Let's brag-What are your weight loss stats



  • Amanda21202
    Amanda21202 Posts: 210 Member
    HW - 189
    LW - 139

    CW - 143

    Loss so far 46lbs

    GW - 126
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    I have no more weight to lose! Arrived at my goal weight in February after about 5 months of being on MFP!
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'5"

    Start weight: 141 lbs
    Start waist: 29"
    Start BF%: 27%

    Current weight: 119 lbs
    Current waist: 27"
    Current BF% : 20%
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    SW: 250 pounds

    Cw 180 pouds
    GW:140 pounds
    starting size 26W
    Current size 8-10 medium on top size 14 on bottom
  • stefanieanne14
    stefanieanne14 Posts: 119 Member
    29 years old, 5'5"

    Highest Weight - 232 (Dec. 2008)
    MFP SW - 205 (Aug 2011)
    CW - 152
    GW - 140-45

    Started as size 18, now a size 10. XL tops now in Medium.
    I didn't take my starting BF% but my current BF is 21%. I'd like to get to 19%!
  • stefanieanne14
    stefanieanne14 Posts: 119 Member
    SW 340lb
    CW 259.6
    Officially hit my halfway point today!!! :tongue: :bigsmile:

    Congrats on the milestone!
  • Drea_ann
    Drea_ann Posts: 65 Member
    This is like the most inspiring thread ever.
  • henkemonica
    henkemonica Posts: 60 Member
    SW 249 on Jan 8, 2013
    CW 230
    GW 160
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I've lost 35 lbs..but have about 20 to go. I've hit a hard plateau and would love to gain more muscle to help me lose the rest of the body fat I am struggling with. Any suggestions?

    How many carbs are you eating? If it's over 30% of your diet then drop them to 30%. 35% protein and 35% fat x
  • Lone_Wolf70
    Lone_Wolf70 Posts: 2,820 Member
    SW- 341
    CW - 241

    waist was a 46
    now a 38

    I dont know all the other measurements, but something else at least LOOKS bigger now


    Dude, you're awesome.

    Oh wait, im quoting myself.
  • JohnBlazeNY
    JohnBlazeNY Posts: 38 Member
    Over 40lbs

    A large part to MyFitnessPay. I found it difficult keep track of my diet until I was introduced to this site.
  • missability
    missability Posts: 223
    50 yrs old
    High weight 304LBS <<<October ish 2012
    MFP SW 280.4 (1/1/2013)
    CW 247.6 Today (3/20/2013)
    GW 145 OR size 8/medium..which ever comes first :)

    1/1/2013 measurements:

    Chest: 55" NOW 49.5"
    Waist: 50" NOW 40"
    Hips: 60" NOW 55"

    Total inches lost in 11 weeks 20.5 inches GO ME!!! WHOOHOOO!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    HW - 215

    SW - 210

    CW - 183

    GW - 170ish

    Starting BF% - 28ish

    Current BF% - 22ish

    Goal BF% - 15-16% ish

    Starting waste - 41 (38 Pants)

    Current waste - 37 (34 Pants)
  • XanderT
    XanderT Posts: 5
    HW: 385 (Nov 2010)

    SW: 325 (Jan 2013)

    CW: 295

    Goal: 240

    Motivation: Completing the Tough Mudder in November 2013 with a bunch of younger guys that worked for me when I was 385.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    5'6" Female, 52 years old

    SW 413
    CW 228
    GW 140
  • rtrcarrie
    rtrcarrie Posts: 50 Member
    Started at 222. Got down to 204 and quit :( Gained back 7 to 211 :(
    Started new job in June 2012 and decided in August (43rd B-Day) I was going to loose it once and for all! Began on my own and joined MFP in Sept 2012 or there abouts. So here are my total stats:
    January 2012 - 222
    August 2012 - 211
    March 2013 - 169.2

    I haven't kept all the measurements for very long now but have seen change in the past 3 months. Biggest change I can report in that realm is a size 18 to a size 10 jeans, XL to M T-shirts, and XL to M scrubs. Now to loose last 20-25 pounds and fit more comfortably in the M and maybe back into a 6 or 8 in the jeans :)

    FMP has really taught me how to eat, not just how many calories to eat. LOVE the carb/fat/protein chart!
  • SW- 341
    CW - 241

    waist was a 46
    now a 38

    I dont know all the other measurements, but something else at least LOOKS bigger now


    Dude, you're awesome.

    Oh wait, im quoting myself.

    No Dude, You... You are awesome
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    SW: 250
    CW: 169

    I don't know my measurements :(
  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    40 year old 5'7"

    High weight 395
    MFP starting weight 340 (June 13 2012)
    Current weight 254.2
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    HW- 273
    LW- 132
    CW- 145

    Waist size HW: 46"
    Waist size LW: 23"
    Waist size CW: 28"
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    Everyone is so inspiring and you all have done an awesome job!