My Cokes

clewliss Posts: 640 Member
Well, I have always said that no matter what, I would never ever give up my coke! When not dieting or trying to lose weight, a typical day would include 2 or 3 8oz cokes! Yes, It's bad news, but like any addiction that's just the way it was. So, I mentally prepared myself for the "new beginning" and had several talks with myself how I could cut this or that, but NOT my coke! I did agree; however, to cut back on the 2 & 3 cans, so I went out and bought the 90 calorie 8-pack and that's all I bought for the week. I figured one of those a day would help me break the addiction, but still give me the satisfaction of having a coke. By the end of the week, after sticking to my plan, I found myself pouring out half a can of the 90 calorie!!! So now I'm thinking that may be a new change for me. I figure if I crave one, I'll have it, but if not I won't touch it! A small step forward, but a very big deal to me! Has anyone else had that big or small "addiction" you weren't going to budge on and then woo lah lah you did before you realized it?


  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    I feel that way about Mountain DEW!!!! If I don't have it, I really don't crave it!! :) Good Luck:wink:
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    Coke is my weakness too.. I am going grocery shopping today and decided not to buy any because i figured out that If I don't buy it i won't be able to drink it. I know its just empty calories so i try to remember that and I am hoping this helps me because I was in complete denial too, I swore i wouldn't give it up, and now I know it will be for the better if i do. Good Luck I am sure you will break yourself of the habit :happy:
  • mom2alexandmatt
    I have an addiction to Diet Coke (and caffeine in general) as well. So with my renewed plan for a lifestyle change, I didn't necessarily plan to cut out my soday, but I vowed to drink my 8 cups of water before I allowed myself to have any caffeinated beverage. But, like you, I really find myself not liking the taste of Diet Coke like I used to. I need to force myself to drink a little, just til I can kick the caffeine addiciton completely, but I'm so glad to see that I should be able to life a Coke-free life from here on out! :laugh:

    Keep up the good work!
  • xxjessikatxx
    i used to drink coke every day then i stopped months ago almost a year but since then i have a lack of energy and my mornings are terrible with out it..Iam going to try b complex and if that doesnt work i will be going back and haveing one coke every morning..i miss it.Goodluck!!!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    keep up the great work, and if you do live without it for a while, you will not crave it, just like any other "drug" or food. But trust me when I say after a few days, it will be nothing! you will have forgotten about it. You must find something better to replace it with. Diet Coke? Tea, something.
  • suedalton1
    For me it's Pepsi and I could drink 2-3 24oz bottles a day. I don't like the taste of Diet Pepsi but other diet drinks (ie: diet A and W root beer, diet 7-up) seem to be ok for me and i don't drink nearly as much of them as I did of Pepsi.
  • undercover
    undercover Posts: 138 Member
    Oh yes... I thought it would be way harder to give up my beloved Coke. But as it turns out, it was way easier than I thought. First of all, I try to not bring it in my house. If I do, I buy one single can instead of a huge bottle. If I am "on the go" I always bought a Coke before, because I thought if I was gonna spend money on a drink, it felt too expensive to waste the money on a bottle of water. Now I go with the water anyway, if I don't have any with me already. I do treat myself to a Coke in restaurants, and I think that I will keep doing that in the future as well, because I don't want to give it up.

    This month I'm doing a "Say no to xxx" - challenge, and for me that is regular Coke. It is going great - I had a Coke zero yesterday, but honestly I didn't really enjoy it anyway. If I am gonna drink a soda, it will be regular Coke in the future, otherwise I'd rather have water.

    Don't limit yourself - that might be your trigger. So take it easy, know that you are allowed to drink it but consider it before you do. Good luck :)
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Yep! Coke WAS a regular part of my day too. When I started here it was 2 cokes a day. My MFP friends were on me like white on rice! I immediately went to 1 a day, and it STILL was unacceptable to a certain MFP friend =). SO.... I pushed further and was down to one or two a week, but still hearing about it from my very stubborn and most importantly well -meaning MFP friend, I now rarely have a coke, and like you, when I do, I never drink the whole can (but I make myself count the whole can in my calorie count). The craving is just gone. Same thing with pastries for breakfast. I can easily walk by the muffins and donuts at work in the morning. Also fast food. Now, even if I am soooo hungry, the thought of fast food is very unappealing. It used to be that various cravings were pure torture! I think it's true that when you don't have it for a while, you don't crave it. My diet isn't perfect yet, but it is soooo much better than it used to be. My energy is up, and my headaches are down too!
  • MattODriscoll
    MattODriscoll Posts: 30 Member
    Coincidently, i just moved to sugar free drinks.

    I mention this in my profile but I've always treated junk food as something i could burn off with extra exercise.

    After logging cokes, pepsis, dr peppers.etc on MFP I’ve realised that I’ve been putting my body under unnecessary strain.

    So I’ve switched to sugar free. The next step will be switching from sugar free to just plain old water.
  • Serenity79
    I have an addiction to Lucozade, the original kind, I could easily drink two litre bottles in a day. And that stuff is pure sugar. But gee I love it! I have managed to wean myself down to one 380ml bottle now and that's not even every day. But it's hard, I still crave just opening up a bottle and gulping it down, instead of just sipping at one throughout the day.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I totally get you here. I've spent many years now being a Mountain Dew ADDICT! That was one of the hardest things for me months ago, giving that up. I think I'd easily drink 2 liters a day. Just horrible. And I gave it up cold turkey because I knew that "weaning" myself off it, would not work for me personally. The withdrawls were terrible, but I survived.
    But funny enough for me, now I have no desire for soda really. We live behind a Sunflower Organic Market and shop there usually, well I got a Hansens soda the other day for a "treat" with dinner. I drank a whopping swallow and was done - way too sweet, so sweet it didn't even taste good. Even the diet ones of those are now entirely too sweet for me. I can honestly say for the first time ever, I'd rather just drink water, tea or lemon sparkling water (which I love because I like tart things!)
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    i really like coke zero. I was at work one day and all the coke was gone i work in retail and i did not want diet yuck, so i was like coke zero i guess ill try it and i've been hooked every since.
  • akalei
    akalei Posts: 34
    The only pop I drink is pepsi or coke. I could drink a sick amount in 1 day. Like I could drink 6+ cans in a day or even more if I was like camping or something or at like a holiday type dinner with family. I could finish a 2 liter bottle of pepsi or coke to myself/day also. If I went longer than 24 hours without pop I would get terrible headaches.

    Jan 1st 12:00am was my last pop. I decided to go pepsi/coke free for 1 full year. The first few days were rough. As I had a pounding headache between day 2-4 AND we had 3 big bottles of pepsi and a case of 12 cans of coke left from new years. So it was torcher to open the fridge. (I made the hubby drink them lol and a friend came over and took some too)

    I know its only been 12 days into the new year, but I feel soooo much better having not had any pop. There is still 2 cans left and 1 full bottle in the fridge. I don't even care or even crave them.
  • lindseylkr
    lindseylkr Posts: 5 Member
    Cigarettes. I had a pulmonary embolism in November and was told by the ER doctor that smoking was out of the question with a blood clot. I honestly have not craved the nicotine since that day. Only a few times out of habit I reached for where I kept them in my car, remember I quit when they were not there and went on with my day. Of the other times I tried to quit I only made it a few weeks. This time it was been 2 months (to the day) and truly was easy when it was a life or death situation!
    I gave up pop about a month before cigarettes and I don't recall struggling with that either. I got my first "grown-up" job and realized this is my reality now and there were no more excuses(like law school or the bar exam) to get in my way of being a better version of myself :)
  • ifeelsqueaky
    I had a bit of a coke zero addiction myself - I would get through absolutely loads of it. I'd buy 3 big 2 litre bottles from the supermarket and they'd be gone within days. Scary really. Since I've started on the new lifestyle I've been drinking so much other stuff* that I've completely forgotten about the coke and I never would have thought that was possible.

    * "other stuff" being mainly herbal teas and water
  • frankbo25
    frankbo25 Posts: 206 Member
    Ive been there believe me, except my coke habit was crazier. I would start the day with a 20oz bottle and by the end of the day I would have at least 3-4 more at about 250 calories each. I would stop drinking them from time to time but i would literally have withdrawals. I am happy to say now that I have only had about 3- 12oz bottles in the past 6 months or so and those were the ones imported from Mexico that have no high fructose corn syrup from Earth Fare! Congrats!!
  • Sohnsearae
    Coke was my addiction as well. I used to drink a six pack a day. Over the last few years I cut back to about 2-3 cans a day. I am proud to say as of August 2010, I cut all soda out of my diet completely and haven't had one since. It's still hard sometimes, my comfort food was always a Coke and Doritos, now if I smell Doritos it makes me want a coke, but I've got will power and am going strong. Good Luck!
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I can definitely relate. There was a time in my life where every waking hour I either had a coke or a beer in my hand depending on whether I was working or not.

    I've switched to unsweetened iced tea. I still get the caffeine, it took some time to get used to it but definitely has payed off. Now that I haven't had coke in so long, the first sip of one instantly makes me ill.
  • ashGriffin
    I have the same problem....coke also...or pepsi....or Dr. Pepper.....they are all the same for me :) I am a teacher, and I have found that as long as I have one and I know that I CAN have it if I need it, I don't drink very much of it. I usually throw at least half of it out! Yes a huge waste of money, but hey it works for me :)
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Don't buy it at the gorcery store - than you can't have it to drink. I've done that with my chips, I even tried those baked chips - but than finally kicked myself in the butt...Who am I foolin'? Now, I don't buy anythin' related to chips...Get in the habit of drinkin' 'hot green tea or hot white tea' instead of coke or drink a glass of water...Dedication and self discpline is what you need...Noone will stop you from buyin' or drinkin' that coke - only YOU can...! xo best wishes
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