daniel_parrett Member


  • think of it this way. you can realistically lose at least 2 lbs per week. if you took 1 year of your life and got your crap together, you would lose over 110 lbs. I don't know how old you are, but that concept got me going. I started at 370 and got down to 300. I want to be 200 as well, and that's a ways away, but I am 10…
  • the last time I went, I was 275 and some of the rides barely latched on me... body comp probably has more of an effect than actual weight. 6 flags had a car out front of most of their rides so you could see if it fit before getting in line.
  • i would recommend just to track what you eat, even if you don't change your current habits. get a week under your belt with being consistent, then look at reducing calories and getting back into the swing of it. for exercise, start small. go to the gym even if all you are doing is 10-20 minutes on a treadmill. if you want…
  • couple things: check your weight loss goals. if you don't have much to lose, but you're trying to lose 2 lbs per week, you are going to have a hard time. after that, it takes a little getting used to- not feeling stuffed after every meal. when I started I was 366 and I ate until I was stuffed every time. after a bit, you…
  • ditto to the free days. everything adds up. for me, if I break and overeat, I try to stay at least under my maintenance calories, but calories still count even if you don't log them.
  • its harder at first, but after a while you get used to it. I started when I was at 360, and I think my body still craved all the crap I was throwing at it. after a while of being under your calorie goal consistently you will know if you are actually hungry, or if it is an emotional response. one thing that takes some…
  • coke zero or the 10 calorie versions of some sodas
  • 2 eggs on a mini-torilla with a strip of ketchup is my go to snack, ~250 calories. progresso soups are good too.
  • I would say find a go-to low calorie snack/meal to get you by. for me, 2 eggs with a mini torilla and a small strip of ketchup puts me around 250 calories, so i'll start with that. if im still hungry in 30-60 minutes i'll make another. I would also add a bag of frozen vegetables to the mix to make you feel fuller, but…
  • when i first started working out, i did body weight routines daily for 4 weeks before i had the confidence to go to the gym (was at 340 lbs and very self-conscious at the time.) helped me to know i could do complete sets without looking like a total wimp.
  • during. who cares if they stare at you, they dont know what you've been though...
  • smoke up before meal time and eat a normal meal... probably more satisfying than eating random junk food. "ever worked out... on weed??"
  • 20 squats, 20 push ups, 20 crunches, in rotation with no resting- im super paranoid about making noise in my apartment.
  • usually when I "plateau" its because I get demotivated and start incorporating crap food into my diet and going over budget. my motivation is that I've been fat my whole life. im 30 now. I figure, if I can lose 2 lbs per week, I can be "normal" after about a year to a year and a half. not a huge investment in my life, and…
  • mapmywalk is a good one. personally, I like the treadmill since everything is controlled and consistent. if will be a while before I can run straight on, but I do intervals- one minute at a jog/run, 2 minutes walking. rinse and repeat until I pass out.
  • first of all, the scale will fluctuate quite a bit. I look at mine daily, but I gauge success by my weekly weigh in. at 10 days, you wont notice a whole ton, but this is a journey not a destination. keep at your calorie goal and take it a day at a time. each day adds up and when you look back a month from now you will…
  • two eggs on a slice of toast. maybe a bit of salsa on it.
  • I agree with perseverance- you honestly don't look like someone that has a 2k calorie goal...... im 320, at 2 lbs/wk goal, and I get ~2k calories... I would recommend putting yourself at sedentary and tracking workouts separately, then eat ~half your workout calories back and try that for a couple weeks and see how that…
  • i think that sounds right, as well. personally, i would put your activity level at sedentary and track your exercise calories seperately. also, the calories burned sounds high- when i was 350, walking 3.5 mph for one mile, i was getting ~180 calories according to the machine. even that, i take with a grain of salt... if…
  • lots of good responses so far, but here's my two cents: you can use negativity for motivation, but it wont last. i picture someone close saying all that to me, and i can see myself getting very upset about it. that might help you get a really good workout, fueled with rage and self-loathing, but weightloss is a long term…
  • I start out with a mile walk, then do their express circuit. most of it anyways, there are a couple machines I skip there, but I do most of the arm ones, and the leg press one. after that, I usually walk another mile. the stair machine kicks my butt too, but usually there are people on it.
  • I started with 20 pushups, 10 sec break, 20 crunches, 10 sec break, then 20 bodyweight squats. rinse and repeat as many times as you can before you pass out, then do it again at night. if this is your first time working out in a while, I would allow yourself the next day to get over the soreness, but you wont get sore each…
  • I agree completely with brizzeem- that's what I started with in my house, and do it any day I cant make it to the gym. if you keep it simple, you are more likely to keep doing it. good luck in any event~
  • at 360 lb's, i can only jog at 5 mph for a minute, and it is my sides and breathing that get me. i do 2 min walking at 3, 1 min at 5, rinse repeat. so far, can only do 5 cycles of that before my sides cramp too much. walking is no problem- the most i have done at one time is 5 miles, but it doesnt do as much for me as the…
  • great advice so far, thanks for the replies!
  • i dont really have any... im about 360, so pretty much to lose weight of course, but for working out, i just want to do enough to feel accomplished- basically to go until i'm sore the next day. i dont have ambitions to be a body builder by any means, but i want to do everything in my power to feel better about myself. if…
  • think of it this way: every day you meet your calorie goal is a victory. every workout in addition to that is icing on the cake. If you are sore, that is a good thing. doesnt matter how much work you did to get there (as long as you didnt pull something). the soreness goes away, and you can feel the change. I started doing…
  • I've been fat for as long as I can remember- the worse thing was when kids in school used to call me "tits". today, I am pushing 360. im a big guy, to say the least, but I get around just fine. I got a good job, loving family, and self confidence which goes for a lot. nowadays, if somebody tells me I'm fat, I tell them…
  • You could eat a mess of oatmeal if you are trying to feel full, but you could also consider the spiritual side of it... from a conference talk by Shayne M Bowen of the Seventy: "Whenever hunger pains come, use them as a reminder to pray again about the purpose of your fast."