Exercise ideas for those who can't exercise well?

Hi, looking for some exercise ideas that I can do other than just walking (which I'll be doing too, but I'd like some variety). I have chronic daily migraines being decently controlled right now when I'm home in my trigger-free environment, but impact and high heart rate increase/trigger my head :( I'm sure you can imagine how difficult that makes exercising! Additionally, my meds kill my metabolism and give me a horrid sweet tooth (that I rarely ever had before; I now have it daily)!

Any ideas for other exercises? I'm going to try and get a gym membership for swimming, but as of now I only have walking.


  • EmGetsFit
    EmGetsFit Posts: 151 Member
    Low impact aerobics, step aerobics, recumbent bike, dance, yoga, tai chi? Look for some workout DVDs to do at home so if you start feeling uneasy you can just stop and rest. Just take it easy at first and see what works best for you. I have sporadic vertigo spells so when I feel it triggered, I stop and call it a day. Good luck and happy exercising!
  • brizzeem
    brizzeem Posts: 82 Member
    Oh there's plenty. First I would recommend simple acts like standing squats, lunges, stairs, push ups, crunches, and donkey kicks. All can be done with no equipment and hit key muscles :) Do 3 sets ASMAP with 30 seconds to 1 min rest itnervals of each and you'll tone up.
  • daniel_parrett
    daniel_parrett Posts: 30 Member
    I agree completely with brizzeem- that's what I started with in my house, and do it any day I cant make it to the gym. if you keep it simple, you are more likely to keep doing it.

    good luck in any event~
  • candikanez
    candikanez Posts: 19
    Great ideas, thanks! I have migraine-associated vertigo that flares up and down too so I completely feel you on that horribleness!! I do use turbo jam right now following the lower impact lady :P I'm not sure how much that way is really doing for me but at least it's something. I'll look into some videos on other things you mentioned!

    Thanks Brizzeem! I'll give those a shot, after googling donkey kicks. I'm not sure I'm doing crunches properly because my back starts to hurt like crazy and 100x more than any feeling I have in my abdomen!

    PS: What's ASMAP?
  • candikanez
    candikanez Posts: 19
    Ahh, donkey kicks burn the booty. Definitely need that one on the agenda lol
  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    Can you ride a bicycle? You can adjust the pace to whatever's comfortable, and absolutely no impact. Maybe also try swimming or water aerobics if you have access to a pool. Dancing can be fun. Or you could do stuff that's active even if it's not "exercise," like gardening, etc.
  • candikanez
    candikanez Posts: 19
    Thanks! Water Zuma was a blast and I'm hoping to get a membership and keep doing that.
  • lots2lose51
    lots2lose51 Posts: 29 Member
    I started following an exercise workout on you tube as im unable to do much being so overweight and ive found it great, and you build yourself up gradually:drinker: