watkinsc Member


  • Ok, that is sooooo funny! Can you imagine the conversation with the insurance adjuster? "But ma'am the fireman said he found a clothespin in your microwave" "yeah, about that ... I'm really into healthy eating, and I was going to use staples, but well........."
  • I hear ya! Portion size is REALLY important. Also eat lots of veggies (which even as a grown adult, I still have resistance too!) no sodas, no fast food, no empty calories... And avoid cream sauces, fat laden salad dressings, and condiments (mayo, sour cream, etc.) ... I've been at it 4 months, and am no where perfect with…
  • Hey! I started out 5'6" 166 at the end of October. I hit 154 earlier this month! I'm taking it slow, working on more of changing my habits, than a quick weight drop. So far so good... ups and downs.... But this community is fabulous! Follow the plan you set up with the website and you WILL succeed. It's when I stray from…
  • Definitely google it.. Even though it was a 'controlled study,' the men that were put on severe caloric restriction had a high percentage of the group develop eating disorder traits later on. Very sad actually. I don't think the researchers had any idea that they would be psychologically endangering these men like that. If…
  • Not sure if you researched further into the study done in Minnesota that was referenced in the article. But reading about that study and what it did to the men psychologically, made me never, ever, ever want to go on a very strict low calorie diet. I don't care how fast it promised weight loss! For me, the only sane answer…
  • Sounds like your sister is clearly not following the doctors orders that were agreed upon when she entered into the contract for the surgery. She is setting herself up for a very real failure. That is too bad. On the other hand, you are eating right and exercising. Even if the numbers tell a different story (at least at…
  • oh my gosh, those are some pretty nasty side effects.. perhaps your body is trying to tell you something...
  • RN in an ICU .... wow Nuclear reactor.. Got the whole world in your hands, huh? Very interesting though.. =)
  • Wow! What a great piece of information... Thank you so much! =)
  • I am not a nutritionist , nor a fitness trainer. But as an RN, I will say that from what I have seen in my practice, is unless you have been told specifically (as a result of lab work) that your body is low on Potassium, be careful with supplementing it. Maybe just a once a day multi-vit if you are concerned. There is…
  • We have a grocery store out here (seattle) that made a commitment some time ago to NOT sell anything with HFCS in it. Since I have found them, and thusly greatly reduced my intake, my headaches have gone away. Hmmmm....
  • From the suggestions here, it really looks like being more carniverous may be the way to go. It's frustrating for me, as I usually don't find meat appealing in general.
  • Good question! I am not much of a meat eater, and nuts have soooo much fat and protein bars usually have lots of sugars... I would also LOVE to hear suggestions on this!
  • Not sure why you are putting an emphasis on Potassium, but you need to be careful with this. If you have any type of kidney insufficiency you could be setting yourself up for irregular heart rhythms. If you are really concerned about your levels, have your doc run a potassium level with a blood draw. Potassium is an…
  • I have been reading up on this, and it seems the concensus is to NOT to count any calories burned by strength training. I've seen various rationale for this. But the one that sticks most with me is the fact that unlike cardio, we don't get the the heartrate up and going when strength training. I'd be very interested in…
  • It really is a total mindset, isn't it? I notice that after three months of relativie success I too am starting to become lax. We really need to get our heads back in the game. Part of it is to make ourselves a priority again. To say it is ok to take care of our own needs before others. For me this requires a one on one…
  • So here is what I discovered about late night snacking for me. I used to wake up 'starving' around 2am. Not every night, but frequently enough that I knew it was an issue. I would just mindlessly get up and have a bowl of cereal. Then one night I decided to not give in, and after a few times of refusing to give in, it…
  • Agreed! I find it very irresponsible for authors to publish such a blanket statement. Weightloss seems to be a very individual thing, dependent on so many factors. Too bad. Seems anyone can get an article, or even a book published for that matter.
  • Wow, 11 specfic foods! And 500 cals.. This is definately not for the average dieter. Why bother with the hormones, that method of starvation would be enough on it's own to drop a large amount of weight. Sounds so scarey to me.
  • I've read about it a bit, and to be honest, it seems scarey has hell to mess with hormones like that. Not sure if there are long term studies on it or not yet. Most of the literature I have read includes the follow up, that once the treatment had stopped, the weight came back. Probably because the people did not have to…
  • Yep! Coke WAS a regular part of my day too. When I started here it was 2 cokes a day. My MFP friends were on me like white on rice! I immediately went to 1 a day, and it STILL was unacceptable to a certain MFP friend =). SO.... I pushed further and was down to one or two a week, but still hearing about it from my very…
  • Several companies make a raspberry vinagerette that is very good on lettuce with fruit (dried or fresh) and nuts. I like it on young lettuce with dried cranberries, strawberries, walnut pieces, and gorgonzola cheese crumbles. Also is good on salads made with fresh apples. There is also a mandarine orange vinegarrette that…
  • I work 3 days a week, so I am off 4. On the days I am home, I try to have a focus. Today was my bathroom, scrubbed clean, all windows, mirrors, you name it I deep cleaned it. I used to be a stay at home mom, I did the same thing then too. I don't clean every day like that, other days the focus is taking the dog for a long…
  • You know, I've thought about this before. I decided I would count all of it. That way I am covered. It's most likely less, but I found it seems to be those "sneaky calories" that I didn't used to think about that really did make a difference.
  • I think we've all battled with this particular inner struggle. Just keep plugging away at it. I think eventually we get tired of even our own excuses! It WILL stick one day, and you won't look back. It starts to become easier to make good choices. Then it starts to be easier to stick with those good choices. Remember, it…
  • Ok ... deep breath, There is wonderful support on this site. The 'program' is very simple. Just follow the set up, and start paying attention to your choices. Second deep breath .. make some friends (add me if you like), and start logging everything you eat and drink... Next deep breath... chose your activities.. get…
    in Help Comment by watkinsc January 2011
  • ok, yep! I'm right there with ya... hmmmm.. what should we do? I need a plan, a rationale, to either keep or get rid of them. What if, and I'm just thinking out loud, we donate them to a battered woman's shelter. What do you think?
  • One last piece of advice. Be careful when obtaining advice from certain forum posters on these boards, as they are actually vendors of 'fitness/health' products and MAY present somewhat biased answers to questions such as this. If you want safe and accurate information on the web that comes from highly scrutinized research…
  • You can add a can of Ensure if you want. They don't taste too bad, and supply balanced nutrition. Or, maybe wait and see if your calorie intake balances out over the course of a week or so. Some days high, some low, but averaged out, maybe work out just right. It would certainly be better to get your nutrients directly…
  • Beautifully stated girl! Annie, if you follow no other advice on this entire website ever, follow this one!