heart rate question

I have been using my elliptical on manual mode for like 45 minutes at Resistance 10 and Incline 10. Doing that my heart rate stays right in the weightloss zone (about 120-130 bpm) on the elliptical and I build up a light sweat. I started doing the weight loss program on the elliptical where it basically changes the resistance between 5 and 10 every 4 or 5 minutes. Doing this I only do 33 minutes but it feels alot harder and I am sweating profusely and my heart rate stays in the cardiovascular/above range (140-150bpm). I only burn about 400-420 calories in this mode vs 750 or so calories doing the 45min manual program.

My question is should I keep doing the manual program since it says I am burning more calories or should I do the weightloss program that makes me feel like I am getting more of a work out from?


  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    If you don't have a HRM then you can't really get an accurate read on calories burned.... at least that is what I heard, I don't have one yet.

    I always believe that if you are capable of working harder, do so. never mind the calories burned, if your heart rate is up, then you are doing great!

    I noticed on the elliptical at my gym that no matter how fast I go I cover the same distance over an hour of work.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    When I'm doing elliptical/running workouts, I like to switch it up and do some slower, longer distances and then some sprint (please take that word loosely) work where I run about 800 meters as fast as I can, then a slow jog, then another 800. I've also done this a bit differently on the elliptical and done 5 minute sprint, 5 minute slow and repeating this 3-4 times. These are 2 different work outs, and I feel differently after each. Marathon training calls for the interval training so I figure it has a place in a solid workout.

    I would do some of each.
  • Nucleartiger
    Nucleartiger Posts: 29 Member
    I do have a HRM that came with the elliptical. It is a Polar (forget the designation) that straps around your chest.

    I have been doing mainly the weight loss routine the past few days and one day I actually set it up on the manual program and ran for another 25 minutes in that mode. I have been mixing in sprints with maintaining a steady pace in the manual program as well.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I read on this site that these "heart rate fat burning zones" are not really what you want. You simply want to burn many calories. Now I guess this is a matter of some debate. You can look it up on the forums. Someone explained it quite well.

    No matter what is the truth, Id try various training programs, just to spice it up!
  • Selaen
    Selaen Posts: 31 Member
    I would personally go for the workout-inducing one.. Just because my personal goal isn't just to lose weight but to get fit as well. Yes, a sausage roll might have less calories than a massive plate of whole wheat pasta with greens but which one is better for you?

    When it comes to "fat burning zones", it's all about percentages.
    a. I walk for 30mins in my fat burning zone, spend 150 kcal 40% of which is from fat(60kcal).
    b. I run for 25 mins at a higher HR, spend 250 kcal 25% of which is from fat(62.5)

    Now, the figures are completely makey-uppy but the idea remains; just because you burn more calories "from fat", doesn't mean you'll actually burn more calories; it just means you can last a bit longer and it'll take you a bit longer to burn those calories.

    When you get a good (IMHO) workout in, you should feel out of breath and sweat a little (or a lot in my case). This way you're also building up your aerobic(heart&lungs) fitness which will improve your general well-being.