Why do we have to pay for everything!?!



  • CarolHudson11
    Thanks everyone! I know I don't NEED a plan/program, and I've been doing pretty good. It just get's difficult with a 1 year old and a husband! My son NEEDS to gain weight, I NEED to lose weight, and my husband is pretty good where he's at. Three completely different needs in one house...OY! It would be nice to have my own seperate meals that are easy to prepare so I don't end up making two totally different meals up to three times a day!

    Ok stop doing all that cooking. Feed everyone the same stuff. You just eat the proper amount to work it in. Give the kid o snacks with high protein, like peanut butter on apples or crackers. Everyone should be able to eat what you cook just the amounts will differ. Everyone will be happy. :) And you won't have so many dishes. :)

    AMEN! I thought the same thing - cook one meal. Then decide how much you're going to eat of it and skip the "extras" - like to the fresco (salsa) type sauces for yours instead of the alfredo "creamy" type sauces, etc. Just substitute the healthier version for yourself. :)
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Thanks everyone! I know I don't NEED a plan/program, and I've been doing pretty good. It just get's difficult with a 1 year old and a husband! My son NEEDS to gain weight, I NEED to lose weight, and my husband is pretty good where he's at. Three completely different needs in one house...OY! It would be nice to have my own seperate meals that are easy to prepare so I don't end up making two totally different meals up to three times a day!

    Ok stop doing all that cooking. Feed everyone the same stuff. You just eat the proper amount to work it in. Give the kid o snacks with high protein, like peanut butter on apples or crackers. Everyone should be able to eat what you cook just the amounts will differ. Everyone will be happy. :) And you won't have so many dishes. :)

    I usually don't end up making different meals for everyone, but the meals I end up making could/should be WAY better.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    and if you really need someone to tell you what to do listen up! :)

    get all your workout video's out and stack them up how ever you want. Pull from the top, that's Monday's workout, yadda yadda through the stack. :) See getting easier huh? Ok Workouts done.

  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    I started with nothing and have finished with (almost) nothing. I have a set of weights, a HRM, a yoga mat, and my living room floor. I've joined gyms and 'plans' endless times. Don't trust anyone you have to throw money at when it comes to weight loss. All you need is yourself, your mind, and your will. Google and self-education will be your best friend and support from people like us on MFP.

    Trust me, DON'T buy into the gimmicks. Life isn't a 'plan' you buy into or a points system you mindlessly count. It's going to be painful, filled with sweat and tears, accomplishments AND failures.

    What MFP offers is indeed free, but also priceless in it's wealth of knowledge and support.

    Beautifully stated girl! Annie, if you follow no other advice on this entire website ever, follow this one!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    oh yea and that one was for free! Next time it may cost you. LOL
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    oh yea and that one was for free! Next time it may cost you. LOL

    How much??? LOL
  • 4x4n8
    4x4n8 Posts: 29
    And healthier food always costs more...oh dont get me on my soap box, LOL! :)
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    And healthier food always costs more...oh dont get me on my soap box, LOL! :)

    I know! It's ridiculous that the high-fat/tasty/easy/quick foods are so cheap and then the healthy foods are so expensive. They wonder why America is so fat!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    And healthier food always costs more...oh dont get me on my soap box, LOL! :)

    I know! It's ridiculous that the high-fat/tasty/easy/quick foods are so cheap and then the healthy foods are so expensive. They wonder why America is so fat!

    see if there's a veggie/fruit co-op in your area. It's amazing how much stuff I get each week for 15$ :) Also stores like Sunflower Market have great sales on bulk rice, beans, etc. Shop the sales and it's amazing what you can make very healthy and on the cheap. :) You'll get better as time goes on. If you want message me and I can walk you through some grocery tricks that I've found that will free up some money so you can spend more on Veggie/Fresh stuff. :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You do not need a plan ... you just need to make yourself a priority.
    You mentioned your son needs to gain weight, so he can take more servings or eat a snack.
    The one year old, well teaching children to eat healthy is not a bad thing.
    Also healthy cooking is not a bad thing for anyone... so make choices to use low fat ingredients and whole unprocessed foods.

    Regarding the workouts... I LOVE the advice you have gotten.
    Another thing you can do though... get two pairs of good running socks and one pair of good running shoes. Spend 20 dollars with a Jeff Galloway timer... and there you go, hours of workouts!! :)
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    You do not need a plan ... you just need to make yourself a priority.
    You mentioned your son needs to gain weight, so he can take more servings or eat a snack.
    The one year old, well teaching children to eat healthy is not a bad thing.
    Also healthy cooking is not a bad thing for anyone... so make choices to use low fat ingredients and whole unprocessed foods.

    Regarding the workouts... I LOVE the advice you have gotten.
    Another thing you can do though... get two pairs of good running socks and one pair of good running shoes. Spend 20 dollars with a Jeff Galloway timer... and there you go, hours of workouts!! :)

    Ugh...I am SOOOO not a runner...YET. I'm working on it, but as of right now, couldn't happen! Not to mention we've gotten probably over a foot of snow in the last few days!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    There is some really good advice here and I love it especially not buying into diet gimmics. However I share a frustration with annie. I joined a health club and I love their classes and facilities but they do not help you at all with the weight machines. I do not mind paying for help like having them help me get started but they won't do that they want you to pay too much every week or month for ever taken out of a credit card or your account. So I spent some on some books and researching on the internet to come up with a appropriate circuit with mixed results. I have weight trained once but have forgotten alot. I am making progress in exercise in other free ways and I will get the strenth training nut cracked eventually but one does get tired of all those people out for a buck and that is why MFP is so refreshing. I do not mind paying for help and expert advice I just don't like exploitation. Unfortunately we really need to watch out for it especially in weight loss.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ugh...I am SOOOO not a runner...YET. I'm working on it, but as of right now, couldn't happen! Not to mention we've gotten probably over a foot of snow in the last few days!

    If you want to be a runner, you can be a runner. Trust me!
    And snow... well I live in Wisconsin, so it doesnt get much snowier and colder than that.
    Running in the road is helpful in the winter months -- or on a dreadmill if you have to.
    And the cold isnt as cold as you think it is when you get going... I have yet to be COLD during a run, and in fact I am usually overheated!
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Ok, if you need a plan make one!!!
    I kind do that every weekend. After my kids go to bed friday night I get online and search recipes for dinner (it is the only meal we eat together at home) and ideas for lunch and snack. I them make my shopping list (I try to go to the grocery every saturday) and my schedule for the following week. It is nothing fancy, I do it in my agenda. But it works. Do I keep up to it? Not every week, sometimes things happen and the plans change.
    You can start by planning your workout schedule for the following week. For example I know my kids have swimming lessons every tuesday and thursday and those are the days I go to the gymm. I know I have to fit at least 2 more days of work out in the week and I try to schedule them. Then try to plan lunch and so on...
    About the meals: KEEP IT SIMPLE!! I will tell you something my kids do not eat everything I cook. So on these days that they don't want to eat dinner they have to choose between peanutbutter sandwich or cheese and ham sandwich and white milk. I do add a fruit and a vegetable and we are good to go. Our delli meat is lean and so is the cheese and we only eat whole wheat bread.
    One more thing, I know how you feel with little one at home and worried about his weight. Make sure you have good quality food at home and feed him more often, maybe every 2 hours with something good.
    I paid some of these stuff before, and look at me, I am here still trying to loose weigth!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Why pay anyone. Don't misunderstand me I like WW and maybe I would like some others. If you use MFP you will pick up tips from many other people going down the same road. Further if you watch closely to what you eat you will realize what you should be eating and what eh doesn't work so well.

    To me it is just as simple as what your Mother told you, eat what you want but not in large portions.
  • floridabootcamp
    you guys/gals should look for a quality boot camp program in your area....true, you will have to pay but the rates for boot camps are very cost effective since they are done in a group setting....this will give you some direction and structure....just make sure that you go with one that gives you a meal plan along with follow up and support
  • YourFriendBecky
    I've heard that a lot of people combine using MFP and www.sparkpeople.com (also free). Sparkpeople apparently has menu plans and workout videos. I don't really want either of those things (like to do my own thing) so MFP is perfect for me.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    3 things:
    1-you don't need a plan....just advice and this site is full of it. Look at all of SHBoss's threads...wonderful stuff.
    2-eating healthy isn't costly. Not at all. I'm a vegetarian and eat very cleanly. For my daughter and myself I can feed us for less than $50 a week. It may take a bit of time but make things from scratch...it'll save a bunch of money. Use a co-op if possible, plant a garden if you can, there are lots of options. Eating healthfully is easy and cheap...but you have to make it that way.
    3-do your research...if you still want a plan find a free one...there have got to be some out there. Just look around.
  • katmarsc
    katmarsc Posts: 118 Member
    I also received Cooking Light as a gift, this magazine along with Shape and Health were the tools I needed to keep me inspired, motivated. Each month when I received the next issue, it kept me focused. With Cooking Light, I learned how to cook healthy and not feel deprived. It teaches you how to portion control, the food will work for your whole family.

    What worked best in my house, I made a menu plan for the whole week, if not for the month. It is easy to download a blank menu plan online or just a blank piece of paper. I listed everything breakfast, lunch and dinner. i posted that on the refrig or on my kitchen door. No one needed to ask what was for dinner..

    From that I made my weekly shopping list. I knew my schedule what days i could spend more time in the kitchen what nights could be a healthy salad with chicken. That helped me the best, when I cooked I put a piece of gum in my mouth, as I also found myself tast testing the food. Coming home to a hectic house or from a hectic day, if I knew what was the menu for the night I didn't have open all the cupboards or refrig and not have a plan. If I didn't already have a plan, i found that those are the days I would go to something fast and unhealthy, box of mac and cheese, etc...
    I made my lunches for work the night before, a salad or when i was packing up leftovers, I just made my lunch from it -ready to go. Another thing that worked, made meals on Sunday when husband was out working or watching football, I made my veggie soup that I would take for lunch each week, I would cook a bunch of chicken breast in my George Foreman so I had those ready for my salads.. Simple things that matter over time.

    Once the lights were off in the kitchen, the kitchen was closed.