Scared of falling off the wagon

So I'm ten days into my weight loss journey with 134 of the original 140lbs left to loose. First week I lost 6lbs although I last weighed myself at my sisters on different scales around a month ago so it may well have been more or less than 6lbs. Anyway I decided to weigh on a Wednesday as a midweek check and I'm 0.2lbs up I realise this is just water weight etc but with so much to loose I thought I might see some loss. I've weighed and measured everything and I do feel much better than I did but unfortunately I'm one of those people who gets hung up on the number on the scale and this is when I usually falter but I know if I do falter I will only end up feeling worse and heavier. I'm in this for the long haul just find these times hard with so much to loose. I could hack it a few stone away from goal but harder to with 134 to go. Anyone else struggle this early on?


  • daniel_parrett
    daniel_parrett Posts: 30 Member
    first of all, the scale will fluctuate quite a bit.

    I look at mine daily, but I gauge success by my weekly weigh in.

    at 10 days, you wont notice a whole ton, but this is a journey not a destination.

    keep at your calorie goal and take it a day at a time. each day adds up and when you look back a month from now you will start to see results.

    I am morbidly obese and started by doing squats, push ups (on my knees) and crunches in my basement. rotate each exercise after 20 reps and go as many times as you can

    after a month of that, off and on, I could definitely feel it in my arms, and my legs had a semblance of muscle tone.

    once you get to that point, you will know anything is possible, keep at it!!
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Not sure I get it right but you last weighted yourself at your sister's 1 month ago and then ago wednesday and went up 0.2?
  • Georgeandme
    No I last got on the scale a month ago at my sisters and was 346lbs only started with mfp on the 23rd June got on the scales on 30th lost 6lbs from lady time I weighed at my sisters.
  • Imadorkable
    Imadorkable Posts: 415 Member
    So I'm ten days into my weight loss journey with 134 of the original 140lbs left to loose. First week I lost 6lbs although I last weighed myself at my sisters on different scales around a month ago so it may well have been more or less than 6lbs. Anyway I decided to weigh on a Wednesday as a midweek check and I'm 0.2lbs up I realise this is just water weight etc but with so much to loose I thought I might see some loss. I've weighed and measured everything and I do feel much better than I did but unfortunately I'm one of those people who gets hung up on the number on the scale and this is when I usually falter but I know if I do falter I will only end up feeling worse and heavier. I'm in this for the long haul just find these times hard with so much to loose. I could hack it a few stone away from goal but harder to with 134 to go. Anyone else struggle this early on?

    First of all, congratulations on the 6 pounds! Your weight will fluctuate greatly within a week and a day. Just take it step by step. If you gain or maintain one week don't get discouraged. I am the same way. I get stuck on numbers. I have to weigh only once a week and take measurements. If I do maintain or gain, I have to look at all the progress I have made. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need support. I started out at needing to loose 140 lbs but now I only have 122 lbs to go!
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I see some behaviors as a challenge rather than a fault. I've spent a lifetime criticizing myself viciously and it's detrimentally affected a lot of things, including losing weight. Like you, I get hung up on the scale. So some of my goals are to accept that weight fluctuates, to detach from the scale as the only measure of my health, and to have resilience rather than an "all or nothing" attitude.

    All this to say, we need to work on our emotions and thoughts as much as our physical weight. It can be hard, but it's worth it! Don't get thrown by the scale.