Why do we have to pay for everything!?!

Weight Watchers, Jillian Michaels, Nutrisystem...we have to pay for it all! Why?? MFP is great, don't get me wrong, but I want something else. I have a Wii Fit, I have work out videos...but I want something more! I want a plan, I want someone to tell me what exactly I should be doing. But of course, it's all so expensive! Grrrrr


  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    I feel the exact same way. I can't even afford to go to the gym. Like you, I have workout DVD's and use MFP but I want more. I need the structure but can't afford it. Good luck to you!
  • orting514
    orting514 Posts: 153
    Your right everything does come with a price tag, and personally im sick of it, what it all boils down to is we just have to do the work, and we dont need those costly diet plans.:smile:
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    Look at some of the plans on ExerciseTV I think they have free ones on there.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I started with WW at first (the core plan back then) because I needed someone to tell me what I could have or couldn't. If you want food lists, if you google you can find them for free :)
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Oh Honey, you can do this! You don' t need a program, the results don't last. You need a lifestyle change. You can do this on your own. Little by little. Small steps. Start slow. Work on substituting all your beverages for water (or no-cals like tea) for now. When you get comfortable with that, make the next small change. Eliminate Fast food, or chips, or whatever you find yourself leaning on that YOU KNOW is not healthy... It will work. Then take it from there! Good luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    The library has DVDs and so does Netflix streaming. For $9 a month, you can watch all the workout vids you want (plus awesome TV and movies) on Netflix.

    There are workouts on YouTube, too.

    Form a workout club in your neighborhood and get some other people to help inspire/motivate you.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I don't know if you have a gym membership, but sometimes if you have one or if you're interested in a specific gym, they will give you a free session with a personal trainer who could set you up with a game plan...just an idea :wink:!!! Good luck, girl!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I agree, you don't need to spend money on a program. Your workouts at home should be fine and meals are all about common sense, reading labels and control. You can do this and MFP is such an easy way to do it. If you put your mind to it you can do this on your own and with support from friends. :flowerforyou:
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    A Cooking Light subscription should be $10/yr. My husband and I find that that has really helped us get on track with what we eat, and with expanding our food "vocabulary." But I'm with the others... you don't actually NEED other plans, there are a TON of solutions on here!

    Good luck :smile:
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Thanks everyone! I know I don't NEED a plan/program, and I've been doing pretty good. It just get's difficult with a 1 year old and a husband! My son NEEDS to gain weight, I NEED to lose weight, and my husband is pretty good where he's at. Three completely different needs in one house...OY! It would be nice to have my own seperate meals that are easy to prepare so I don't end up making two totally different meals up to three times a day!
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    I started with nothing and have finished with (almost) nothing. I have a set of weights, a HRM, a yoga mat, and my living room floor. I've joined gyms and 'plans' endless times. Don't trust anyone you have to throw money at when it comes to weight loss. All you need is yourself, your mind, and your will. Google and self-education will be your best friend and support from people like us on MFP.

    Trust me, DON'T buy into the gimmicks. Life isn't a 'plan' you buy into or a points system you mindlessly count. It's going to be painful, filled with sweat and tears, accomplishments AND failures.

    What MFP offers is indeed free, but also priceless in it's wealth of knowledge and support.
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    Go to Food Network.com and search for Alton Brown's Diet. He has a great plan for eating well and losing weight. It's not a "diet", but more of a lifestyle. You lose weight because you're eating well, not because it's a fad or restrictive. It's not for the faint of heart because you can't have soda or fast food or processed meals (frozen meals, etc), but you really shouldn't eat that stuff anyway.

    If it doesn't occur in nature, you shouldn't put it in your body. It doesn't cost anything to look up recipes on Epicurious.com or Foodnetwork.com and cook meals for yourself. Incorporate healthy and fresh ingredients into your daily diet and you'll never go wrong.

    Good luck. It's a lot of work, and I know it's easier when someone tells you what to eat and how much to eat, but it's really as simple as eating grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins and not eating any processed fast foods.

    Good luck to you! It took me at least a year to "get it" and now I'm so excited to try new things and cook with new ingredients I've never cooked with before. It's a rush and I hope that you find that for yourself. :smile:
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    I think I just got the Cooking Light magazine as a free trial...I kinda like it. I might do the full year subscription.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I thought I needed a plan when I first started. I wasn't sure what I should/could eat or how to exercise. I have a Wii Fit but got a little bored and can't really work out at home with my little kids around. My husband signed me up at Planet Fitness and it's a really great gym! The trainer is free and provides a personalized work out plan. Being here has helped me immensely with my healthy diet.

    Honestly, if you just stick with MFP it will work! There's no reason you have to pay money for expensive trainers and meal plans.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    You can do this on your own.

    Become your own food service. Calculate & prepare meals a day in advance (including all snacks). If you can do that you'll lose weight.

    My food diary is planned for tomorrow. I work a 12 hour shift and my 1450 calories of food is all prepared and ready to go in the fridge. I'm gonna squeeze in 30 minutes on the treadmill tomorrow midshift to burn some extra calories and thats it.

    Cost me ZERO $.

    You can do this.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Thanks everyone! I know I don't NEED a plan/program, and I've been doing pretty good. It just get's difficult with a 1 year old and a husband! My son NEEDS to gain weight, I NEED to lose weight, and my husband is pretty good where he's at. Three completely different needs in one house...OY! It would be nice to have my own seperate meals that are easy to prepare so I don't end up making two totally different meals up to three times a day!

    Ok stop doing all that cooking. Feed everyone the same stuff. You just eat the proper amount to work it in. Give the kid o snacks with high protein, like peanut butter on apples or crackers. Everyone should be able to eat what you cook just the amounts will differ. Everyone will be happy. :) And you won't have so many dishes. :)
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Thanks everyone! I know I don't NEED a plan/program, and I've been doing pretty good. It just get's difficult with a 1 year old and a husband! My son NEEDS to gain weight, I NEED to lose weight, and my husband is pretty good where he's at. Three completely different needs in one house...OY! It would be nice to have my own seperate meals that are easy to prepare so I don't end up making two totally different meals up to three times a day!

    Ok stop doing all that cooking. Feed everyone the same stuff. You just eat the proper amount to work it in. Give the kid o snacks with high protein, like peanut butter on apples or crackers. Everyone should be able to eat what you cook just the amounts will differ. Everyone will be happy. :) And you won't have so many dishes. :)

  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    I am very grateful for MFP cause I love that they have taken alot of the work out of logging. I will say that I dont mind paying for something that someone else created with their time and effort if I can't do it myself. I will tell you that I went online and googled free trial for jillian micheals and got two weeks free..it's not so great. Those food plans are not so easy to follow and some of the meals are not that economical either or family friendly for that matter. My sister has lost 100 pounds on my fitness pal..just by changing her food choices a little at a time. yes it took about a year...but she still continues to loose weight cause she does it on her own terms and with the food she has on hand and does not have to go hunting for. We all know what is healthy and what is not. I am inspired to work at it cause if she can do it...I know I can. I wish you all the luck in the world but, just know you have the knowledge already. you just have to take baby steps. whats good for someone on WW or nutri system or Jillian Michaels may not be good for you, so you may pay for something that won't work for you.

    take care and God Bless
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    i don't have much money either so i just search the internet for a new work out. it was easier when it was warm out i took the kids in a stroller for a 2 mile walk. On a road with hills! that's how i lost most of my weight
  • slansdown
    Well. As for the meals, it could be really easy when you think of it in terms of proportions. You could lose weight on a big plate of vegetables and a little meat and some stach. It would be simple to add fat like cheese or salad dressing or put a larger portion of meat or starch on their plates and less on yours. That way you could all eat the same foods, but you would have to learn about the calories in each item and give yourself more of the low cal options and less of the high cal choices.

    I echo that one of the best FREE resources is the public library. They have hundreds of diet and exercise plans and science books on nutrition.

    Walking is free -- couch to 5k is free and all you have to do is follow it today I did a 5k in 39:45 by taking their suggestion to walk for 60 seconds and then run for 90. Jumping jacks are free, planks are free. Eating less saves money too.

    Thrift store workout videos run about 2 bucks and someone is always throwing out a treadmill on craigslist.
    If you are like me and you want free and easy. You will find it. Get creative.