Relentless acne!!!



  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Do you talk on the phone alot at work? I found wiping down my hanset cleared up my chin...:happy:

    Not a lot but right after I wrote this I got on the phone and noticed it was pressed like right on my chin :ohwell: lol
  • Selaen
    Selaen Posts: 31 Member
    I used to have a terrible problem with spots - nowadays I only break out every now and then (mostly around TOM)

    What I do to keep my skin clear is use two different types of cleansing scrubs/toners; doesn't matter about the labels.
    Morning; gentle facial scrub & toner with cleansers that have salicylic acid high on the INCI list (one of the first 5 listed)
    Evening; gentle facial wash with a cleanser that has benzoyl peroxide high on the INCI list (to blast spots away during the night)

    Make sure you're not making your breakouts worse by spreading bacteria about. My chin looked 90% clearer once I realised a bad habit of mine; my job is office-&computer based, so I tend to clickity-click my mouse using my right hand, and my left hand tends to support my head as I'm nodding away from boredom. Yes, I'm a leaner. And that made the problem a heck of a lot worse!