success stories for 5'7-5'8 ladies...

kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
My weight is coming off very slowly. I just keep telling myself to keep going because weight coming off slowly is better than it not coming off at all....I do have a few nights a week where I feel kind of discouraged, though. I have been using MFP for about 50days now. I started at 179.4 and am now about 173lbs.

Anyone out there have any success stories they can share? I think it would be helpful to hear some success stories for me to keep going back to on my tough would probably help on those nights I feel the need to eat something after dinner when I really do NOT need to be doing that! My diary is open (if I set it right), so you can take a look if you'd like. Anyways, I would really REALLY appreciate some success stories! Pics would be cool, too!!


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  • catlynnp
    catlynnp Posts: 1 Member
    This is my very first post so i dont quite have a success story yet. i started working on my healthy eating in january. I started fitnesspal not too long ago, february i think lol. I wasn't very motivated at first. Since using fitness pal, ive found it really helps. Also, i just keep telling myself nothign is off limits, im just making the choice to not eat it right now. I think this thinking helps me say no to the 'bad' foods. also it helps when dealing with people, offering bad foods then they say oh you cant have that. i always correct them and say i can have whatever i want, im just choosing not to!
    Hope i helped some? Oh! Also when the weight first started coming off, i was drinking a LOT of water and i think that really helped to.

    Sw: 212.8 (Jan. 2013)
    Cw: 198
    1st Gw: 175ish
    2nd Gw: 150
    im 5'8

    feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i am 5'8 so would be interested in hearing successes too. i think the key is to keep logging and keep active even though its hard work. remember your goal everyday to keep up the motivation. this is a slow process so we have to be patient good luck
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Hi! Sorry, but I can't seem to view your diary...

    I am 24 years old and 5'6" 1/2. I have always been a healthy weight, but I only started getting athletic at 19 when I joined kickboxing classes. Right now I currently weigh 148lbs because I purposely bulked up to put on muscle. I feel most comfortable at 130-140lbs. Anything less, and I look too skinny. Anything more, I start getting a belly & love-handles. I'll tell you my calorie counts & how much I weighed, maybe that could help you get an idea of what to try:

    Assuming I workout AT LEAST 3x a week (1hr each) and eat ________, I will weigh ________.

    2200-2400 calories - 145-150lbs
    1800-2000 calories - 140-145lbs
    1500-1700 calories - 135-140lbs
    1200 calories - Don't do this, it sucks, and I was always hungry without actually losing any weight.

    *Exception: I can get down to 130lbs on a 2000 calorie diet if I work out 6hrs a week (2hrs a day x3)

    Tip #1: I, personally, am a belly-fat gainer. If I get chubby, it goes all to my waist and nowhere else. I've found that I lose belly fat very quickly if I cut out bread, cereal, rice and pasta.

    Tip #2: I don't know if you count carbs/fat/protein but what I try to follow is the Canadian Food Guide to make sure I get all the recommended servings of food for my gender/age.

    I don't always follow it to a T but it helps you balance out your needs. The guide will also tell you what constitutes "1 serving" for different types of food & using measuring cups really helps portion-control your food. Drinks lots of water too. Since I try to only eat 2 or less servings of "Grains," I increase my meat & dairy intake. I try to get:

    Meat: 3-4 servings (More if I am trying to build muscle)
    Dairy: 2-3 servings
    Fruit/Veggies: 2-4 servings (But going over is ideal).

    For losing weight, the workouts I found to give the most results were:
    - High intensity kickboxing classes for 60mins (Lots of cardio, abs & body weight exercises)
    - Jogging on a treadmill at 5mph for 30mins while watching tv
    - Rollerblading 20-30mins
  • Hi.

    Let me tell you that you can do this. Never ever give up. Keep logging, stay within your calorie goal, do not deny yourself any food you want. BUT DO STAY WITHIN THE CALORIE LIMIT.

    I have been here a year. I am 41. 5ft 7ins. When I started in March 2012 I weighed 202 pounds and was so uncomfortable. I set myself a goal to loose 50 pounds. I lost that by November 2012. This put me just in the ideal weight range for my height.

    Since then I stuck with MFP, kept on going, became more active, walked everywhere, never use a lift, left the car at home as much as I could.

    Today I have weighed in and have finally hit my ultimate weight loss goal. I have lost 70 pounds. I now weigh 132 pounds. My BMI is 21.

    Never give up. The rewards are too good, the compliments when people start to notice is brilliant. Giving your jeans away is fun. Best of all, buying tiny tiny jeans and seeing them slide up onto a tiny waist and them easily fastening is the best feeling in the world.

    Being able to open the wardrobe and put on anything and know you will not actually look fat in any of it is so damn good.

    I hope I helped a little here. When I was back at the beginning I read a success story that gave me all the will power I needed, I thought "Damn I want to be her" so read them, daily. Keep a blog. Share your NSV's get some good supportive friends here.

    You can do it. We all can.

    Nikki xxxxxx
  • Hi im 5ft 7 ,im still into my weight loss journey but this is how far ive come so far,

    starting weight nov 2011- 219lb

    weight nov 2012 - 178lb

    current weight -167lb

    goal weight -149lb

    inches lost

    Nov 2011

    hips - 48 waist- 38- bust 48

    March 2013
    hips 38 waist 31- bust 38
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    Well, this is me so far... sorry but I will not post pics until I am "done", although I am taking pics along the way.

    38 years old female... 1 child...... pear shape...5.7. tall.. small bones

    Started 151 lbs in January 2nd....
    42hips, 29 waist, 38 chest , 26 thigh

    Now, March 16th
    39 hips, 27 waist, 35 chest, 24.5 thigh

    I realized I could never eat 1200 calories, I am a big eater. Volume eater. I need lots and lots of food.

    So I eat about 2000 calories a day, plus or minus 300 cals......., Usually "clean" . Just lots of it, some would say too much of it..... I allow myself one cheat day, sometimes two, when I eat just about anything I want.

    I simply cannot diet. My appetite is too big.

    BUT big BUT !!!!!!! I became addicted to gym. So my net cals, from about 2000 cals daily, goes down to about 1300 net.

    I go to gym about 5 days a week.
    I do : 15 minutes abs, 30-40 min weights, 45- 60 min cardio ( high resistance , usually elliptical )

    The first month I lost 10 lbs.
    Since Feb til now ( mid March ) only 6 lbs more, but I believe I lost more fat and gained muscle.

    I don't know my body fat percentage when I started but now I am at about 25 %. I am almost seeing abs, but my bottom and thighs are still kind of fat. Mind you, I am a pear shape, so that will be the last to go.

    I became so I addicted to gym that now I want to build muscle and lose fat only. Even if I don't reach my weight goal is ok, as long as I become more fit! :heart: :heart:

    Good luck, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • becky6m
    becky6m Posts: 108 Member
    You can add me. 5'8 here. I would write down everything but I'm on my phone. I can message you later.
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks ladies!! I will be reading all of this a few times over as time goes on. I appreciate the replies! you guys are all doing so well and thank you for making me see that I can, too!!
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    Hi - I'm 48 years old - 5'7 - started my change in lifestyle in December - joined MFP in January -
    SW 235.5
    CW 206.5
    GW 160

    Please feel free to add me!
  • I am 5'7" and my starting weight was 224,and after about 3 yrs of denial, I started counting calories Sept 12, 2012 and the weight quickly started melting off! A couple months in I added the elliptical but very little, like 5 days a week, 15 min a day! Then in my 4th month added Zumba twice a week! So proud to say that 6 months in I have lost 51 lbs and have about 22 more to go to be where I need to be! I am so happy and feel so much better! I truly feel MFP helped save me from diabetes and other bad health issues that run in my family! I can't wait to make goal, hopefully by June or July!
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm 5'8", 215 (235 highest recorded weight at 9 months pregnant!) to 138. I am still a work in progress, but feel free to add me, more of my story and my diary since 12/31/12 is open to friends. I went from 215 to 160 in 6 months starting back in Nov 2009 through healthier eating (portion control, filling up on fruits and veggies) and just making the effort to be active. I'd maintained 153-160ish ever since and would go through exercise or dieting spurts, but nothing really clicked for me until I found Turbofire back in Nov 2012. It is truly my soulmate workout and has changed my whole mentality towards exercise. Have fun when you workout and it won't feel like work. Being healthy and fit is so much more than weight loss, it doesn't have to be restrictive, it isn't something with an expiration date, it IS finding a balanced lifestyle.
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks again, all! You're awesome :)
  • courtneyshell
    courtneyshell Posts: 5 Member
    I'm somewhere between 5'7" and 5'8"! In January 2012, I weighed 243. My current weight is 187. My goal weight is 155.

    I completely understand your frustrations. My weight loss has been slow-going. Some weeks are incredibly tough, so I try to focus on my other successes, like being able to run a 5k or lift an extra 5lbs. Keeping track of the inches I've lost has also been a great way to see how far I've come despite what the scale says.

    Just keep moving, eating healthy, counting those calories, and you'll get there! It's worth it.
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member

    Let me tell you that you can do this. Never ever give up. Keep logging, stay within your calorie goal, do not deny yourself any food you want. BUT DO STAY WITHIN THE CALORIE LIMIT.

    I have been here a year. I am 41. 5ft 7ins. When I started in March 2012 I weighed 202 pounds and was so uncomfortable. I set myself a goal to loose 50 pounds. I lost that by November 2012. This put me just in the ideal weight range for my height.

    Since then I stuck with MFP, kept on going, became more active, walked everywhere, never use a lift, left the car at home as much as I could.

    Today I have weighed in and have finally hit my ultimate weight loss goal. I have lost 70 pounds. I now weigh 132 pounds. My BMI is 21.

    Never give up. The rewards are too good, the compliments when people start to notice is brilliant. Giving your jeans away is fun. Best of all, buying tiny tiny jeans and seeing them slide up onto a tiny waist and them easily fastening is the best feeling in the world.

    Being able to open the wardrobe and put on anything and know you will not actually look fat in any of it is so damn good.

    I hope I helped a little here. When I was back at the beginning I read a success story that gave me all the will power I needed, I thought "Damn I want to be her" so read them, daily. Keep a blog. Share your NSV's get some good supportive friends here.

    You can do it. We all can.

    Nikki xxxxxx

    Thank you! Very encouraging! :happy:
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I am 5 foot 8 started MFP on 1/20/13 and today which is my two month mark I have lost 24 pounds and my current weight is 261. I started at 285 and a size 22, now my pants are too big not exactly sure what size I am currently am maybe a 20 or 18 but most likely a 20. This is not a HUGE success stories I haven't lost as much as some people on this site but to me it is success.

    I would also just say maybe don't focus on just weight I know it's so hard because that's what everyone wants when they know you are dieting. But measure and also take pictures help to because if you are doing strength training your body is changing in ways you don't see on the scale. And if you are anything thing like me I wasn't "dieting" I would be gaining not even staying the same. Stay with is girl, if you haven't taken picture or measurements down do so tonight.

  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    New to this site and joined for the food diary. I'm just over 5'7" and have always been a tad on the heavy side. Maintained 170lbs. for years but things came crashing down in 2003 when I went on stress leave from my job and was diagnosed with clinical depression. Between the medication and lack of energy and movtivation to work out the weight gain started. A year later I was diagnosed with tourette's syndrome and months of trying different medications and doses left me not only emotionally deflated but gaining more weight. Things continued to get worse and a few years after I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia which explained so many of my ongoing problems. The only medication available at the time caused significant weight gain to land me at my highest weight of 275lbs. Since then another medication has been approved which doesn't cause weight gain but my doctor has one patient who developed tics so that was out for me.

    After much research I made the decision to have weight loss surgery. My family doctor sent the referral in July 2010 with my first appointment that Sept. I had several appointments, group information sessions and tests before finally having RNY surgery on Sept. 14, 2012. I'm sure many people will think that I took the easy way out but the surgery is anything but easy. Recovery has certainly come with its challanges and it is soley up to me to make sure that I not only eat properly but within the limits of my new stomach. I have to think ahead about every meal and snack to make sure they are high in protein but low in fat, sugars and carbs. And even with the surgery, stalls in weight loss are common. I have struggled with one for the past month and am just finally seeing the scale move down. And even though excercise can be a real challange at times, I know that it goes hand in hand with my new "diet for life".

    That being said, the surgery was the best decision I made to get control back of my life both physically and emotionally. I have already lost 84lbs. and have gone from a size 23/24 to 15/16. I finally recognized my old waist early Dec. and it was a milestone for me. I still have a ways to go but am highly motivated to not ruin this wonderful gift I have been given.

    In terms of buying new clothing, I feel the same way as some others here in that I have no desire to buy new ones (especially pants) that are not going to fit me for very long so I have been getting my clothing at second hand stores. Way cheaper than buying new.

    I look forward to reading how others are managing their weight loss and get support for mine. Hoping to have before and after pics soon but I am not very computer savvy.

    Thanks for listening. :)
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    I joined mid June 2012 .. .i am 5'7" and 40 years old at my highest weight I was somewhere around 395 to 400 ...when I started MFP I was down to 340... This is not been by any stretch of the imagination an easy journey... But I am now at 254... My best advice to you would be to log everything be honest and find the plan that works for you...
  • I'm 28 and 5'8". I started my endeavor in Jan, 2012 at 155lbs. I became addicted to running. Coupled with a healthy diet, I got down to 125 at my lowest. I've started incorporating weight training to tone up, and am currently at 130. I'm excited about looking firm and I feel great.

    My best piece of advice is not to measure your success by the scale. Instead, pay attention to how the fit of your clothes change and how your favorite pair of pants are suddenly too big.

    Never get discouraged!!
  • willRUN4Beer
    willRUN4Beer Posts: 26 Member
    Hi there!
    I don't post a lot but, I was interested in your post. I'm 5' 8.5", 41 yrs old. I have always been on the high range of average (weight wise), then about 15/16 years ago I balooned up to 220 lbs (in a bad relationship and ate to feel good I guess). Then in getting out of said relationship I got down to 140/150 lbs without excersizing.
    OK, so that was my highest weight and it lasted a year or two. Last year I knew I had to change something since I got up to 170 lbs. I have been excersizing for 10 years, but eating poorly. I find, for me, I need to calorie count more than anything. Sure, I like to run (traing for my 2nd half marathon now), do arobics & strength train, but I LOVE to eat (...and drink beer with friends & husband - I won't give that up).
    As of last fall, I started doing protein shakes for breakfast & lunch a few times a week...that lead me to think smarter about my suppers. Then, I started using this site (I found it a lot earlier but, forgot about my stats are weird).
    I lost 15 pounds from Sept 2012 to Jan 2013 and was feeling great...down to 155 lbs. My good friend asked me to join a fitness chalenge at the fitness center we belong to. I told her that I've already lost the bulk of the weight I was going to loose and I probably wounldn't be a good team mate. She encouraged me, saying it would be great to just "maintain" so I said yes. I lost another 16 pounds in the 8 weeks of the chalenge lowering my bmi & body fat % (wich was just over the average). I worked hard logging my food and working out (I didn't think I was that competive!)...drinking water was "key" too. I drank lots of it! My BMI is now 20.8 and my Body fat % is 22. (BTW our team got 2nd place out of 20 some teams!)
    This site is a God send to me. I'm making recipes I've never made before and my husband will come into the kitchen asking what kind of "freak food" I'm making tonight...freak food = healthy
    I don't want to ever give this up and if you read this ... what I keep telling myself is: I never thought I'd get back to my wedding weight of 140 lbs, seven and a half years ago...and I'm THERE again (minus a few more) and I'm starting to get compliments from people about how good I look. I just wish I wouldn't have given away a lot of my clothes.
    Yes, there are days that I go over my calories...but, I make that up.
    Really - You can do it!
    I'll post pics when I can see an ab or two sticking out there!
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