, and it gives me a bit more resolve to work harder the next week. Apart from a blip about a month ago when I didnt seem to move, I am seeing a downward trend. Currently my post excersize weight has gone from 219.8, to this morning after blasting away on the cross trainer for an hour @ 189.8. My morning weight which is the one I record on here is 192.8.

I know that the advised thing is to weigh and do measurements once a week, but I feel that for me, thats too long...perhaps its just a control thing!

So, I know whatever works for you is right, but what do you do, and why?


  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    While I was losing the big amount of weight I would weigh myself once a week (It was great seeing 4lb drops!)

    Now I'm only 1lb away from my final goal I tend to weigh myself every day and my mesurements once a week. I'm so close I keep checking in case today is the day :laugh:

    Once I've hit it I'll probably check once a week but certainlly after any bad days to remind me why I call them bad :smile:
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    When do I not weigh would be easier! lol I weigh all the time but I only log my Friday AM weights each week, good or bad. I know I shouldn't weigh all the time but just can't seem to stop.

    I measure once a month on the 1st.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    When I started on January 4th through the month of March, I weighed myself once and only once a week (because losing weight takes time and I did NOT want to be focusing on each and every ounce, but rather on eating healthy and exercising), and that was always on a Monday morning around 5:30 am (sans clothes) because that is when I get up. I would record my weight on that weigh in on my bathroom mirror (using dry erase marker), so that I have visual everytime I am in there. And now enjoy looking at my mirror and seeing how far I have come! Since losing a bulk of my weight but still needing to lose more, in April, I started weighing more often, though I only recorded the Monday morning weight as my "official" weigh in to document progress. As I am maintenance mode currently, it is important for me to weigh every morning, to ensure that I am not gaining (my goal is to accept any 2-4 pound fluctuation as a normal possibility, but anything above that requires action - dropping calories, upping exercise!)
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    No more than once a week, first thing in the AM and in similar clothing each day' shorts, t-shirt, sneakers with pager and wallet. So the clothing doesn't have a factor. Works for me anyway! :)
  • catfan
    catfan Posts: 90 Member
    My official weigh in day is Friday. I actually weigh everyday just out of habit and to remind myself of the choices I made the days before. I picked Friday because normally on the weekends my husband is off so we go out to eat for one meal and I do not want to worry about my calorie intake for that meal. Also it gives me the whole week to work that meal off:) Hope this helps
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I weigh every Tuesday...this gives my body time to settle after any meals out or drinks at the weekend and ensures that I get the most accurate measurement.

    Also...I don't have a weighing scales in my home but use the ones at my mothers house. She works full time so I can't visit every day and (even though I have a key) this stops me weighing myself everyday.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Friday mornings for me. Most often, a cheat meal will be during the weekend and I want a few days to balance that out. Plus Fri morning weigh-ins keep me focused for the weekend... I just think I don't want to blow all the good work for the week.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I use to weigh myself daily I found that to be frustrating for me. I now weigh in every Monday. It helps keep me honest over the weekend. I use to also weigh in before and after my workouts I notice on days when I only did cardio I would be down a few ounces and on days when I did strength and cardio I may be up a few ounces so needles to say I stopped weighing in after workouts I didn't find that accurate for me!! As for my measurments I normally do those once a month unless I join a challenge that requires an accurate number and I will do them then. I feel those that use the scale daily for healthy reasons to keep them honest is not a bad thing especially at the maintenance stage I just know for me it was getting a little out of hand especially when I reached a plateau.
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    I may be a little crazy, but I weigh myself every morning at the exact same time. Not "time" on the clock, but rather "time" meaning, after my coffee and bowel movement, but before my breakfast. And I always weigh myself with just undies on. This give me a true reading before I start consuming ounces of food in me and mistaking that as my weight.

    I keep a log sheet next to my scale. When I see the same weight for 3 days in a row than I can officially say that I lost that pound. For example: If I weigh 162 one day and the next day it says 161, I will log it on my paper but will not enter that pound lost on MFP until I see 161 on that scale for 3 days straight.
  • baxyboy
    baxyboy Posts: 70 Member
    At the moment I weigh myself every Saturday morning... but I am thinking of changing to Friday mornings instead as the time I wake up on a Saturday varies too much depending on how much of a lay in I allow myself, whereas Friday mornings I am always up at the same time to get ready for work (so it's going to be more of an accurate measure).
  • onebeer
    onebeer Posts: 36
    Thanks for those responses peeps, I was beginning to feel a little neurotic about it. I think at the moment it helps to 'see' the impact of my excersize and diet, and so long as kept in perspective ie. I know it will fluctuate, then I will continue.

    I also worked on the three mornings the same weight meaning that I've acheived that weight, so its good to know there are like minded thinkers out there.

    Hope you all enjoy your days!
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    I may be a little crazy, but I weigh myself every morning at the exact same time. Not "time" on the clock, but rather "time" meaning, after my coffee and bowel movement, but before my breakfast. And I always weigh myself with just undies on. This give me a true reading before I start consuming ounces of food in me and mistaking that as my weight.

    This is exactly what I do, too. And on mornings that I get up at the crack of dawn to take a run, I weigh myself but never count it because usually I've had a pint or two of water and that REALLY ups the pounds.

    Which makes me wonder about those of you who weigh AFTER exercise - do you have any fluctuation issues with the water you drink to stay hydrated while exercising? Every pint is a pound on me!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Every morning, after shower, before breakfast. At this point I'm pretty much on maintenance, so I'm just watching for the backslide.
  • princessorchid
    princessorchid Posts: 198 Member
    I weigh myself on Tuesday mornings, every week. I used to do WW and the weigh ins were on Tuesday evenings, so force of habit I suppose... ;-)
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    I do it once a week, Tuesday before breakfast. Tuesday because i started on a tuesday and before breakfast because i like to weight myself without food in me that could make me heavier *lol*
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    First thing in the morning on Fridays & Mondays, before food, after I use the bathroom and naked. I've heard this is the most accurate way to weigh (not the specific day - I'll get to that) and definitely want the most accurate!! My highest weight was recorded RIGHT after I ate lunch so I'm not even sure if that was my highest weight but I still count it because I didn't weigh again until I had already been eating better & working out for 2 wks.

    I weigh on Fridays because I have my biggest calorie burn on Wednesday and try to eat VERY well during the week (also, weekends, but it's harder) so I want to know where I'm at BEFORE the weekend, and then also how I did over the weekend, so I weigh Mondays.
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    My weigh in day is on Saturday and I only weigh in once a week. I used to get on the scale everyday but seeing the scale go up and down all the time frustrated me to the point of quitting a few months back so when I started again I decided to only weigh in once a week.

    I weigh in first thing when I get up before I eat breakfast and weigh naked since this is the most accurate way. I used to be obsessive with the scale when I started on my journey and it would frustrate the heck out of me because I have such a long way to go and I couldn't see the finish line.

    I have kept the weigh ins to once a week and it has worked out well and the upside is I see a big loss most every week instead of seeing little drops here and there if I were to weigh in daily. Hope this helps!!
  • kirstyleed
    kirstyleed Posts: 9
    I weigh myself naked and in the morning (before coffee) and try to do it about 3 times a week. I also discount any weights my wiifit gives me because it had a fit once and told me i had put on 7lb in a day. The next day I had lost 7lb. I stopped talking to it for about 3 months!!
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I get weighed at Jenny Craig every Wednesday evening. I don't eat dinner till after my weigh in. I am down to wearing same clothing, lightest one I have, so weight of my clothes don't get measured into any loss or gain I might have. Before JC, I used to weight myself nake after a good work out!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I weigh in every Monday right after I get out of bed and pee. You know you're lighter after you pee. HA!
    Mondays help me stay on track during the weeekends.