Soda Junkie

I am a total soda junkie I drink it back too back I mean can you just give it up cold turkey? if you gave up soda what did you do? I try drinking water it's so nasty sometimes.


  • scjl132
    scjl132 Posts: 85 Member
    I don't drink a lot of soda now but I used to down about 4 diet sodas a day. (Now, I'll have a regular soda). I began cutting down 1 can for a week and the next week cut down another can. I don't like the headaches, lethargy, and fatigue from going cold turkey. Rather cut back slowly. I found that the more water I drank the more I wanted. I like it with some fresh lemon squeezed into a glass of cold water with ice. I cut back on the diet soda because I didn't like how it made me feel and I was questioning the wisdom of drinking the chemicals.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    If you really want to give up soda and its the caffeinated kind-you may be better off cutting down the amount you drink gradually. I used to drink diet soda. I switched to salt free club soda with the lemon/lime flavor. It was difficult at first but it can be done. You can even add some orange juice or grape juice to your seltzer or club soda and gradually reduce the amount of juice you add. Also you can squeeze lime, lemon or other citrus fruit into your seltzer or water. It's just a matter of getting used to something different.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Switch to diet soda.

    If you don't like the taste, mix half diet with half regular and work your way up to full diet.
  • Ortax
    Ortax Posts: 98
    I just went cold turkey. It takes iron will. Eventually you'll stop craving it.
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    I wanted the caffeine but not the sugar. So I just do one iced tea (unsweetened) in the morning. I really thought I would miss it. But after 2 months, I couldn't care less. As long as I have caffeine, all is right in the world! :-)
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Have you tried the flavored seltzer drinks? They have 0 calories, and are a lot healthier than soda.
  • mrsappleblossom77
    mrsappleblossom77 Posts: 48 Member
    I used to drink 5-7 cans of Regular Coke a day. I am now down to one. And starting tomorrow I will be trying Dr. Pepper 10. I don't like coffee so the pop is my daily caffeine fix. And I can't stand the taste of most diet pops. The rest of the day I drink bottled water. Something about opening a bottle to drink makes it seem different than drinking a glass of water. Stupid, I know. I also like to drink flavored bottled water. Lemon is my favorite. It takes time, but it can be done.
  • oudixon
    oudixon Posts: 389 Member
    I was darn near drinking a 2 liter a day on average would be my guess. However, I did "kinda" cut it cold turkey.

    I kept it where if I did go out to eat at a fast-food place(usually just wendy's or subway) I would get a coke zero. I am cheap, so when I buy a combo I hate paying for a cup of water. haha

    I did break down and get my first regular coke two days ago(state testing and I am a teacher), but I went 42 days since my last regular Coke.

    My advice would be to stop cold turkey. I wasn't a big diet coke person(didn't like the taste) but coke zero is a nice change every once in a while,

    Pop in general is not the best- High Sodium, but for now I am just counting calories and limiting pop in general.
  • Plussizebritt
    Plussizebritt Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks so much everyone!! =) You all have been a great help.
  • Iamworthinvestingin
    Iamworthinvestingin Posts: 51 Member
    It is hard to give up the taste of sugar - but I challenge you to do it for at least 21 days straight, this is a great way to retrain your taste buds... but If you are having a hard time - the use it as a 'treat' - cut it down and use it for something you look forward to... Switching to diet made want to stop drinking it all together- When I was younger, I woiuld drop a lot of weight by not consuming soda - it contains sodium and diet sodas are not good for you either -

    try this - try drinking non-soda products like crystal lite, make iced tea out of herbal teas, and my favorite... make sure your water intake is cool and refreshing - I got into a habit of drinking several glasses while I was on the pc and in a few nights it became a habit... now I prefer the taste of crystal clear water to soda-
  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    Last summer when I quit drinking Diet Coke, I had headaches for 3 days. When I went back to drinking pop, I switched to regular. The aspartame has not been beneficial to my health. I quit cold turkey 3 weeks ago w/out any headaches nor withdrawals. I used to drink about a 2 liter a day. In place of the Cherry Coke, I've switched to water only w/ a straw & ice. The ice helps your body lose more calories w/ it being cold.
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    I gave it up cold turkey two and a half weeks ago. I took one sip a few days ago just because I really wanted some, and it tasted disgusting! I used to be an addict.
  • I stopped cold turkey. I do allow myself a medium coke slurpee once a week as my treat. Other than that just water with Mio added.mi have a very hard time drinking plain water even with lemon added. The Mio helps me get a lot more water in me than with out it. I know the chemicals aren't the best, but at least it isn't aspartame. Also, in Canada it is made without the propylene glycol. I didn't find it as difficult to stop drinking pop (that's what we call it) but I was finally to the point of making changes for my health sake.
  • ilovelucy711
    ilovelucy711 Posts: 381 Member
    Squeeze in fresh lemon or lime in your water! I once gave up soda and sweet tea for 3 weeks and felt great! Whatever you do, don't buy or bring home soda!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I just drink a soda on occasion -- usually a Dr. Pepper because it doesn't taste overly sweet.

    If you like carbonation in your drinks, companies like Polar Seltzer are manufacturing lots of different flavors -- some that are for people that are new to seltzer drinks and don't like the somewhat bitter taste of the "normal" seltzers.
  • Revonue
    Revonue Posts: 135 Member
    I stopped cold turkey. The most helpful thing for me was not having any in the house. If you can, get rid of any soda you have in your house. I'll still have some pop if I go out to eat, but that's it. It's been a while since I "quit" and I don't even crave pop anymore.

    Good luck! If you don't like water, try switching it up with tea. And there's always milk!
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    I was a mountain dew junkie (2 liters or more per day)....I couldn't stand when I drink soda it's diet Dr pepper...Dr pepper10 is a great way to transition because it still has some of the sugar just not as for water crystal light or there greatvalue knock off is great...I use the orange which to me tastes like the tang I loved when I was a kid