
Ok so let's talk who takes what?

Daily vitamin?

Flax seed oil?

Fish oil?


When I look at some of my day's I'm not getting enough vitamins, so was thinking I should take something. I used to take Flax/Fish oils and my skin was just awesome, so may just have to go back to that. :) Please advise.


  • atina502
    atina502 Posts: 6 Member
    I take a daily vitamin, when I remember that is...
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    I take a daily vitamin, when I remember that is...

    Same here. I'm getting better at remembering, but it's still a challenge. lol
  • Chillem
    Chillem Posts: 40
    Don't forget that a great deal of vitamins and minerals are fat soluble. So when you loose weight, these vitamins will enter your bloodstream. And then you would have too much of some of the vitamins and minerals. And sometimes it isn't good to have an "overdosis" of the vitamins.
  • RainyDayProphet
    I take CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) to help my body process and burn fat as well as build muscle.

    I also take a protein supplement to help repair/rebuild muscle.
  • ylosil
    ylosil Posts: 3
    I take a daily vitamin religiously and I add flaxseed to my oatmeal in the a.m.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Raw One for Women (my daily vitamin by Vitamin Code)
    Vega (vegan protein powder-when needed)
    herbal supplements when needed
    Flax seed meal (added to all baked goods and protein shake)
    B-12 (I'm a vegetarian...almost vegan, so I need extra B-12).
  • MsTrudy66
    MsTrudy66 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! For health reasons, I see a Naturopathic doctor. She has prescribed a women's multivitamin (we don't get enough vit. D and calcium without it). I also take a vegan oil capsule, also have taken fish oil caps. I take probiotic capsules to equalize the good/bacteria in the gut. I take other supplements specifically for joint and muscle tenderness, and for adrenal insufficiency. I also take extra Vit. C during the day, especially if I'm feeling sick (like Airborne, or EmergenC). I detox frequently, so to start a diet I always buy a detox kit, runs about $25 at a natural food store. It's mostly milk thistle to detoxify the liver, a fiber supp, and a laxative. I really feel awesome after the detox! I hope this was useful info! Good luck.
  • kendf60
    kendf60 Posts: 234 Member
    I take fish oil, a liquid multiple vitamin, liquid l-carnitine, glutamine & whey protein in a smoothie with almond milk, juice, non-fat yogurt & frozen fruit every morning. I also take CLA, Max joint relief & grape seed extract.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I take a multivitamin. My husband takes flaxseed oil and he wants me too as well since I don't eat fish and don't get a lot of Omega-3s.
  • GremlinJenny
    My doctor at Cedars Sinai created a daily regimen for me based on my health history, my current lifestyle, and my goals:

    -1x Multivitamin (food based, easier on the tummy)
    -1x B Complex
    -1x Vitamin C
    -2x Calcium (w/ Vitamin D)
    -1x Cod Liver Oil
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Nope, I don't bother with 'em, .. very little of most supplements are actually absorbed by the body (ever notice how bright yellow/orange your pee is when you take supplements? That's some mighty expensive pee there, and it's just gets flushed down the toliet!) . Supplements are REALLY expensive! The only one I ever would recommed, would be the infrequent use of a fiber supplement for those 'difficult' times.. =) Your body does a great job of regulating the vitamins/minerals in your system at any given time. It stores and releases them as needed. So, say you eat alot of calcium one day, your body uses what it needs, stores what it can, and elimates the rest. Then, say the next day, maybe you don't eat enough calcium to meet your body's need. Your body then pulls what it needs from the calcium it stored earlier. And all of this goes on unnoticed! 24/7. The body is such an amazing, efficient, energy utilizing machine. Treat it well and let it do it's job. It's really, really, good at it! =)

    Now, I am aware there are execeptions. Such as those being treated for eatting disorders, or had certain gastric operations involving the small intestine, or alcoholics, etc,, But for those of us without absorbtion disorders, most supplements only prove to make us lighter in the wallet. =)
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Nope, I don't bother with 'em, .. very little of most supplements are actually absorbed by the body (ever notice how bright yellow/orange your pee is when you take supplements? That's some mighty expensive pee there, and it's just gets flushed down the toliet!) . Supplements are REALLY expensive! The only one I ever would recommend, would be the infrequent use of a fiber supplement for those 'difficult' times.. =) Your body does a great job of regulating the vitamins/minerals in your system at any given time. It stores and releases them as needed. So, say you eat a lot of calcium one day, your body uses what it needs, stores what it can, and elimates the rest. Then, say the next day, maybe you don't eat enough calcium to meet your body's need. Your body then pulls what it needs from the calcium it stored earlier. And all of this goes on unnoticed! 24/7. The body is such an amazing, efficient, energy utilizing machine. Treat it well and let it do it's job. It's really, really, good at it! =)

    Now, I am aware there are execeptions. Such as those being treated for eatting disorders, or had certain gastric operations involving the small intestine, or alcoholics, etc,, But for those of us without absorbtion disorders, most supplements only prove to make us lighter in the wallet. =)

    There is just so much mis-information out there it's not even funny. The body can handle far more vitamins than most people realize, and I suspect even the people who say that your body will only absorb so much don't even realize just how much that is, and it's generally way more than the RDA. And, it's not so much a matter of how much your body will absorb, but how much it will absorb in how much TIME. Point is, your body can really benefit from taking vitamins in larger amounts, especially when their is a deficiency as their is with the typical American diet, but you can better benefit from it with timed dosages. Even then for example several thousand miligrams of Vitamin C can be absorbed within an hour, far more than the 60mg the RDA calls for which oh by the way even most medical doctor's agree that it's too low (that number was derived by what it took to keep scurvy away, not necessarily all ailments or how much we can use). Not to mention that a fruit or a vegetable typically loses as much as half of it's nutritional value 5 days after being picked, and we don't need vitamin supplementation? I agree it can get expensive, but that's why they call it "supplementation". Combined with a healthy diet it can fill those gaps and get us to a proper level of nutrition without breaking our wallets.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    My doctor at Cedars Sinai created a daily regimen for me based on my health history, my current lifestyle, and my goals:

    -1x Multivitamin (food based, easier on the tummy)
    -1x B Complex
    -1x Vitamin C
    -2x Calcium (w/ Vitamin D)
    -1x Cod Liver Oil

    I used what some would consider an "overdose" of several vitamins, including fish oil and red yeast rice in addition to basically what you have listed above to drop my cholesterol from 264 to 192 in about 6 months. But yet, some would say my body would not absorb all that stuff I was taking. Hmm. I did take the fish oil and a multi in smaller doses for probably the year prior to that and had an overall normal but fairly healthy diet and it just would not come down. The singular change I made during that time was to take far more than the RDA of those vitamins. I had my blood work done every 60 days during that time and never was there any problems, on the contrary my cholesterol was consistently falling.
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    One last piece of advice. Be careful when obtaining advice from certain forum posters on these boards, as they are actually vendors of 'fitness/health' products and MAY present somewhat biased answers to questions such as this. If you want safe and accurate information on the web that comes from highly scrutinized research and clinical trials, try ... The CDC (Center for Disease Control), and the NIH (National Institute of Health), or the Clevend Clinic. Those are always good places to start. BTW No upstanding heathcare professional would ever tell a healthy person to take 'overdoses' of vitamins, minerals, or herbal supplements.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    One last piece of advice. Be careful when obtaining advice from certain forum posters on these boards, as they are actually vendors of 'fitness/health' products and MAY present somewhat biased answers to questions such as this. If you want safe and accurate information on the web that comes from highly scrutinized research and clinical trials, try ... The CDC (Center for Disease Control), and the NIH (National Institute of Health), or the Clevend Clinic. Those are always good places to start. BTW No upstanding heathcare professional would ever tell a healthy person to take 'overdoses' of vitamins, minerals, or herbal supplements.

    Ok that tinfoil hat looks good on you by the way. Seriously, did you even go to any of those links I posted? To the original poster, I'm sure you understand that under the context putting "overdoses" in quotes like that was intended to show sarcasm, and to further make the point that what people think is an "overdose" is actually a perfectly acceptable amount of a vitamin to take.

    In fact, what most people think of an "overdose", can actually be ingested just from very fresh organically tended foods during the course of a day. How is that an overdose or bad for you if we get it from quality food? The problem is we don't get the nutrition we should be getting from our normal foods for varying reasons. Are there any people here who juice their own carrots? Well if you do, and have have a nice 6-8 oz. glass of carrot juice, do you have any idea just how many IU of vitamin A you are getting? Well suffice to say it's way beyond what the RDA says you need, and beyond what most people think (erroneously) is the safe amount of Vitamin A. Anybody know anyone who's OD'ed on carrot juice? If that sounds ridiculous it's because it is.

    On the expensive pee issue, there have actually been in the lab, scientific studies that have been published in respected medical journals on this matter. Test subjects were given 10,000mg of Vitamin C in a 24 hour period, and all urine expelled during that 24 hours was tested and found to be 1500mg of Vitamin C. Meaning the remainder was absorbed into the body. The notion of the "expensive pee" all comes from a single, biased and unfounded on his part statement by Fred Stare, professor then at Harvard School of Public Health. For some reason, like a lot of myths, it has taken hold amongst those who latch on to such statements and pass them on as fact without doing any of the research themselves. There is about 80 years of vitamin research out there (yes, surprise surprise vitamins are not a recent fad and actually pre-date big pharm) so what I would suggest is you (the original poster) do some of your own research outside of this site and come to your own conclusion. Now for my big product placement..................:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: