Selaen Member


  • I love my Flex... When I calculate my TDEE using the Harris Benedict formula, I get a kcal count very similar to what my FitBit gives me so I trust it up to a certain extent, but mostly for me it acts as motivation. The BUZZ-BUZZ I get when I reach my goal for the day is a fab motivator; if I don't hit it by a 8pm, I know…
  • I know it's not an app or dvd, but have a look at phrakture's Starting Stretching & Molding Mobility - I was incredibly stiff, but within a few weeks of doing the routines, I felt a lot more "loose". Still got a long way to go, but it's working for me at least!
  • I'd love to see the results as well... As I was doing the test, I did have a small realisation into why I might overeat, which I was quite interesting; I might need to look into it more! Good luck on your studies!
  • I think as long as you're healthy and the sugar in your diet isn't causing any issues, then why not! Besides, porridge is such a better alternative as compared to many other cereals that have so much more added sugar anyway.
  • In comes the weirdo; the milk at the bottom of the bowl creeps my out so much (and I HATE when cereal goes soggy!) that I now use water. Yup. If I'm feeling particularly adventurous, I'll make my cereal with yoghurt.. Yum!
  • YES! THIS! I did this on one of those ropey-pulley-machiney-things (yes, I do believe that is the correct technical term! :P ) at the gym and woke up the next day with the sorest arms EVER! But I've since kept going and notice a definite difference. Here's instructions if you don't know what I'm talking about..…
    in Bingo wings Comment by Selaen April 2011
  • I slyly clench & unclench my hands a couple of times every 15mins or so. This gets the blood flowing & prevents sausage fingers once you're done! Also, make sure your arms aren't too bent; I see a lot of runners with their fists by their chest area, swinging their elbows about. Seriously, what is that going to do to help?!…
  • I get bad knee pain from running.. I personally think it's because I don't have my technique right and just skip along. In order to support the joint & prevent any actual injuries, I wear a support whenever I do any impact sports. This helps tremendously and I no longer have to take weeks off due to sore knees! :)
  • I'm in the same boat; feeling generally rubbish due to a cold.. I'm just giving my body some time to heal. I've worked out with a cold before and only made it worse.. And by god, do NOT go to the gym to get everybody else sick too! One of my pet peeves.. Grrr..... :)
  • Some HRM's take that into account already; check the usage instructions and it should tell you. Most "advanced" HRM's do take your "basic spend" into account when calculating your calorie spend whilst exercising. This is considered by some as the "correct" way, which I tend to agree with. So, check your HRM. Mine's just a…
  • Ahh, the college days.. <3 I've put myself through as sedentary because I literally sit on my tushy for 8 hours a day. Even when you're at college, you'll be doing some walking in between classes etc. So I'd just keep it at "light active" at all times. The weeks when you're not moving much are "contra'd" by your more…
  • I think having goals are meant to help you focus on your end result, and thus motivate you to keep going. I have a number goal of 121. Now, everybody gasps when they hear that "but that's so low!" Well, it's my ideal weight. However if somewhere along this road I decide that I'm happy enough being a certain size, I'll just…
  • How about you look at this from a positive standpoint.. She's trying to help. Yes, she might be going about it the wrong way, but it's not like she's doing it to be mean. You've found this great site, "MFP" and you want to tell people about it. You know your friend is trying to lose weight by going to slimming clubs, but…
  • My thoughts are with you during this hard time.
  • Wow! That's amazing! It must feel so good!
  • That's a fantastic post! Yesterday was the first day I wandered into the corner bit of my gym; you know the one with the free weights and the scary looking ropey-pulley-machine-thingy (and yes, I do believe that is the technical term! :laugh: ) and in one 1/2 hr set I could feel my muscles working a lot harder than they…
  • Don't worry about the high rate - it's got to do with your age & fitness level.. I am constantly hitting 190+ at my peak times, and it's not done me any harm yet! I wouldn't be able to sustain it for a long period of time, but it's not going to cause my heart to go kaput. As soon as you start feeling dizzy/get pains, you…
  • I agree with the above; open your diary for us to see and it'll be easier to tell what's going on when we actually know what you're doing! It could be so many things; eating the wrong types of foods, wrong calorie amounts for foods, gaining weight but toning up...... Without more info, it's pretty difficult to tell!
  • I've slowly built myself up from going just once a week to 3/4 times and trying to build myself up to 5 times a week. I'm currently doing a fairly "calm" 1/1 routine; 1day at the gym, one off at a constant rotation. Next week I'll be bumping it up to two days at the gym, one off. And a few weeks from then it'll be 3 days…
  • I used to have a terrible problem with spots - nowadays I only break out every now and then (mostly around TOM) What I do to keep my skin clear is use two different types of cleansing scrubs/toners; doesn't matter about the labels. Morning; gentle facial scrub & toner with cleansers that have salicylic acid high on the…
  • As a nice 36 E/F, it can be a bit difficult to find bras in my size. However I tend to go for a size smaller - one that doesn't squeeze the puppies to death but tightens then up nicely. I also never go for anything lower than 'high impact', no matter what I'm doing. The already mentioned M&S own brand is great, as are…
  • The other day I was doing my 'arms' circuit and as I was facing the stairs to the gym (my gym's upstairs, changing rooms & reception downstairs), I saw this folded towel bop up the stairs.. A bloke was just leisurely walking up, swinging his (very much free) arms about, with a folded towel on top of his head. I thought…
  • "muscle weights more than fat" generally gets used when you plateau. That's when all the professionals rush in to tell you that you're actually losing flab, but you might still be gaining weight; you're just increasing your muscle%. I have never heard it being used as an excuse for being overweight though; I'm more of the…
  • What's stuck on my mind is on some weightloss forum somebody once said (vague, I know.. :D) that falling "off the wagon" is a bit like getting caught speeding. So, you run a camera and get caught speeding. You made a mistake. You now have three options a. think "scr*w this" and speed through ALL the cameras because you…
  • I personally go with the flow. I don't tend to think about hydration too much; I just make sure I always have liquids with me. If I start getting thirsty I'll drink. If not, I won't. Sometimes I'm so concentrated on my running that I don't even notice being thirsty. Other times I'm constantly sipping from my bottle.…
  • I would personally go for the workout-inducing one.. Just because my personal goal isn't just to lose weight but to get fit as well. Yes, a sausage roll might have less calories than a massive plate of whole wheat pasta with greens but which one is better for you? When it comes to "fat burning zones", it's all about…
  • At the moment I've got Chase&Status on a loop. Gets the aggression out! :)
  • I have to say; I do not speak to people. I'm not there to speak to people. If people want to ask me questions, do so when I'm stretching/don't have my iPod on. I never realised that sitting in the weight machines between reps is bad behaviour. Literally everybody at my gym does this and that's their "turn" on the machines.…
  • If you're interested in HRM training, I suggest reading "Heart Monitor Training for the compleat idiot". You can get it from Amazon for about £7, and it gives you really good info on tracking your heart rate, calculating your max heart rate and the "zones". It's a good read even if you don't particularly wish to go delve…